Friday, May 13, 2011

NETWORK: JOBS, Redistricting Hearing--Equity for The Poor + Minorities. Can You Stand With Us Saturday?; Copley Sq Bank Am Rally/Protest; Urban Farms Hearing; Roxbury/Harlem Book Fair; Kite/Bike Festival; + more 4 U...










1.    RALLY/PROTEST @ BANK OF AMERICA BRANCH IN COPLY SQUARE-- Our biggest yet                                                     (5/14—10:00:00am)


2.     Redistricting (Readjusting) For Equity for The Poor and Minorities. Can You Stand With Us Saturday?                 (5/14--10:00am-2:00pm)


3.     FRANKLIN PARK KITE & BIKE FESTIVAL, Franklin Park News & Activities                                                                       (5/14—12Noon-4:00pm)


4.     Roxbury-Harlem Book Fair                                                                                                                                                                    (5/14—12noon-5:00pm)


4A.  Walk with Councillor Charles C. Yancey’s Crew in the 11th Annual Haitian-American Unity Parade             (5/15—12noon)

         --  (MEET @ the corner of BLUE HILL + BABSON ST—Mattapan Square)


5.     Boston City Council Hearing Schedule (LIVE + TAPED)                                                                                                                                      (5/16-5/27)


6.     BHA-Resident Advisory Board SECTION 8 TRAINING                                                                                                                 (5/19—9:00am-3:00pm)


7.     Free CPR Anytime Kit from the Boston EMS “celebrating National EMS Week”                                                                       (5/19—5:00-8:00pm)


8.     URBAN FARMS HEARING: Offered by Boston City Councillor Charles C. Yancey                                                            (5/23—6:00pm-8:00pm)


9.     Passing the Baton - Empowering and Inspiring our Youth                                                                                                               (5/26—5:00-9:00pm)


10.   HEADS-UP PARENTS: Boston Centers for Youth and Families:  Weekly Briefing—Comfort Zone Camp for grieving kids









1.  RALLY/PROTEST @ BANK OF AMERICA BRANCH IN COPLY SQUARE-- Our biggest yet   (5/14—10:00am)


Rally – Saturday (tomorrow), May 14

10 am - Copley Sq. (Dartmouth & Boylston)

Rain or shine

Protest Wall St. Banks

at Bank of America branch

Demand that Wall St. banks:

vReduce Principal owed

vStop post foreclosure evictions



Sponsored by Bank Tenant Association formations at 8 sites in New England and Rhode Island –

City Life Bank Tenants Association, meeting in JP

City Life Northside Bank Tenants Assoc., meeting in E. Boston

Chelsea Collaborative City-wide tenants association

Lynn United for Change

Merrimack Valley Project

Worcester Anti-Foreclosure Team

Springfield No One Leaves Campaign

Direct Action for Rights and Equality (DARE - Providence) Homeowners and Tenants Assoc.


Leave from City Life offices at 9 am

or meet us in Copley Sq. at 10 am

(Back Bay stop on Orange Line or Copley stop on Green Line)





2.     Redistricting (Readjusting) For Equity for The Poor and Minorities. Can You Stand With Us Saturday? (5/14--10:00am-2:00pm)







FROM 10:00 AM TO 2:00PM 






SEE TWO FLYERS BELOW (ATTACHED)--- forward this to your networks today!


Description: 1 The Poor in Mass & Redistricting Jap Peg.jpg

Description: Do Over Alert Jay Peg.jpg


"Democracy, in a word, is a social, that is to say, an ethical conception.  And upon its ethical significance is based its significance as governmental.  Democracy is a form of government only because it is a form of moral and spiritual association."        --John Dewey





3.     FRANKLIN PARK KITE & BIKE FESTIVAL, Franklin Park News & Activities  (5/14—12Noon-4:pm)







Description: kite festival

Franklin Park Coalition t




We need your help! Let us know if you can volunteer this weekend at the Kite & Bike Festival - helping children fly kites, accompanying bike tours, leading children's games, and staffing the information and registration tables. 




ADVOCATE for the park!

Mayor's Playground Coffee Hours 9:30-10:30 weekday mornings


This is a great opportunity to speak directly to the Mayor, the Parks Commissioner, and Parks staff. Please join FPC on Wednesday, May 11th or Friday, May 13th. Contact us if you plan to come. It would be great to let them know that we don't want dirty street snow dumped in the park next winter.


Wednesday, May 11th - last minute notice, sorry!

Marcella Park - Marcella & Highland Streets, Roxbury


Friday, May 13 (9-10am)

Mozart Park - Mozart & Centre Streets, Jamaica Plain


Monday, May 16

Iacono Park - Milton & Readville Streets, Hyde Park


Tuesday, May 17

Fallon Field - South & Robert Streets, Roslindale


Free coffee, donuts, and a plant from the city greenhouse to take home!





Saturday, May 14th - Spend the day in the park! 
Description: Refectory Building
Franklin Park History Tour
10:00am - Noon
Meet at the Golf Clubhouse

Hear about the old Refectory, early Zoo and golf history, and more. Led by Images of America: Franklin Park author and local historian, Julie Arrison. Books will be on sale for $20. Tour is co-sponsored by Mass Humanities, Discover Roxbury, and the Dorchester and Jamaica Plain Historical Societies.

Description: Bicycling in the Wilderness

Franklin Park Kite & Bike Festival

On the Playstead - the big ballfield between the back of the Zoo & the Stadium

Free bike "rentals" for all size cyclists and first 50 kites free. There'll be experts there to help you get a kite airborn or your wheels ready for the road. Games, activities, and food to buy. Sponsored by FPC, Discover Roxbury, Boston Bikes, and Boston Centers for Youth & Families with support from HOT 97 and their moon bounce, DotBike & Rozzie Bike, and local volunteer groups.



For directions to the park and to find locations in the park, google Franklin Park Road, Roxbury or go to and click on the interactive map.


ALSO: Playworks, an organization that gets kids playing at recess in 26 BPS elementary schools, is having a fun-run Saturday morning. Find out how you can run -





Description: Walking in the park
Get Healthy - walk to and in the park!  
Help us calculate how long it takes to walk (or bike) to the park from key spots: Codman Square; Centre Street in JP; First Church Roxbury; or Bromley Heath. We want to encourage exercise and lessen our carbon footprint.
Call 617-442-4141 or
email if you'd like to walk the walk and track the time it takes for the average person to get to the park from different neighborhoods. We'll put it all together in an online walking pamphlet for Franklin Park.





BOTTLE BILL ACTION ALERT! Call your state senator and representative - urge them to actively support the Bottle Bill. More than a hundred cities and towns across the Commonwealth, including Boston, and a majority of voters support the updated Bottle Bill. It will bring money to state coffers and keep trash out of our parks - saving on maintenance and making parks cleaner. Our elected officials are not hearing from enough people to make a difference. Please contact yours today.





Even More Spring Activities!

Bicycle Tours of Roxbury

Monthly rides from May - September with a different theme for each tour. Helmets required. Register at - all rides start or end in Franklin Park. $10.00/ride.

- Wednesday, May 25th 6:00pm - Radical Roxbury

- Thursday, June 16th 6:00pm - Eliot Square to Franklin Park - a neighborhood introduction


National Trails Day - volunteer in the park woodlands!

Saturday, June 4th 10am - Noon

Meet at Valley Gates Parking Lot   


Final Franklin Park History Tour
Saturday morning, June 11th 10:00am-Noon

Meet at the rear entrance to the Zoo
Hear the story of the old bear cages, wander through the woods, and see Olmsted's Field House, the Overlook Shelter, now a stone ruin. Made possible with support from Mass Humanities and co-sponsored by Discover Roxbury and the Dorchester and Jamaica Plain Historical Societies. 

Juneteenth / Roxbury Homecoming

Saturday, June 18th 
At the Resting Place / Shattuck Picnic Grove and all over the park





If you love Franklin Park, want to see it continue to improve, and enjoy programs like the Playhouse in the Park, spring bird watching, or volunteer days - become a member today! Click here to donate online. Members bring political clout and power as we work to make the park the best it can be.

Forward this email to a friend or encourage them to sign up on the website to get on the Franklin Park list for events and alerts. In addition to FPC facebook pages and twitter, join the Franklin Park Ski and Snowshoe Club or Ultimate Frisbee on facebook.





For more information and to RSVP for all events, please email or call 617-442-4141.





Quick Links...

Our Website

Follow us on Twitter!
Facebook Group

Facebook Fan Page


Contact Information
Phone: (617) 442-4141
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 302333, Boston, MA 02130
Come visit our office - 2010 Columbus Ave, Roxbury - we have great park photos, nature books, and historical documents. Call first in case we are out in the park!





4.     Roxbury-Harlem Book Fair  (5/14—12noon-5:00pm)


Roxbury-Harlem Book Fair                



Saturday May 14, 2011

12:00 -5:00
At the Reggie Lewis Athletic Center of
Roxbury Community College







Boston City Councilor Charles Yancey,

Honorary Chairman, Roxbury-Harlem Book Fair

Nicole Robert Jones of Imani Corporation

Author of “Define Your Own Way: Empowering

Young African American Women

How to get your book published with

Rochelle Thorpe of

Wiggles Press

ROXBURY- Harlem Book Fair Award & Tribute

to Askia Toure’

with Boston Poet Laureate Sam Cornish

Noni Carter  Author of

“Good Fortune”

Author Ann Logan “Inspiring You to Be Your Best”

Prof. D.J.Seitu “How to Write Autobiography”

The BLUM Van from Dana Farber providing Prostate Cancer Screening

Authors, Vendors, Booksellers


                                                Calloway Graphix

      Roxbury Action Program                    

Description: BCIC Logo                                                             Sponsored by: Roxbury Action Program

    617-442-4413 or

Amber Communications Group, Inc.






4A.  Walk with Councillor Charles C. Yancey’s Crew in the 11th Annual Haitian-American Unity Parade  (5/15—12noon)



                                                                                                Walk with the Yancey Crew


                                                                                                         Gather @12:00 Noon

   Depart @ 1:00pm


                                      Meet @ the corner of …

Blue Hill Ave +  Babson Street  

(in Mattapan Square)







5.    Boston City Council Hearing Schedule (5/16-5/27






Boston City Council


Comcast Channel 12

10 AM to 5 PM

RCN Channel 82

8 AM to 5 PM


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­    ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________________________________________________

Weekly Programming Schedule   5/16 – 5/27 2011*


Monday May 16                                 

8:00am            Education on the storage and use of long frozen foods 3/22 (1:54)

  9:30am           Ways & Means/Education FY12Budget: Boston Public Schools- Equity, Access & Achievement (LIVE)

 2:00pm           Ways & Means & Education FY12Budget: Boston Public Schools- Central Administration (LIVE)


Tuesday May 17                     

  8:00am           Government Operations on pavement markings 4/26 (1:06)

  9:30am           Ways & Means FY12Budget:  Public Works Department (LIVE)

  2:00pm           Environment & Health on various grant appropriation (LIVE)

4:00pm            Economic Development & Planning on use of 482 Commonwealth Avenue 4/28 (0:50)


Wednesday May 18

8:00am           Boston City Council Meeting 5/11 (0:33)

10:00am           Boston City Council Meeting 5/4 (1:31)

12:00pm           Boston City Council Meeting (LIVE)

3:00pm            Ways & Means FY12Budget: Administration & Financing 4/26 (1:22)


Thursday May 19                    

  8:00am           Government Operations on fingerprinting and criminal history record checks 2/17 (1:20)

  9:30am           Ways & Means FY12Budget: Property & Construction Management (LIVE)

  2:00pm           Public Safety on Homeland Security (LIVE)

  6:00pm           Ways & Means FY12Budget: Parks & Recreations Department (TBD)

Friday May 20

  8:00am              Post Audit & Oversight FY11Budget Review: Boston Public Schools 3/15 (1:27)

10:00am           Economic Development on Pier Development at 50 Northern Avenue Boston (LIVE)

  1:00pm           Ways & Means/ Education FY12Budget: Boston Public Schools- English Language Learning 5/12 (3:01)

 4:00pm           Environment & Health on an additional recycling day 4/14 (0:56)


Monday May 23

  8:00am          Arts, Film, Humanities & Tourism on culture districts in Boston 3/2 (1:03)

10:00am           Census & Redistricting on 2010 Census and Redistricting in the City of Boston 5/10 (2:23)

  1:00pm          City & Neighborhood Services & Veteran Affairs on audio looping induction systems 10/18 (1:29)

  2:00pm          Housing on grant appropriation (LIVE)

  6:00pm          City & Neighborhood Services & Veteran Affairs on Urban Farms (Off-Site) (TBD)


Tuesday May 24         

  8:00am           Post Audit & Oversight FY11Budget Review: Boston Public Schools 3/15 (1:27)

10:00am           Ways & Means/ Education FY12Budget: Boston Public Schools: Capital Budget & Facilities 5/3 (2:22)

12:30pm           Ways & Means FY12Budget: Inspectional Services Department 5/12 (1:10)

  2:00pm           Post Audit & Oversight on FY11Budget: Inspectional Services Department 4/1 (1:29)

6:00pm            City & Neighborhood Services & Veteran Affairs on name change from East Berkley to Dover Street (OFF-Site) (TBD)


Wednesday May 25

8:00am           Boston City Council Meeting 5/11 (0:33)

10:00am           Boston City Council Meeting 5/18

12:00pm           Boston City Council Meeting (LIVE)

  3:00pm           City & Neighborhood Services & Veteran Affairs on private and public alleyways 4/27 (1:57)


Thursday May 26

  8:00am           Economic Development & Planning on the future of all closed school buildings 3/14 (1:55)

9:30am             Ways & Means FY12Budget: Boston Centers for Youth & Families (LIVE)

1:30pm             Ways & Means FY12Budget: Boston Youth Fund (LIVE)


Friday May 27

  8:00am          Environment & Health on an additional recycling pick up day 4/14 (0:50)

  9:30am           Ways & Means FY12Budget: Boston Redevelopment Authority (LIVE)

12:00pm           Boston City Council Meeting 5/25

  2:00pm           City & Neighborhood Services & Veteran Affairs on name change of East Berkley Street to Dover Street (Off-Site) 5/24



   * Note: Programming Schedule is subject to change based on the scheduling and length of Live Hearings and Meetings, which will be carried in their entirety.

For more information on Boston City Council Television, contact Kerry Jordan at 617-635-2208 or





6.     BHA-Resident Advisory Board SECTION 8 TRAINING (5/19—9:00am-3:00pm)


The BHA-Resident Advisory Board





by Nationally Known Motivation, Inc.


Jobs in Public Housing and How to Get Them

Learn about Residents Rights and the Law that Applies


When:       Thursday, May 19, 2011

Time:         9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.

Where:     Northeastern University, Boston Campus

                   Egan Research Center-Raytheon Amphitheater


Directions: accessible by MBTA Green and Orange [Ruggles Station] lines


Who:         Section 8, public and low-income housing residents, minority businesses,

                   contractors, union representatives and housing authorities



Registration fee: $20 [includes continental breakfast and lunch] R.S.V.P. is required by Tuesday, May 10, 2011.

Make checks payable to BHA-Resident Advisory Board, 52 Chauncy Street, 8th floor, Boston MA 02111.


Contact:  email address: or leave voicemail message

                       at BHA-Resident Advisory Board’s office number: 617.988.4093




7.     Free CPR Anytime Kit from the Boston EMS “celebrating National EMS Week” (5/19—5:00-8:00pm)




Learn CPR and receive a free CPR Anytime Kit

(100 kits available—1 per family, first come, first serve)


Harborside Community Center

312 Border Street, East Boston


Thursday, May 19th

5:00—8:00 PM


Learn CPR, take an ambulance tour, access free health care

services, meet your EMS providers and much more!!






8.    URBAN FARMS HEARING: Offered by Boston City Councillor Charles C. Yancey  (5/23—6:00pm-8:00pm)



Hearing held by Committee on City, Neighborhood Services & Veterans  (Committee Chair, Councillor LaMattina)


DOCKETt# 0391:  Order for a hearing to discuss Urban Farms (within the boundaries of the City of Boston)


DATE/TIME:       May 23, 2011, 6:00PM held

LOCATION:       At The Great Hall

5 Norfolk Street, Dorchester (Codman Square).





9.     Passing the Baton - Empowering and Inspiring our Youth  (5/26—5:00-9:00pm)



Having trouble viewing this email? Click here


Passing the Baton

"Empowering and Inspiring our Youth"


Description: Passing the Baton Flyer



Register Now!



Biffs Lounge, Prince Hall Grand Lodge
24 Washington Street
Grove Hall, MA 02121
Driving Directions

Thursday May 26, 2011 from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT
Add to my calendar


Join Greater Grove Hall Main Streets for our Second Annual Passing the Baton Scholarship Reception and Fundraiser in Honor of Detective Arnold James, one of our greatest community heros. 


Support our work and future entrepreneurs by:


  • Purchasing tickets and tables (8)
  • Purchasing ads for our program booklet
  • Donating to the scholarship 

For more details, visit


Know a graduating Jeremiah Burke Senior?  Encourage he or she apply for our $500 scholarship.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on May 26th.




Organization Committee

Greater Grove Hall Main Streets, Inc.










10.   HEADS-UP PARENTS: Boston Centers for Youth and Families:  Weekly Briefing—Comfort Zone  Camp for grieving kids




BCYF has a number of vacant positions that we are accepting applications for. Go online at and click “City Job Postings” right from the home page to review the openings.


PROJECT LINK is an architecture and design summer studio for high school students that helps them develop a broad range of design skills and puts them on track to explore architecture and design at the collegiate level. Students participate in lectures, computer training, workshops and field trips to develop skills that can be used not only to serve their communities but to broaden the influence of design to change the world. High school students who have completed 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade are eligible to apply. It’s FREE!. PROJECT LINK runs Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 3:30 during the month of July and meets daily at the Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Apply at


BCYF offers Camp Joy for Boston residents ages 3 to 22 with disabilities and their siblings. The four-week summer camp provides Structured, daily opportunities for participants to make new friends, have fun, learn and grow during the summer months. Applications are being accepted now. Go to


The Boston Common Frog Pond Carousel is now open! Summer hours are 11 a.m.- 6 p,m, Sunday through Thursday and 11 a.m.—8 p.m., Friday and Saturday.   Tickets are $3 each and children must be accompanied by an adult.


The Harborside Community Center is hosting a CPR event with Boston EMS. Learn CPR and earn a CPR Anytime Kit!

Thursday, May 19th 5-8 p.m.




Comfort Zone provides grieving children with a voice, a place and a community in which to heal, grow and lead more fulfilling lives. 


Comfort Zone is a nonprofit bereavement camp that transforms the lives of children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or primary caregiver. The free camps include confidence building programs and age-based support groups that break the emotional isolation grief often brings.


This summer they are offering a special one-day camp for children and teens who have experienced the loss of a parent, sibling or primary caregiver to suicide. It will be held on Saturday, June 25th from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Shore Country Day School, 545 Cabot Street, in Beverly. A separate (optional) parent/guardian program will take place at the same place and location. Childcare can be provided for kids under age 7, with advance notice. This camp is free but registration is required. Go to .





CORI/SORI background checks for the summer season have begun. All volunteers and summer staff members at any BCYF facility, outdoor park program, recreation program, etc. must complete and successfully pass a background check prior to their start date. Our hours of operation for walk-ins is Monday - Friday; 9:00AM -  5:00PM. Volunteers and staff members should know the following information: The site/location/park or pool they are assigned to; The name of the program they will be working with;  Their job title. Appointments preferred (x2140 or x2103.)


For more articles + info…see flyer attached.









Hi All,


826 Boston, your friendly neighborhood youth writing center, is aiming to hire a Program Director by mid-June. We are a seeking a dynamic educator and leader, who possesses extensive experience working in urban schools and has taught and developed writing curricula for youth. 


I have attached the job description here. Please feel free to share it with your network. We are also bringing on two Americorps members for the coming year. Job descriptions for these positions are available at


Thanks for spreading the word!





Daniel Johnson
Executive Director, 826 Boston
tel: 857-207-6933

3035 Washington St. 

Roxbury, MA 02119

826 Boston is a nonprofit youth writing center that offers free workshops, after-school tutoring, class field trips, in-school writing help, and publishing opportunities to students ages 6 to 18. Visit us online at






Dear All:


Massport has posted new job opportunities, copies of which are attached for your perusal.  Please circulate them to all persons who may be interested in pursuing a career at Massport in the areas indicated.  We recommend that applications are submitted as soon as the jobs appear on the website.  The instructions for applying are as follows:


Application Process




The application process is as follows:


You can apply online by going to, clicking on “about Massport”; then “working at Massport”; then “job opportunities”; then the job title you are interested in; and finally on the "Apply" link! If this is the first time you are applying using our online job application, you will need to create an account and select a Username and Password. After your account has been established, you can build an application by clicking on the "Build Job Application" link. This application can be saved and used to apply for more than one job opening.


Online applications are stored on a secure site. Only authorized employees and hiring authorities have access to the information submitted.


It is important that your application shows all the relevant education and experience you possess. Applications may be rejected if incomplete.



Sincerely yours,

Karen Haynes-Clifton


Diversity Specialist

Office of Diversity

Massachusetts Port Authority

One Harborside Drive, Suite 200S

East Boston, MA 02128-2909


Phone:  617-568-3122


Description: cid:image002.jpg@01CAC5CB.E9A5CA70






Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations and businesses. 

While we share this information with you, it should not be seen as an endorsement of their services.


The substance of this message, including any attachments, may be confidential, legally privileged and/or exempt from disclosure pursuant to Massachusetts law. It is intended solely for the addressee. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.