Sunday, June 26, 2011

NETWORK: Still time to register, watch the trailer...Premier of Can we Talk @ Copley Library. Learning from Boston's Busing/Deseg Crisis; Event: "What does the 4th of July mean to the Slave?"





Please pass this on.






1.             HEADS UP ORGANIZERS/ACTIVISTS.   Still Time to Register. UMN/Copley Lib--Premiere of Can We Talk, Learning from Boston's Busing/Desegregation Crisis                                   (6/28--6-8:30pm)



2.         Communal Reading of Frederick Douglass' 4th of July Speech...What to the Slave is the 4th of July?"                                                                         (6/30--12Noon)


3.         Hyde Square Task Force to host the Kick-Off of The Tito Puente Latin Music Concert Series in Mozart Park                                                                (6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 7/30 + 8/4)


4.         FUNDING CLARIFICATION ON FELLOWES FUND DEADLINES                                                                                                                                (Notices of Intent--7/5—5:00pm)

+  (Proposals--7/11—4:00pm)






1.             HEADS UP ORGANIZERS/ACTIVISTS.   Still Time to Register. UMN/Copley Lib--Premiere of Can We Talk, Learning from Boston's Busing/Desegregation Crisis    (6/28--6-8:30pm)


Description: Union of Minority Neighborhoods


Can We Talk? Learning from Boston's Busing/Desegregation Crisis 


Description: Film Trailer: Can We Talk?


Trailer: Can We Talk?




Rabb Lecture Hall

Boston Public Library
700 Boylston Street

Boston, MA
Driving Directions

Tuesday June 28, 2011 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM EDT
Add to my calendar


Dear All,


Just a reminder that we hope you will join us for the first public showing of our new film, Can We Talk? Learning from Boston's Busing/Desegregation Crisis next Tuesday, June 28 from 6-8:30pm at the Boston Public Library in Copley Square. 


The film was created by filmmaker Scott Mercer and is a project of  the Boston Busing/Desegregation Project (BBDP).  The film will be used over the coming year to invite the public into the Project's Learning Network, a diverse community of people across the city who are committing to truth telling, citywide learning, and systemic change in Boston as we explore this era together.


We hope you will be a part of this Project and look forward to seeing you on June 28.


If you haven't registered yet, please click on the link below to RSVP. Please also invite others who are interested in supporting or learning about the Project to RSVP.

Register Now!

I can't make it

Please contact me if you have any questions about the event or how to register.


Many thanks for your attention and response. 




Donna Bivens

Union of Minority Neighborhoods







2.         Communal Reading of Frederick Douglass' 4th of July Speech...What to the Slave is the 4th of July?" (6/30--12Noon)



Description: cci


"What to the Slave is the 4th of July?"

Reading Frederick Douglass in the Era of Barack Obama

Host Your Own Event

CLICK HERE to visit the Mass Humanities website where you will find a resource guide for hosting your own event, listings of other events and background information about Frederick Douglass and this speech.



Donate to CCI

Click Here

Description: Young DouglassParticipate in this 3rd annual public communal reading of Fredrick Douglass'

remarkable speech


Thursday, June 30, 2011, 12 noon

On the Boston Common
behind the 54th Regiment Memorial
(corner of Park & Beacon Streets), Boston, MA
(If it rains, the meeting will take place in the State House)


"Fellow citizens, why am I called upon... speak here today? What have I, or those I represent, to do with your national independence? Do you mean, citizens, to mock me, by asking me to speak today? What, to the American slave, is your Fourth of July?"

For the past several years Community Change has gathered people for a Brown Bag Luncheon around the 4th of July to do a communal reading of an abridged version of  Frederick Douglass' remarkable speech: What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?  We come together to reflect on the meaning and implications of this July 5, 1852 speech for the present day.

Two years ago we began a collaboration with the organizations listed below to expand this event and have readings hosted though out the state.  Last July, over 200 people participated in our kickoff event in the Boston Common. 

This year, as we mark the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War,  we invite you to  join us once again on the Boston Common to read and listen to Douglass' words and reflect on their significance for the present day. This event is one of several being held across the state!




3.       Hyde Square Task Force to host the Kick-Off of The Tito Puente Latin Music Concert Series in Mozart Park    (6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 7/30 + 8/4)



Description: Hyde Square Task Force

Join us in Mozart Park for the

first concert of the 2011 series.   

(The corner of Centre Street and Mozart Street in Jamaica Plain.)

This first show is hosted by Hyde Square Task Force!



Description: Tito Puente






4.         FUNDING CLARIFICATION ON FELLOWES FUND DEADLINES  (Notices of Intent--7/5—5:00pm) +  (Proposals--7/11—4:00pm)


·        July 5 at 5pm    -  is the deadline for Notices of Intent, and emails are encouraged.

·        July 11 at 4pm  -  is the deadline for Proposals, and hard copies are required.
Please see attached Request for Proposals for Community Programs at the Dudley Branch Library.
Small grants, ranging from $500 to $7500, are available for programs with literary and instructive purposes, that respond to community needs and priorities.
Kindly review the RFP for funding guidelines and requirements.

Technical assistance with developing a proposal is available as follows:

1- June 13 -- Site tours of the Dudley Branch Library and Dudley Literacy Center
2- June 16 -- Question and Answer Session at Dudley Branch Library
3- June 9 to July 5 -- Email questions to

Proposals will be received at the Dudley Branch Library between 12noon and 4pm on Tuesday, July 5, 2011. Parking is extremely limited, so please plan accordingly, as late proposals are not eligible for funding. If using postal mail or express delivery services, the proposal must be RECEIVED by July 5, 2011. The mailing address is: Fellowes Fund Advisory Committee, Dudley Branch Library, 65 Warren Street, Roxbury MA 02119. Use USPS Delivery Confirmation for proof of submission by the deadline.


Inez Foster
Fellowes Fund Advisory Committee






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Request for Proposals


Community Programs


Dudley Branch Library




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Fellowes Fund at Dudley Branch Library

FY2012 Request for Proposals

Table of Contents


            Welcome Letter                                                                                                                            page    1

I.                  Background                                                                                                                                                                           page    2

II.               Purpose of Funds                                                                                                                                                                page    2

III.           Eligible Applicants                                                                                                                                                             page    2

IV.            Library Resources; Funding Priorities                                                                                                                    pages  3-4

V.                Program Planning                                                                                                                                                              page    4

VI.            Application Process                                                                                                                                                           page    5

VII.         Review and Notification Process                                                                                                                                  page    6

VIII.     Conditions of Funding                                                                                                                                                      page    6

IX.            Proposal Outline                                                                                                                                                                    page                                                                 7

X.               Proposal Checklist                                                                                                                                                              page    8


Sample Budget, Proposal Cover Page

Branch Room Request Form, Circulation List

Where to Get a Library Card

Notice of Intent Form                                                                                                                                                                           




Issue Date:                                                                                                                         June 9, 2011 (online and in print)


Technical Assistance:   1) Site Tours

Literacy Center                                                                                             June 13, 2011 from 9am to 1pm & 2pm to 4:45pm

Library                                                                                                                                   June 13, 2011 from 12noon to 7:45pm

2) Question & Answer Session

Library Auditorium                                                                                                            June 16, 2011  at 1:00PM


Notice of Intent Due:                                                                                                      July 5, 2011 at 5PM


Deadline:                                                                                                                            July 11 , 2011

Responses must be received by 4:00 p.m. at

65 Warren Street. Parking in the area is extremely limited – please plan accordingly.

Late or incomplete proposals will not be considered for funding.


Notification Date:                                                                                                           September 16, 2011

Contracts Begin:                                                                                                              October 1, 2011


Contact:                                                                                                                               Inez Foster, Project Manager



The Fellowes Athenaeum Fund Advisory Committee is pleased to announce this Request for Proposals to support the Dudley Branch Library in its mission to provide a variety of literary and instructive programming for the Roxbury community.


Our vision for the Library is to see it invigorated by programs that can increase its use, circulation and visibility.


In keeping with the tradition of the Athenaeum as ‘a literary association for the promotion of learning’, our goal is to strengthen the Dudley Branch as a source of information and cultural enrichment. 


We seek interesting ways to utilize our resources and spaces --  for everyday use, for special programs, for everyone. We seek ideas for activities that will engage people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities.


If you intend to submit a proposal, it is in your best interest to attend one or both of the Technical Assistance Sessions listed on the previous page. These sessions are an open forum where you can ask questions about the application process, and get a clear idea of our service goals. You may also tour the branch and meet the staff.


We urge you to read this RFP thoughtfully and completely, in order to fully understand the funding requirements and the environment in which your program would be carried out.


You are also encouraged to contact the project manager with any questions as you develop your program and while you are writing your proposal.


We wish you the very best in your work.




Evelyn Arana-Ortiz

Trustee, Boston Public Library

Co-Chairperson, Fellowes Athenaeum Fund Advisory Committee


Janet Buda, Branch Librarian

Dudley Branch Library


Christine Schonhart

Neighborhood Services Manager, Boston Public Library

Member, Fellowes Athenaeum Fund Advisory Committee


Sarah-Ann Shaw

President, Friends of the Dudley Branch Library, Inc.

Member, Fellowes Athenaeum Fund Advisory Committee





Grants from the Fellowes Athenaeum Fund are made possible by the generosity of Caleb and Sarah Fellowes, a merchant seaman and his wife, who lived in the Roxbury Highlands during the mid-1800’s.  A trust was established from their estates, “to be used for an Athenaeum for literary and instructive purposes” for the benefit of inhabitants of Roxbury “and other worthy persons who may visit that city[1]”.  In 1873, the Fellowes Athenaeum opened on Millmont Street as a branch of the Boston Public Library, with nearly 5000 volumes. During the Urban Renewal era, a century later, the Fellowes Athenaeum and the Mount Pleasant Branch Library (now the Vine Street Community Center) were merged into the new Dudley Street Branch Library, and the Fellowes Fund was brought under the administration of the Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston. Since 2004, the Fund has been overseen by the Fellowes Advisory Committee, which is comprised of members of the Trustees and management of the Boston Public Library, the President and a community representative member of the Friends of the Dudley Branch Library, the Dudley Branch Librarian, and local elected officials.




The Fellowes Athenaeum Fund is dedicated to supporting literary and instructive community programs at the Dudley Branch of the Boston Public Library.


Grants range from $200 - $500 for an event, and from $5000 - $7500 for a series of events or classes.

All grants are subject to the administrative guidelines of the Public Library of the City of Boston, municipal finance policies and procedures, and state contracting rules.  Grants are made through cost-reimbursement contracts.





This is a competitive process. The following eligibility criteria apply to all applicants:


  1. Services must be provided on the premises of the Dudley Branch Library.


  1. You must have demonstrated experience in providing effective services that are available to the general public.


  1. Individuals are eligible to apply as Vendors.  A tax identification number will be required, if funded. Organizations must submit a copy of their 501(c)3 determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service, if funded.


  1. Individuals or organizations with unsatisfactory performance on prior grants are not eligible to apply.






Boston Public Library collections and services are developed to meet the needs and interests of Children, Teens, and Adults (including Reference and Research).


Dudley Branch Library resources include books, magazines, music, movies, chess sets, board games, drums, piano keyboards, a piano, and computers (both Windows and Mac); audio-visual equipment; and community meeting spaces for both small and large groups.


The Dudley Branch holds the largest collection of African-American literature of all the branch libraries, and also contains materials on significant events in Roxbury history. The building also houses the Dudley Literacy Center of the Boston Public Library, a citywide resource center for learning to speak, read and write English, with a computer lab and classroom, as well as course materials for the MCAS, GED, SAT and other standardized tests, and US Citizenship resources .

The Boston Public Library is a collaborative  member of the automated Metro-Boston Library Network.  The MBLN catalog provides millions of books, CD’s, DVD’s, and audio books, covering all interests and facets of life.

Through the Regional Library System ( ), you can borrow books from any public library in the state – if you are a registered borrower in good standing in your hometown library. Books can be delivered upon request, from one branch to another, as inter-library loans.

As you plan your program, you should look for ways to actively utilize and promote continuing use of Library resources, according to the needs and interests of the persons or groups who would participate in your program.


  1. Children (Preschool and Elementary Grades)


The Children’s Room has computers, picture books, cultural history and literature, fun math books, science project guides, encyclopedias, magazines and other juvenile literature. During the school year, homework assistance is available on Monday and Thursday evenings with a school teacher. The Children’s Room also has a central reading area, and comfortable furniture that is attractive for storytelling and reading aloud.


We seek activities that enrich early learning experiences, including (but not limited to):

1)      Cultural Arts Education and Early Literacy

2)     Family Literacy, Storytelling and Learning Games

3)     Curriculum Enhancements for  Pre-school, Kindergarten and Elementary School


Quiet activities are welcomed in the Children’s Room. Performing arts and large-group events need to be carried out in the Auditorium.

Interacting with children will require a CORI check. This is a City of Boston policy that all library programming must follow.


B.  Teens (Middle School and High School students)


Most teens and tweens utilize the Dudley Branch’s computers and internet connectivity for social networking during out-of-school time. During the school year, homework assistance is available, Monday through Thursday, from a peer tutor/mentor. Young people have expressed a preference for the following activities:

1)      Spoken Word, Creative Writing and Contemporary Literature

2)     Job Search and College Applications; Scholarship Applications

3)     Piano, Guitar and Voice Lessons


Your proposal must demonstrate proven strategies for youth engagement as well as cultural competency with teens. You must agree to a CORI check. Most youth activities that involve groups, are best carried out in the small conference room (Room B) or the Auditorium.


    C.  Adults


Computers, community development, the arts, chess, cultural events, research, creative writing and continuing education are the primary interests of adult library users. Adults have expressed a preference for the following types of activities:

1)      Adult Literacy, Basic Education, High School Completion, Distance Learning

2)     Job Training and Job Search Assistance, including Online Resources

3)     Workshops on Autism and Special Needs, Wellness, Citizenship

4)     Basic Internet Training





The Dudley Branch Library is open on the following days:

Mondays and Thursdays – 12 noon to 8pm (room must be cleared by 7:45pm)

Tuesdays and Wednesdays – 10am to 6pm (room must be cleared by 5:45pm)

Fridays and Saturdays – 9am to 5pm (room must be cleared by 4:45pm)


The Dudley Literacy Center is open on the following days, year-round:

Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 9am to 5pm; closed for lunch from  1 to 2pm; Thursdays: 12noon to 8pm; closed for lunch from 4 to 5pm. Rooms must be cleared 15 minutes before closing.



1) the Library is closed on Saturdays from mid-June to early September;

2)  the Auditorium is not available for programs on Saturdays until 12noon, and on the first Monday of each month after 6pm;

3) the Literacy Center operates on a different schedule; and

4) rooms may be used after normal business hours for a minimum fee of $340 to cover security and custodian overtime for a minimum of four hours.


            Library Resources:

You must plan on ways to use the books, equipment and materials available at the Dudley Branch Library and through inter-library loans from the Metro and Regional library networks. The American Library Association provides booklists on its website: list of Library resources, that you anticipate your audience would use, is a required element of your proposal


To best serve your needs, we encourage you to make an appointment if you need to review and discuss your request with the Branch Librarian.



You must develop a plan for multiple ways to get the word out about your program. Young Adults’ and Children’s activities must include outreach to local schools and community centers. Social media and word of mouth are also highly encouraged. You must acknowledge the support of the Fellowes Fund of the Boston Public Library in your outreach materials.  A sample flyer, and a list of outreach methods (that is: where, to whom, and how outreach will be carried out), are required elements of your proposal.


Safety Concerns:

Adult supervision is required for youth activities. Your staff and volunteers must undergo a CORI check if working at the Dudley Branch Library, in any capacity, for an extended period (generally, more than one occasion during the program year).


Roles and Responsibilities:

You will be working with the Project Manager and the Branch Librarian to carry out your program. The Project Manager will assist with outreach and program coordination, and the Branch Librarian will assist with access to the rooms, equipment, library resources and services of Branch staff. You will be responsible for primary outreach, program planning, delivering program activities, tracking attendance, collecting evaluations, submitting reports, and billing your contract. An orientation meeting will be conducted before you begin your program.





The application period is June 9 through July 11, 2011.


Two Technical Assistance Sessions will be held. The first is a tour of Library and Literacy Center facilities, on Monday, June 13. The second is a question and answer session at Dudley Branch Library  on Thursday, June 16 at 1:00 pm. The address is 65 Warren Street in Roxbury.  This is a good time to ask questions about writing your proposal. All questions are welcomed. 


Technical assistance is also available before or after the sessions. Email the Project Manager at to discuss any questions.


For planning purposes, we request a Notice of Intent to submit a proposal, by or before 5pm on July 5, 2011. The required format is included in the Attachments to this RFP.


Proposals are due at the Dudley Branch Library, by or before 4:00 pm on July 11, 2011Parking is extremely limited in the area; please plan accordingly. Late or incomplete proposals will not be considered for funding and may be returned unread.





An impartial review committee will analyze your proposal on the basis of how closely it matches the funding requirements of  this RFP, the needs and interests of Dudley Branch Library users, and the degree to which it achieves “literary and instructive purposes”.  Definitions of those terms can be found on the Notice of Intent form.


During the review process, all proposals will be considered confidential, and they will not be discussed with anyone outside the review committee.  Additional information may be requested after your proposal is received and reviewed. Applicants will be notified of the status of their submissions on or after September 16, 2011.



  1. The Fellowes Advisory Committee reserves the right to make any decision it determines to be necessary to carry out the purposes of the Fellowes Fund at Dudley Branch Library.


  1. Anyone who works at a Boston Public Library in an extended capacity must pass a CORI check by the City of Boston, through the Human Resources Office of the Boston Public Library.


  1. The Branch Librarian oversees the use of community meeting rooms. Requested dates are not final until confirmed in writing by the Branch Librarian.


  1. Individuals and organizations who use Library facilities and equipment must comply with BPL policies.


  1. Grantees will be required to submit a written progress report in order to continue to be eligible to receive grant funds.


  1. Grantees will be required to keep records of attendance, and to provide copies of same to Boston Public Library staff and/or the Project Manager upon request.


  1. Grantees will be required to distribute and collect evaluation forms after each class or event.  A copy of the Dudley Branch Library evaluation form will be provided.  Please return originals to the Project Manager.


H.    Flyers and advertisements must include a statement that your program or event is being supported by the Fellowes Fund of the Boston Public Library.

  1. Program services must reflect the goals of the Fellowes Advisory Committee, the Roxbury community, and the Dudley Branch Library for a high-quality customer experience.


J.      Payment requires dated, itemized invoices and appropriate receipts to identify and reimburse costs.


IX.       PROPOSAL OUTLINE: (3 pages, minimum; 10 pages, maximum.)                                           


Attachments do not count toward the page limit. Put the Cover Page on top.                


A.     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: One-page description of the program and its literary or instructive purpose. What funding priority or customer preference(s) will this program address? What is the goal of this program?


B.     CAPACITY TO DELIVER: Describe your experience and knowledge in delivering programs. What are the most effective components of your work? Describe your knowledge of working with a government organization. Describe the work that will be done by each person involved in the program. Attach a resume or bio sketch for each person involved.


C.     TARGET GROUP (Children, Teens or Adults): What age group(s) would you work with? Describe your most successful experiences working with the group(s). Why is this program a good fit for their needs,  interests and abilities? Do you have additional language capacities? What are the minimum and maximum numbers of people you can serve?


D.    SCHEDULING AND RESOURCES: Considering your target group’s characteristics, how did you decide on the dates and times for the program? Remember to match your proposed schedule with the Library or Literacy Center schedule. What library materials or equipment will you use? Attach the Dudley Branch Room Request Form to identify the dates, spaces, and resources needed for your program. Use a separate sheet if numerous dates are requested.


E.     CIRCULATION: What library materials would you use? How would they circulate from or through Dudley Branch Library? Attach the Dudley Branch Circulation form.


F.     PLANNING AND OUTREACH: Describe how you would work with the Branch Librarian and Project Manager to plan your activities and select library materials. What efforts will you make to promote your program to the public? Attach your Outreach Plan and Sample Flyer (two documents that you create).


G.    IMPACT: What are the benefits of your program? How will you know if it is successful? What alternatives will you explore if your target group does not participate in the way you thought they would? 


H.    BUDGET: For personnel: describe the work to be done. Calculate hours to be worked and hourly wage or fees quoted. For supplies, calculate the estimated cost of materials, and explain why they are needed to carry out the project. (Sample format included in RFP)



All budget items are subject to negotiation. Any equipment purchased with these funds will become the property of the Boston Public Library.


The Fellowes Fund is to be used for community library services. Its income may not be used to produce materials that will later be sold for profit or individual gain.




A complete and responsive proposal will be submitted in this format:

       Cover page with required signature(s). Proposals from nonprofits must be signed by the executive director and the staff  person responsible for carrying out the program. Vendor proposals require only one signature.

       Program budget with calculations and explanations of prices – NOTE: Prepare the budget first, and adjust it for any changes that arise as you develop and schedule the program.

       Proposal - Follow the outline on pages 8 and 9, and make sure to answer all the questions with enough detail that a reviewer can clearly understand how the program will be delivered.

       Resume or experience summary for each person working on the program.  Include the best phone number to reach them.

       If applicable, consultant’s/subcontractor’s  scope of work and prices.

       Branch Room Request Form – NOTE: The room request is not approved until the Branch Librarian notifies you in writing.

       Circulation Form

       Sample Flyer

       Outreach Plan

       Optional: news clips, brochure, annual report, support letters

       Non-profits only: Form 990 for most recently completed fiscal year


Submit 1 Original and 5 Copies, for a total of 6 Proposals. Number the copies, then write “Original” on the original. Put each proposal in a separate file folder or 10x12 envelope. Make the cover sheet the top page. Cover letters are not required. The information can be cut and pasted onto your own letterhead. Your proposal must be typed and signed.







-- These are only Examples





Cost Per Hour








Hourly Rate

Hours on Program


[Name] provides workshop on [specialized activity] as described in the attached Scope of Work

Quoted price

Quoted hours



Unit Cost

# of Units


Literary Materials (include cost to obtain books or materials not available at Dudley Branch, Dudley Literacy Center, MBLN, or inter-library loan)




Instructional and/or Program Costs (Texts, Workbooks, Office Supplies, Displays, BPL Copy Card, Test Fees)




Outreach and/or Advertising Costs




Custodian for After Hours Event            ($240 for 4-hour minimum)




Security for After Hours Event

($100 for 4-hour minimum)





Total Requested __________


Explanation of Expenses (Budget Narrative)

Example for books not available through BPL or MBLN collections: x copies of each title will be purchased for use by _ (target group or program).


For programs that regularly distribute printed materials to participants: a copy card can be purchased at the Circulation desk. The charge is .15 per copy.




1.       Every item must show a separate calculation.

2.      Staff costs are to be calculated according to the number of hours per week at the library site, plus a reasonable number of hours to plan activities, perform outreach, administer customer evaluation surveys, and handle paperwork related to invoices and reports.

3.      Vendors must provide a written quote and description of work. For example: [type of ] instruction, to include [a list of specific activities] for $x per hour for x hours per week for x weeks.

4.      Use the Explanation section to describe how the Expense items will be used in the program.









Name of Applicant



Street Address, City, State, Zip



Telephone #                                               Website



Email Address for Contact Person



Request: $____________





I certify that the information in this proposal is true and accurate.


Signature: _____________              Signature: ___________________

Executive Director                                  Vendor or Contact Person


Printed Name:                                          Printed Name:

Date:                                                             Date:




Program Information

Program Name


Program Date

Actual Program Time:

(All programs must end at least 15 minutes before closing.)



Additional Time ½ hour should be added to beginning and end of program for setup and breakdown. 

Number of Persons attending (If an exact count is not possible indicate an approximate count.)

Contact Information

Library Contact and Library Unit

Janet Buda, Dudley Branch Librarian

JoAnn Butler, Citywide Literacy Coordinator

Library Telephone #


Literacy Center Telephone #


Name of Organization making request to Boston Public Library for space.

Organizational Contact (Please Print or Type)






Library Spaces


¨ Auditorium   ¨Room B   ¨Literacy Center  ¨Children’s Room  ¨ Reference Section

¨ Vestibule     ¨ Kitchen  ¨OTHER______________________________________________________________________________


¨ After Hours Event: Date and Time __________________________


Custodian ____hrs. (minimum 4, at $240)                           Security ____hrs.  (minimum 4, at $100)



Number of Tables and Chairs Requested: ___  Set-up Instructions:






EQUIPMENT REQUESTED: ¨Sound/DVD  ¨ Projector  ¨ TV/VCR ¨ Instruments ¨Power Cord

¨Board Games/Chess   ¨Display Board and Letters  ¨Easels  ¨Newsprint/Markers


DATE SUBMITTED:  ______________


Dudley Branch Library/Dudley Literacy Center Circulation List


Program Name:










Other (instruments, equipment,

chess sets,







Boston Public Library
Where to get a Library Card?
Borrowing and Circulating Information






Central Library

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A Registration Desk is located in the lobby area of each of the two central Library buildings. If you enter the building from Boylston Street the desk is located in the alcove to your left, prior to passing through the turnstiles. The Registration Desk is on the left at the Dartmouth Street entrance. To get a library card, you must fill out the Library's application form and furnish photo identification which includes your name, present address, and has your signature. The Registration Desks are staffed all of the hours that the library is open. In addition to card registration the following services are also available at this desk: return items, renew items, pick-up requests, pay fines, replace lost cards, reserve and pick-up museum passes. A library card may only be used by the person to whom it is issued.
Description: cid:image005.jpg@01CC26BA.97505AA0





Neighborhood Branches


Each neighborhood branch has a Circulation Desk. The Circulation Desk is generally located at the front of each building. To get a library card, you must legibly fill out the Library's application form and furnish identification which includes your name, present address, and has your signature. In addition to card registration the following services are also available at this desk: return items, renew items, pick-up requests, pay fines, replace lost cards, reserve and pick-up museum passes. The Circulation Desks at the branches are staffed all of the hours that the branch is open. A library card may only be used by the person to whom it is issued.
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Register for an eCard


Massachusetts residents can sign up for a Boston Public Library eCard via the web. BPL eCards are virtual library cards that allow users immediate access to all of the Boston Public Library's electronic resources, including magazine databases, downloadable audio, video and music.  eCard users who wish to check out library materials will be asked to upgrade to a standard BPL card.  For more information about eCards, please visit our eCard FAQ.

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Of or pertaining to letters or literature; pertaining to learning or learned persons; as, literary fame; a literary history; literary conversation.


1a : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of humane learning or literature

b: bookish  c: of or relating to books
2a: well-read  b: of or relating to authors or scholars or to their professions



Conveying knowledge; serving to instruct or inform; as, experience furnishes very instructive lessons

Description: cid:image007.gif@01CC26BA.97505AA0


carrying a lesson : enlightening


Deadline: 5pm, July 5, 2011

 Send the following information via email to




Amount Requested:



Description of Program and its Literary or Instructive Purpose (one sentence):


Name, Title and Email Address of Proposal Writer:









Check us out on Facebook!

Description: Description: Description: Description: Yancey Facebook Button-1-5-2-2011




If you wish to post your organizations, events, meetings, job postings, on the Network,



Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations and businesses. 

While we share this information with you, it should not be seen as an endorsement of their services.



[1] The Town of Roxbury was incorporated as a city in 1848, and became annexed to the City of Boston in 1868.

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