Friday, February 4, 2011

D7DN 2/4 Franklin Park Snow Festival

Welcome to The District 7 Daylight Network:

( Also known AThe Chuck Turner Daylight Network )

'The Antidote For The Politically Apathetic'
1.  Franklin Park Snow Festival
2.  ABCD Press Release from President/CEO John Drew: Federal Cuts/Neighborhood Programs Threatened 
1.  Franklin Park Snow Festival

Franklin Park Coalition

Franklin Park Snow Festival - what perfect conditions!
Saturday, February 5th 1:00-4:00pm
Franklin Park Golf Clubhouse

building a snowpersonGo sledding, try out snowshoes, build snow people, and track animal prints with a Boston Nature Center naturalist. Bring your own cross country skis for park touring at 1:30pm. We'll have some sleds to borrow, but brings yours if you have one. You can warm up with hot chocolate and board games in the clubhouse. 

Wish List for the Festival:
- sleds
- board games for all ages
- snow shoes to lend
- volunteers! (call or email if you can help out)

    617-442-4141 /

This snow is good for something! Tell all your friends, bring your cousins, and be sure to bundle up!


snowy entranceAdvocate for Franklin Park Snow Removal

Many of you who are year-round park users, dog walkers, and bicyclists who use the Glen Road Entrance to the park are concerned about icy conditions and accidents. If you'd like to see the entrance plowed after a snowfall, contact the Mayor's Hotline: 617-635-4500 or send a an email message. It will remain a low-priority unless the city learns that it is an important and busy entrance even in the winter.

Cross country skiierIf you love Franklin Park, want to see it continue to improve, and enjoy programs like the Playhouse in the Park, skiing at the Snow Festival, or volunteer days - become a member today! Click here to donate online. Members bring political clout and power as we work to make the park the best it can be.

(photo by FPC member & park steward, Frederick Vetterlein)

For more information and to RSVP for all events, please email or call 617-442-4141.

Quick Links...
Contact Information
Phone: (617) 442-4141
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 302333, Boston, MA 02130
Come visit our office - 2010 Columbus Ave, Roxbury - we have great park photos, nature books, and historical documents. Call first in case we are out in the park!

2.  ABCD Press Release from President/CEO John Drew: Federal Cuts/Neighborhood Programs Threatened 
ABCD Press Release 


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                Contact:          Susan Kooperstein

February 3, 2011                                                                                617-348-6241

617-875-3619 (cell)

            Sophia Adolphe



ABCD Neighborhood Programs Threatened


Reports of Potential Federal Cuts to Community Action

Send Shock Waves Through Boston and Nation


Society’s Most Vulnerable Placed in Harm’s Way


President Obama’s State of the Union address and subsequent federal budget requests cite “community action” as a program to cut by an administration that has been under attack for spending.


“This is backward, dangerous thinking,” said ABCD President/CEO John J. Drew. “Community action programs have significant pay back. The administration is placing the most vulnerable in society – children, families, seniors – at terrible risk if they begin to dismantle the network of antipoverty programs that provide housing, education, job-training and placement, child care, with an integrated approach to getting families out poverty and giving them hope for the future.”


Drew noted that community action programs have been in place for almost 50 years. “They’re institutionalized. They work. In Boston, ABCD makes a difference every day for thousands of people, for 80, 000 people and families every year. We have a network of hundreds of neighborhood offices, Head Start centers, Family Planning sites, Fuel Assistance sites throughout the city. ABCD is everywhere for people who need help.


He pointed out that ABCD gets people on their feet, in jobs, paying taxes, and that every CSBG dollar is multiplied 20 times over in private and public funds raised to support community programs and meet needs. “ABCD and the other 1,000 community action agencies around the country are the best investments in economic progress any administration can make,” Drew said.


Right now ABCD is helping more than 26,000 low-income families survive a bitter Northeast winter with its Fuel Assistance program, launching the Earned Income Tax Credit campaign that will help close to 10,000 working poor families access up to $6,500 each in tax credits, providing Head Start and child care services for 2,400 children and their families, and beginning recruitment for 5,000 inner-city youth for the agency’s summer jobs and education program.


“That’s just the tip of the iceberg,” Drew said. “ABCD is on the ground, every day, getting the victims of this recession into jobs, helping them with housing, food, clothing, education. ABCD has built four elder, affordable housing facilities that provide 206 units of housing for low-income seniors. We have a network of programs to ensure that our older residents have access to Medicare, Medicaid, other benefits. We visit frail elderly in their homes. We operate two high schools for at-risk youth. ABCD provides family planning, health services, reduces health disparities in poor neighborhoods. We started Community Health Centers and Legal Services in Boston. ABCD founded the Urban College of Boston, providing access to higher education for poor people. Thousands of UCB graduates, many of whom were once jobless, are out there earning good salaries and giving back to their communities!”


National Network Serving Poor in Danger

Drew said that since citing community action for cuts in the State of the Union address, reports indicate that the Obama budget will request a 50 percent cut in the Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) funding that provides the base for vital ABCD programs in its 15 neighborhood-based centers. In addition the administration is expected to propose doing away with the other 50 percent of CSBG funding provided to community action programs through a state formula and substituting performance-driven grants modeled on the controversial “Race to the Top” education program.


“In effect, it’s a 100 percent cut for community action,” said Drew. “They will wipe out the network that has meant an investment in the future for America’s families and an ongoing boost for the nation’s economy,” said Drew. “These are the programs that Tea Party affiliates would embrace! These are programs that give a hand up, not a hand out. We are all about economic opportunity.”


CSBG funding for ABCD primarily supports the activities of its 15 neighborhood sites, each of which bolsters that money with a host of grants and fundraising activities. “CSBG is the seed money – we leverage it in a million, creative ways to build programs and opportunities,” Drew said.


Nationally, the CSBG budget is approximately $622 million with Massachusetts receiving $17 million which is designated to 24 community action programs including ABCD.


About ABCD:

ABCD serves more than 80,000 low-income Boston-area residents through its central offices and a decentralized network of Neighborhood Service Centers (NSCs), Head Start centers, Family Planning sites and Foster Grandparent sites. Programs and affiliations include Fuel Assistance; Head Start; Child Care Services; Child Care Choices of Boston; Education; Career Development; Housing and Homelessness Services; Health Services; Family Planning; Urban College of Boston; University High – an Alternative High School; Ostiguy High School for high school students in recovery; Weatherization; Foster Grandparents; Elder Services; Intergenerational Programs; Food Pantries in several Boston neighborhoods; management of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign (COBECC) and City of Boston Employees Charitable Campaign (COBECC); advocacy and consumer services.


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This struggle will continue!!!!


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While we share this information with you, it should not be seen as an endorsement of their services.



 District 7 Boston City Council Office

One City Hall Square

Boston, MA 02201

Phone (617) 635-3510    /     Fax  (617) 635-3734 


                                                   ChuckTurner --->  cturner694                    Lorraine.Fowlkes


                                                   Paulette.Tillery                             Darrin.Howell


                                                   Edith.Monroe                               Angela.Yarde


ROXBURY:                              WARD 8, Pcts 3-4, 7;                 WARD 9, Pcts 3-5;             WARD 11, Pcts 1-3, 5;                 WARD  12, Pcts 1-9

DORCHESTER:                       Ward 7, Pct 10;                         Ward 8, Pcts 5-6;              Ward 13, Pcts 1-2, 4-5

SOUTH END:                           Ward 4, Pct 4;                           Ward 9, Pct 2

FENWAY:                                 Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9 

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