Friday, November 5, 2010

CTDN: 2 Turner Updates--D7 Office closed + Network msg resume on 11/29/10, Free Docum. Film Event: The Deadliest Disease in America,...

Welcome To The Chuck Turner Daylight Network:

The Antidote For The Apathetic

1.    Free Job Search Training                                                                            (11/6, 11/13 & 11/20--10am-2pm)
2.    CMS Benefits from Great American Book Drive                                                                                  (11/6/10)

3.    UMN Events: Black People for Better Public Schools + Wash Heights Tenants Assoc.                 (11/8--6-8:30pm)

4.    Free Concert:  The Makanda Project featuring Odean Pope                                         (11/13--7:00pm-9:30pm)

5.    Complete Neighborhoods, Complete Commonwealth  REGISTER TODAY                                             (11/16)
6.    Conference on Immigrant Entrepreneurship                                                                 (11/17--8:30am-5:00pm)
7.    Monthly Meeting:  Hancock Street Civic Association                                                               (11/18--6:30pm)
8.    MBTA Public Meeting ' Talbot Avenue Commuter Rail Station'                                          (11/18--6:00-7:30pm)

9.    The Deadliest Disease In America                                                                             (11/20--9:00am-3:15pm)


10.  Community Change Leadership Awards: Challenging Structural Racism                           (11/20--6:00--8:30pm)


11.  TWO BHA Public Hearings: FY2011 Agency Plan.                                           (12/6--9:30am + 12/6--6:00pm)
12.  Mission Main's 2nd Annual Holiday Craft/Vendors Fair                                                           (12/9--5pm-8pm)
13.  The Wedding Experience (Postponement of the Community Ceremony for Latifa Ziyad and Wali Ali)
14.  The Bridge:  Book of Real Man
15.  JOBS/Construction

1.    Free Job Search Training               (11/6, 11/13 & 11/20--10am-2pm)


FREE Job Search Training!
four-hour sessions on 3 consecutive Saturdays in November (11/6, 11/13 & 11/20)
Online Presence for Employment (OPE)
Online Resources & Technology Skills for Adults Seeking Employment
through the Timothy Smith Network Program
made possible thorough a grant from Microsoft Corporation
Register Now for free upcoming classes on 3 Consecutive Saturdays:
Saturday November 6th, 13th, and 20th 10AM-2PM

Classes will be held in the computer lab at Fenway CDC, at 73 Hemenway Street Boston, MA 02115
For more information & to RSVP contact Margarita at 617-267-4637 ext. 10 or   
Training will include:evaluating resumes and cover letters; using email in job application; utilizing social networking programs;understanding the job search process;matching your skills to prospective jobs. 


Participants are expected to: bring a resume in electronic format, be able to format text using Microsoft Word, have an email account, know how to search the Internet, and be able to read English language newspapers.



2.    CMS Benefits from Great American Book Drive  (11/6/10)




3.    UMN Events: Black People for Better Public Schools + Wash Heights Tenants Assoc. (11/8--6-8:30pm)
Union of Minority Neighborhoods
Black People for Better Public Schools and
Washington Heights Tenants Association

Meet and Greet:

Reverend Gregory G. Groover Sr.

 Chairman of the Boston Public School Committee:

Come in and share your stories, thoughts, feelings and opinions about Boston Public Schools and what you hope to see change.

Learn more about:

·      School Closings

·      Charter and Pilot Schools

·      Race to the Top Funds for Education



TIME: 6:00pm-8:30pm

DATE: Monday, November 8th 2010

LOCATION:  Washington Heights

69 Ruthven Street, Dorchester

*Spanish/English translations will be provided*

**For more information call Guerdine @ BP4BPS (617)-830-5084 or call Ms. Jessie @ Washington Heights 617-445-8731**

Light Refreshments will be served!

Union of Minority Neighborhoods
891 Centre Street
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130




4.   Free Concert:  The Makanda Project featuring Odean Pope          (11/13--7:00pm-9:30pm)



Saturday, November 13, 7:00 to 9:30 pm

Dudley Branch Library Auditorium

65 Warren Street, Roxbury 617-442-6186

with special guest




Kurtis Rivers, Arni Cheatham - alto saxophone

Odean Pope, Sean Berry, Lance Bryant - tenor saxophone

Charlie Kohlhase - baritone saxophone

Josiah Woodson, Jerry Sabatini - trumpet

Robert Stringer - trombone

Bill Lowe - bass trombone, tuba

Diane Richardson - voice

John Kordalewski - piano

John Lockwood - bass

Yoron Israel - drums

 Supported by the Fellowes Fund of the Boston Public Library

 Also check out the Makanda Project on YouTube: ("You Know What") ("Caribe") ("Seeing Autumn")


5.   Complete Neighborhoods, Complete Commonwealth  REGISTER TODAY   (11/16)

Join us for the Massachusetts Public Health Association's
2010 Annual Meeting and Conference

Complete Neighborhoods, Complete Commonwealth:
Joining Forces for FRESH Action

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
8:00 am- 3:30 pm

Register today!

Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel
181 Boston Post Road West,  Marlborough, MA

View the meeting agenda.

Keynote speaker Geoff Anderson, President and CEO of Smart Growth America, will address the important connections between health and planning cities and towns.

The meeting will also feature:

  • Exhibitors representing grassroots organizations and local businesses 
  • A celebration of our recent legislative victories 
  • An Act FRESH announcement and call to action 
  • A discussion of Massachusetts' Healthy Transportation Compact 
  • Breakout sessions to help you build your policy advocacy skills, learn how to work with regional planning councils and more
  • Networking opportunities   
  • And we are pleased to announce MPHA's 2010 Annual Awards to... 
    •  Representative Stephen Kulik- Legislative Leadership Award
    • Concetta DeBenedetto- Front Line Award
      Outreach Coordinator, Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse
    • Massachusetts Farm-to-School Project- Community Leadership Award

Thank You to Our Annual Meeting Sponsors

Baystate Health Logo
Celticare Logo
Children's Hospital Boston
G & L Labs
Network Health
MPH Program in Urban Health,
Northeastern University

Exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities are still available!

Exhibitor Information (pdf)
Information (pdf)
Volunteer Opportunity
We are looking for a certified trainer or yoga instructor to lead a 10 minute stretch break during the annual meeting.  Please contact Kara (see below for contact information) if you or someone you know is interested.

Contact Kara Keenan:, (617) 524-6696, x113, or
Michele McQuillen at,
(617) 524-6696, x104.
Massachusetts Public Health Association | 434 Jamaicaway | Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 | United States


6Conference on Immigrant Entrepreneurship  (11/17--8:30am-5:00pm)
7.  Monthly Meeting:  Hancock Street Civic Association  (11/18--6:30pm)
8.   MBTA Public Meeting ' Talbot Avenue Commuter Rail Station'  (11/18--6:00-7:30pm)

9.  The Deadliest Disease In America   (11/20--9:00am-3:15pm)=====================================================================

ILC Header_small_Babson
Statewide Conference on Immigrant Entrepreneurship 
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
8:30 AM to 5 PM 
at Babson College, Wellesley, Massachusetts
Executive Conference Center
A Collaboration of The Immigrant Learning Center, Inc.
and Babson College
Agenda & Speakers
Register Now!  
Babson Executive Conference Center
One Woodland Hill Rd.
Wellesley, MA 02482

Driving Directions  
Marcia Drew Hohn
Entrepreneurs = Wealth and Job Creation
Immigrants = Jet Fuel for Entrepreneurship in Massachusetts

Massachusetts immigrants are a proven driving force for entrepreneurship from neighborhood revitalization to increasing numbers of transnational businesses to innovation in science and engineering.  Come learn from and network with immigrant entrepreneurs, researchers and experts from the field.  They will present data, experiences, ideas and recommendations to accelerate immigrant entrepreneurship for economic and job growth in the Commonwealth.
Sessions include: 
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Neighborhood Revitalization
  • Beyond the Bodega: Immigrant Entrepreneurs grow from Local to Global
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Science, Engineering and Technology
  • Welcoming and Supporting Immigrant Entrepreneurs
   Featured speakers: 
  • Jill Cheng
    Cheng & Tsui Publishers
  • Alvaro Lima
    Boston Redevelopment Authority
  • Vinit Nijhawan
    Serial Entrepreneur, Board Member, Global TiE
  • Anne O'Callaghan
    Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians
  • Special Lunch Speaker - Dr. Jan Vilcek,
    New York University School of Medicine,
    co-developer of a breakthrough drug to treat chronic inflammatory diseases, President of the Vilcek Foundation.
Policy and action recommendations will be generated throughout the day to be compiled for post-symposium dissemination with a summary of symposium proceedings.
Get more information
Register Now!


7.  Monthly Meeting:  Hancock Street Civic Association  (11/18--6:30pm)



RE:    MEETING NOTICE                               


WILL BE HELD ON (Third Thursday of Each Month):

THURSDAY,  November 18, 2010 AT 6:30-8:00 PM 

        500 COLUMBIA ROAD,
        DORCHESTER, MA. 02125

Meet With Areas B & C Police, State & City Representatives, Discuss Issues.  Find Out What's Really Going On In The Neighborhood!

If You Or Your Organization Wish To Make An Announcement Or Presentation,
Please Contact Us In Advance To Be Placed On The Agenda. 
Flyers And Handouts Should Be Sent To: 



NOVEMBER 18, 2010
DECEMBER 16, 2010
JANUARY 20, 2011
FEBRUARY 17, 2011
MARCH 17, 2011
APRIL 21, 2011
MAY 19, 2011
c/o: Robert Mickiewicz, President
7 Whittemore Terrace
Dorchester, Ma. 02125
Fax:(617) 436-6438


8.   MBTA Public Meeting ' Talbot Avenue Commuter Rail Station'  (11/18--6:00-7:30pm)





MBTA Project No.: H74CNO7

November 18, 2010

6:00 pm TO 7:30 pm


The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is pleased to announce a community meeting to introduce the Contractor for the Talbot Avenue Commuter Rail Station and Talbot & Woodrow Avenue Bridge Replacement Project, Barletta Heavy Division.


At the meeting Barletta Heavy Division will provide an overview of the project and schedule.


A question and answer period will follow.


 Meeting Location:     Talbot Bernard Homes

                                       193 Talbot Avenue

                                       Dorchester, MA


The MBTA urges all interested parties to attend.  The meeting location is accessible to persons with disabilities.  If assistive listening devices and/ or interpreters are needed, please call Massachusetts Relay Service (617) 222-3752.


For more information, please call (617)222-6757.


9.  The Deadliest Disease In America   (11/20--9:00am-3:15pm)


Take Community Action

The Deadliest

Disease In America


November 2o, 2010 · 9:00am3:15pm

Raytheon Amphitheater · Egan · Northeastern University

120 Forsyth Street Boston, MA 02120



The Deadliest Disease in America is a documentary film accompanied

by facilitated discussions in workshops that highlight the

themes of inequity and racism that individuals experience in our healthcare system.



Lets mobilize our communities and organizations for change by:


 Reducing racially and culturally insensitive barriers to health care access.


  Initiating policy changes to the health care system to provide equal quality care to all regardless

 of race and ethnicity.


  Learning about campaigns to engage our health centers that will benefit our neighborhoods

  and promote research that can make a difference in our community's health.


  Promoting public responsibility at the individual level, organizational level, and institutional

  level of society for systematic change to overcome racism.



Register for this free event at


For more Information

or to register by phone,

 Contact:  Kerone Anderson


Phone:  617-373-8597



The Deadliest Disease in America is a documentary film that includes comprehensive workshops that specifically highlights the inequity that individuals receive in our healthcare system. This program will help individuals, health professionals, and organizations to identify unequal treatment in their health care delivery.

Morning & Afternoon Workshops include:

A. Empowering community based organizations to work with legislators for change

B. What does unequal treatment look like in health care delivery and why you should report it

C. Hospital Community Benefits

D. Incorporating Policy Advocacy into Program Development

This event will be held on November 20, 2010, from 9:00am to 3:15pm at Northeastern University. We are inviting our partners to become sponsors for this great event. Your generous sponsorship will provide up to 300 hundred community residents, community based organizations and health professionals the opportunity to learn how to engage and build solution-oriented initiatives with healthcare providers and organizations to address the unequal treatment that patients receive in our healthcare system.

Sponsor Opportunities


An afternoon Workshop designed by and for your organization

Company logo on our website/program materials

Your generous sponsorship highlighted in the Introduction

Your organization listed as a sponsor

Guaranteed slots for Staff


Company logo on our website/program materials

Your organization listed as a sponsor

Guaranteed slots for Staff


Company logo on our website/program materials

Your organization listed as a sponsor

Exhibitor Table


Your organization listed as a sponsor

Exhibitor Table

Individual Sponsors: $25, $50, $75, & $100

Your name listed in the program

For more information regarding sponsorship opportunities, please contact Kerone Anderson at



10.  Community Change Leadership Awards: Challenging Structural Racism (11/20--6:00--8:30pm)




drylongso awardhorace seldon awardlifetime achievement award

Please join Community Change

for the presentation of the 2010 Community Change Leadership Awards


Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 6:00 PM - 8:30PM

hosted by Simmons College Institute for Leadership and Change

in the Linda K. Paresky Conference Center - 300 The Fenway, Boston, Ma



Jean Hardisty, Researcher

Theresa Perry, Professor of Africana Studies and Education, Simmons College

Sarah-Ann Shaw, Retired Journalist & Community Activist



Alexia Loman Arroyo, Lead Organizer, Reflect and Strengthen

Voices of Liberation



Berta Rose Berriz, Ed.D, Co-Lead Teacher/Lower School, Boston Teachers Union School

Laurie Holmes, Organizer for Economic and Social Justice and

Community Solutions to End Violence Against Women

Maya Honda, Associate Professor of Human Development, Wheelock College

Lynette Jones-Carradine, Educator

Ron Marlow, Assistant Secretary of Access and Opportunity, Commonwealth of MA


Cash bar and dinner buffet


Community Change, Inc. works tirelessly to challenge structural racism.  The Community Change Leadership Awards provide a unique opportunity for our community to come together to celebrate the work we all do. This year's Leadership Awards are dedicated to the life and work of our dear friend Howard Zinn.

The Drylongso Awards, begun in 1987, honor ordinary people doing extraordinary work. The Horace Seldon Emerging Leader Awards recognize the work of young activists who are living the commitment and demonstrating the energy and passion of CCI founder Horace Seldon. The CCI Lifetime Achievement Awards celebrate those who have been and continue to be at the forefront of this work and whose efforts have made significant impact on issues surrounding structural racism.

Register Now!

If you are not attending, but would like to subsidize a ticket or donate to Community Change, please click on the paypal button below.

Buy Now


Margaret A. Burnham; Peggy McIntosh; Charles J. Ogletree, Jr.



Mary Antes; Loretta Dixon; Trudy Glidden; Antonieta Gimeno; Mark Gray; Audley Green; Diane Hammer;

Pearl Hines; Tom Louie; Paul Marcus; Bunny Meyer; Myrna Morales; Alexi Paraschos


Directions and Parking Information:
For driving directions see or telephone 617-521-2000
- MBTA use Green Line E Train to MFA Stop
- Parking is available in metered street spaces or gar ages at MFA and Landmark Center. 



11.   TWO BHA Public Hearings: FY2011 Agency Plan.  (12/6--9:30am + 12/6--6:00pm)

The Boston Housing Authority hereby announces a

public hearing

to review and comment upon the


BHA FY2011 Agency Plan.


You are invited to attend at either time or location:


Monday, December 6, 2010

9:30 AM at 125 Amory St. Community Room Roxbury, MA 02119


6:00 PM at Roxbury Community College, Media Arts Building

1234 Columbus Avenue Roxbury, MA 02120


The Annual Plan provides details about the Authority's operations in the upcoming fiscal year (April 1, 2011 - March 31, 2012).  A draft of the FY 2011 Annual Plan is available for public review and comment from November 1 through December 15.  The Plan will be available in the Planning Dept. 11th floor, 52 Chauncy Street, on the BHA website at and in the Copley Square branch of the Boston Public Library.  If you have a reasonable accommodation request relative to either reviewing the Plan or attending the Hearing, please call 617-988-4107 or TDD 800-545-1833 x420.  Interpreters can be made available at the Hearing upon request.  Comments can be sent to 52 Chauncy St. attn: John Kane, Boston, MA 02111; or e-mail at



12.   Mission Main's 2nd Annual Holiday Craft/Vendors Fair (12/9--5pm-8pm)

The Mission Main Concerned Residents Committee

presents its'

 2nd Annual Holiday Craft/Vendors Fair

Come out and support local vendors


get some holiday bargains!!

Thursday, December 9th 5-8 PM 43 Smith Street

(Mission Main Community Room)

~~~Vendors keep 100% of all profits made~~~ 

There will be lots of jewelry, clothes, bags, books one-of-a-kind knitted items, crafts & more!!!

As always, a FREE dinner will be served to attendees!!

Call Gloria for more information at 617 785-4646

Tell your friends & neighbors!!!


13.   The Wedding Experience (Postponement of the Community Ceremony for Latifa Ziyad and Wali Ali)


The Wedding Experience, Community Ceremony postponed with Latifa Z and Wali Ali
We regret to inform you that the Wedding Experience, our mega marriage ceremony has been postponed from November 11-13, 2010 until May 20-22, 2011.

Thank you for your continued patience. 
Dear All,

Due to circumstances beyond our control, the Wedding Experience scheduled for November 12, 2010 had to be pushed back to a later date. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.  We will be sending out a new announcement complete with details within the next month and yes it will be worth the wait.

In the meanwhile, please spread the word about the postponed event so that we may reach everyone.

Peace, MAS

Latifa and Wali

Poplar Tree Series
Poplar Tree Series, Copywrite 2010
The Wedding Experience Lives

May 20-22, 2011
Boston, MA
Latifa Ziyad
Nurruddeen Development
14.  The Bridge:  Book of Real Man
Now that's what I'm talking about! This is a keeper. Very clear. Men….man UP.  Women always act like a LADY.

The Bridge: Book of Real Man

By Darryl James

September 27, 2010

Darryl James

*One of the most frustrating things to deal with as a Black man is listening to Black women talk about what a "real man" is supposed to be or do.

In fact, a group of us jokingly search for the "Book of Real Man" that these women must have read.

That having been said, there are in fact some things that progressive Black men discuss amongst themselves about what Black men need to do.

Let's deal with some of them now.

Brothers, I know how hard it is to find a real lady who actually appreciates it when you hold the door open for her, but do it anyway.  If she doesn't appreciate it, then she's not a lady and she's not for you.  Just man up and keep it moving, but let's still be gentlemen.

Don't ever complain about Golddiggers if you have been fertile digging ground.  When you see the signs (and we ALL know the signs), keep moving.  Just man up and tell her that you are not the bank and no matter how cute she is, you won't be doling out the loot for her company or for sex.  That's what prostitutes are for, but real men don't get down like that.

Don't ever get mad when a woman talks about unfaithful men if you have cheated and weren't even suave enough to avoid being caught.  Women cheat, too, so don't say it's a man thing or that all men need more than one woman.  If you really believe that you deserve and can handle more than one woman, be a man about it and let her know.  It's not cheating if you tell the truth, and if you do it that way, you are really the man.

Don't ever place yourself in a position where a woman can say that you forced her to have sex with you.  If have ANY doubt, or if she appears to be uncomfortable, just man up.  Stop and leave.  There is never a sexual encounter worth your freedom.

Be responsible and embrace safe sex. We already know that the lie is being spread that Black women are only getting HIV from Black men, but you can avoid that lie, other diseases and unwanted pregnancy by embracing safe sex or celibacy.  Yes, I said it-celibacy.  

And brothers, if a woman does get pregnant, man up.  If you think she's shady, take the DNA test.  If you are not excluded, then make your plans to be in that child's life, even if you hate the woman you had sex with.  Realize that she probably hates you, too, but before it goes there, refer to the paragraph above.

Don't ever get caught up in fighting a woman.  We already know that Black men are perceived as abusive, so we don't need to add to the stereotype by placing ourselves in bad situations. Yes, we all know women who act like they like to fight–we call them "beat freaks." But even if a woman postures like a man, it is never cool to get in this kind of situation, because it can easily go south and you can find yourself in handcuffs.  You can't change this kind of woman or keep the peace. She may be acting aggressively, but if you hit her, you will be called a thug and go to jail. When the situation begins to escalate, man up and LEAVE.    

And speaking of that thug garbage, real men don't keep it thuggish. Boys do.  Men are men and thugs are thugs.  Any questions? Any woman who says she wants a man with a little thug in him is not looking for a real man, she's looking for someone to beat her, rob her and abuse her. That's what thugs do.  

For all the talk about angry, bitter women, there are also men who become angry and bitter after having a series of painful experiences that are unresolved.  I will say the same thing to men that I say to women:  Let it go.

And, this one is perhaps the most important of all:  Don't ever say anything to a woman who thinks poorly of Black men unless you already know that you have done your best to be a man.

Don't talk about how bad "those folks in the hood" are unless you show up and let them see how much of a man you are.  

And if the things I wrote here make you mad, just man up and deal with it.  Otherwise, you may need to find that "Book of Real Man."

15.  JOBS/Construction



The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority has available positions "Heavy Equipment Operator", "Master Welder", and "Metal Fabricator/Welder".  Please fax or e-mail resumes to my attention.  If you have any questions, please contact me at the number below.





Sharon M. Ward

Workforce Development Coordinator

Massachusetts Water Resources Authority

100 First Ave.

Boston, MA  02129

Telephone: 617-788-4071

Fax: 617-788-4892








Job Title:   Heavy Equipment Operator


Announcement Number:  #6168


Position Control Register #3394025


Bargaining Unit:  3 


Grade Level:  15 


Date Posted:   10/22/10


Last Day for Applying:  11/05/10


Recruitment Range:  $790.01-$1,083.92


Division/Section:  Operations/Field Operations/Southboro


Work Schedule:  Monday-Friday 7:00am-3:30pm





Operates heavy equipment and vehicles.




Works under the general supervision of the departmental Manager or Supervisor.




Exercises close supervision of skilled laborers and laborers as assigned.




·         Operates a variety of heavy equipment such as, but not limited to, backhoe, front-end loader, pumps, generators, and pneumatic tools.


·         Assists mechanics in the maintenance and repair of heavy vehicles and equipment as needed.


·         Performs light maintenance independently or as part of a team.  Light maintenance shall include but not limited to:


o     Inspects and troubleshoots various systems and equipment


o     Installs and retrofits/new equipment related to plant systems.




o     Modifies and/or aligns existing equipment to specifications.


o     With proper training sets up ladders, staging and rigging and utilizes hoists, jacks, dollies, lifts,             

     etc. for proper access to job and to remove and install equipment.


o     Operates portable pumping and/or ventilation equipment to prepare a work area for access.


o     Opens hatches.


o     Installs safety rails.


o     Conducts routine testing, lockout/tagout, operation (startup/shutdown) and adjustment of                       

     process equipment.


o     Removes snow from immediate work area.




·         Promotes and participates in the cross-functional work practices.


·         Trains peers and subordinates as requested.


·         Performs related duties as required.




Education and Experience:


(A)       Considerable knowledge of the methods and techniques used in the use, maintenance and safe operation of a wide variety of heavy and/or specialized maintenance and construction equipment and vehicles as acquired through two (2) years experience; or


(B)       Any equivalent combination of education and experience.


Necessary Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:


(A)              Ability to follow oral and written instructions.


(B)              Skill in the operation of listed tools and equipment.


(C)       Ability to operate heavy equipment for extended periods in a variety of climatic conditions.




Valid Massachusetts Class A Commercial Driver's License.

Department of Public Safety Hoisting Engineer's License, 1B and 2A and the ability to obtain a 4A within six months.





Complete productivity improvement competency-based training program related to ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES as outlined above and successfully demonstrates required competencies.




Motor vehicle, specialized maintenance and construction equipment, hand tools, hoist, mobile radio.




The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of the job.  Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.


While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate object, tools or controls and reach with hands and arms.  The employee is frequently required to stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl.  The employee is frequently required to stand, walk, talk, hear, sit, climb or balance.


The employee must regularly lift and/or move up to 60 pounds, frequently lift and/or move up to 100 pounds.  Specific vision abilities required by this job include close, distance and peripheral vision, depth perception and the ability to adjust focus.




The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job. 


While performing the duties of this job, the employee regularly works near moving mechanical parts, is frequently exposed to wet and/or humid conditions and is occasionally exposed to fumes and airborne particles, toxic or caustic chemicals and risk of electric shock, and vibration.


The noise level in the work environment is usually very loud in field settings and loud at other work locations.



Applications are available from the Human Resources Department.  Completed applications must be received by the Human Resources Department on or before the closing date indicated above.                                           


An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer





Job Title:   Master Welder


Announcement Number:  #6178


Position Control Register #5470020


Bargaining Unit:  2 


Grade Level:  15 


Date Posted:   10/27/10


Last Day for Applying:  11/09/10


Recruitment Range:  $790.01-$1,083.92


Division/Section:  Operations/Field Operations/Chelsea


Work Schedule:  Monday-Friday 7:00am-3:30pm




Perform inspection, servicing and maintenance on structural components of vehicles and shop equipment.




Unit Supervisor







·         Inspect structural components of vehicles and equipment to locate trouble and determine needed repairs.


·         Performs welding, grinding and cutting procedures under the direction of the Unit Supervisor.


·         Assists on road calls and makes repairs either on the road or in the garage.


·         Keeps inventory of welding and cutting stock including structural steel members and recommends needed supplies.


·         Sets-up and operates hand, electric and air-operated tools hydraulic jacks and hoists using oxyacetylene and electric arc welding equipment for fabrication, repair or alterations to machinery.

·         Keeps and updates records of work performed. 

·         Rigs equipment to be moved using cranes and hoists with lift straps and/or chains.

·         Evaluates equipment, reports damage and unsafe conditions and recommends maintenance program requirements.

·         With proper training sets up ladders, staging, rigging, and utilizes hoists, dollies, lifts etc., for proper access to job and to remove and install equipment.




·         Performs other related duties as required.




Education and Experience:


(A)              A high school diploma or GED; and


(B)              One (1) year certificate from college or technical school; and


(C)              Three (3)  to six (6) years experience in welding, grinding and cutting in an automotive and heavy equipment area; or


(D)              Any equivalent combination of education and experience.


Necessary Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:



(A)              Knowledge of methods, tools, materials and practices used in repairing, rebuilding and adjusting automotive equipment.  Welding, grinding and cutting are key skills required.


(B)              Skill in the use of the tools and equipment employed in repairs, rebuilding and adjustment work.


(C)              Skill in diagnosing structural problems in conjunction with Unit Supervisor.


(D)              Ability to operate any motor-driven equipment in section.


(E)               Ability to understand and follow oral and written instructions.


(F)               Excellent interpersonal, oral, and written communications skills.


(G)              Basic reading, writing, mathematical and scientific skills.




Valid Class D Massachusetts Motor Vehicles Operator's License.




Power, hand and welding tools, construction equipment, mobile radio, telephone, personal computers including word processing and other software, copy and fax machine.




The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job.  Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.


While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to use hands to handle, finger, feel or operate objects, tools, or controls and reach with hands and arms.  The employee frequently is required to stand and talk or hear.  The employee is occasionally required to walk; sit; climb or balance; stop, kneel, crouch, or crawl.


The employee must frequently lift and/or move up to 50 pounds and occasionally lift and/or move more than 100 pounds.  Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance and peripheral vision, depth perception, and the ability to adjust focus.




The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job.


While performing the duties of this job, the employee occasionally works in outside weather conditions.  The employee occasionally works near moving mechanical parts and is occasionally exposed to wet and/or humid conditions and vibration.  The employee occasionally works in high, precarious places and is occasionally exposed to fumes or airborne particles, toxic or caustic chemicals and risk of electrical shock.   The employee occasionally works in extreme bright light or extreme inadequate light conditions, cramped work space that requires getting into awkward positions.


The noise level in the work environment is usually loud in field settings, and moderately quiet in an office setting.


Applications are available on line at or from the Human Resources Department.  Completed applications must be received by the Human Resources Department on or before the closing date indicated above. 


An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer






Job Title:   Metal Fabricator/Welder


Announcement Number:  #6181


Position Control Register #3396004


Bargaining Unit:  3 


Grade Level:  15 


Date Posted:   10/27/10


Last Day for Applying:  11/09/10


Recruitment Range:  $790.01-$1,083.92


Division/Section:  Operations/Field Operations/Southboro


Work Schedule:  Monday-Friday 7:00am-3:30pm





Fabricates and repairs metal parts; welds, cuts and installs metal parts of equipment; lays out sketches and reads blueprints; rigs equipment and performs preventive maintenance on plant equipment.




Works under the direct supervision of the Unit Supervisor.




Exercises close supervision of one (1) skilled laborer in the absence of the Unit Supervisor.




·         Fabricates, cuts, forms, welds, assembles and installs metal parts of equipment in conformance with drawings, plans or instructions through the use of machine, tool, bench or hand work as required.


·         Assembles and disassembles scaffolding, staging, flooring and grating.


·         Sets-up and operates hand, electric and air-operated tools, hydraulic jacks and hoists using oxyacetylene and electric arc welding equipment for fabrication, repair or alteration to machinery.


·         Sketches work to be completed and interprets existing blueprints to estimate size of parts needed.


·         Performs preventive maintenance on pumps, generators, valves, turbines, gates and gate assemblies and related equipment.


·         Rigs equipment to be moved using cranes and hoists with lift straps and/or chains.


·         Evaluates equipment, reports damage and unsafe conditions and recommends maintenance program requirements.


  • Performs light maintenance independently or as part of a team.  Light maintenance shall include but not limited to:


o        Inspects and troubleshoots various systems and equipment


o        Installs and retrofits/new equipment related to plant systems.


o        Modifies and/or aligns existing equipment to specifications.


o        With proper training sets up ladders, staging and rigging and utilizes hoists, jacks, dollies, lifts, etc. for proper access to job and to remove and install equipment.


o        Operates portable pumping and/or ventilation equipment to prepare a work area for access.


o        Opens hatches.


o        Installs safety rails.


o        Routine testing, lockout/tagout, operation (startup/shutdown) and adjustment of process equipment.


o        Removes snow from immediate work area.




·         Promotes and participates in the cross-functional work practices.


·         Trains peers and subordinates as requested.


·         Performs related duties as required.




Education and Experience:


(A)              A high school education or the equivalent; and





(B)              One (1) year certificate from college or technical school; and


(C        Three (3) to six (6) years metal trades apprenticeship or related experience; or


(D)       An equivalent combination of education or experience.


Necessary Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:


(A)       Knowledge of the standard practices, materials, tools, occupational hazards and safety practices common to the trade, including safe techniques for assembling and welding staging, rigging and material handling equipment.


(B)       Ability to work from manufacturer's manuals and specifications, blueprints, schematics and verbal instructions to weld and fabricate all kinds of metals.


(C)              Ability to maintain and repair mechanical, electro-mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic equipment.


(D)              Skill in the operation of welding tools and equipment.


(E)               Ability to apply concepts of basic algebra and geometry.


(F)               Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills.


(G)              Basic reading, writing, mathematical, scientific and oral communication skills.




·         A valid Massachusetts Class D Motor Vehicle Operators license.

·         Complete productivity improvement competency-based training program related to ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES as outlined above and successfully demonstrates required competencies.




Power, hand and welding tools, construction equipment, mobile radio, telephone, personal computers including word processing and other software, copy and fax machine.




The physical demands described here are representative of those that must be met by an employee to successfully perform the essential functions of this job.  Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.  






The employee is regularly required to use hands to finger, handle, feel or operate objects, tools, or controls and reach with hands and arms.  The employee frequently is required to stoop, kneel, crouch or crawl.  The employee occasionally is required to stand, walk, talk or hear, sit, climb, or balance.


The employee must frequently lift and/or move up to 50 pounds and occasionally lift and/or move more than 100 pounds.  Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance and peripheral vision, depth perception, and the ability to adjust focus.




The work environment characteristics described here are representative of those an employee encounters while performing the essential functions of this job.


While performing the duties of this job, the employee occasionally works in outside weather conditions.  The employee occasionally works near moving mechanical parts and is occasionally exposed to wet and/or humid conditions and vibration.  The employee occasionally works in high, precarious places and is occasionally exposed to fumes or airborne particles, toxic or caustic chemicals and risk of electrical shock.   The employee occasionally works in extreme bright light or extreme inadequate light conditions, cramped work space that requires getting into awkward positions.


The noise level in the work environment is usually loud in field settings, and moderately quiet in an office setting.


Applications are available on line at or from the Human Resources Department.  Completed applications must be received by the Human Resources Department on or before the closing date indicated above.


An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer





--  THE END --


( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )  


Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations

and businesses.  While we share this information with you, it should not

be seen as an endorsement of their services.


Chuck Turner, District 7 Boston City Councillor

City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510  /  District Office--(617) 427-8100           

 ROXBURY:                   WARD 8, Pcts 3-4, 7;           WARD 9, Pcts 3-5;          WARD 11, Pcts 1-3, 5;     WARD  12, Pcts 1-9

DORCHESTER:            Ward 7, Pct 10;                    Ward 8, Pcts 5-6;             Ward 13, Pcts 1-2, 4-5

SOUTH END:                Ward 4, Pct 4;                      Ward 9, Pct 2

FENWAY:                     Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9 


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