Tuesday, October 19, 2010

CTDN: Chuck's Trial Report, Special Mtg re: Rox. Neigh'd Council, BEC Mtg, Blacks In Gov't Events, Black College Fair, Grove Hall Update,

Welcome To The Chuck Turner Daylight Network: 
The Antidote For The Apathetic
Joseph Moakley Court House Boston COURTROOM #1
1.   Chuck's Report on Today's Court Session                                                                                              (October 19)
2.   Boston Residents Jobs Policy/Boston Employment Commission: Regular Meeting                          (10/20/10--3:00pm)
3.   Grove Hall Update:  Grove Hall Youth Workers Alliance                                                                       (10/20 + 10/22)
4.   Blacks In Government..BIG Schedule of Events                                                                         (10/21-10/25 + 11/23)

5.   Concerned Residents Calling a Special Community Meeting                                                        (10/28--6:00-7:45pm)

      RE: The Roxbury Neighborhood Council


6.   Remembering the Buffalo Soldiers: Historical Presentation, Art Exhibit + Conversation                              (11/2 + 11/3)


7.   Request for Proposal: Roxbury Trust Fund is looking for you.                                                 (Deadline to apply 10/29)


8.   NBCA: Black College Fair @ Boston College                                                                             (10/21--8am-12noon)
1.    Chuck's Report on Today's Court Session (October 19)
Dear Supporters:
Another productive day at the ranch! The prosecutiion's star witness was Scott Robbins, the FBI agent who managed the tape recordings and surveillance videos.    He gave the overview of setting up the operation and then gave comments on two of the five tapes they have with me speaking in them. The first was a twenty minute conversation with Wilburn after he waits for a half an hour. He tried to bait me into getting him involved in the sting. However, when he said that he would like to do something nice for me, I said call my wife since she handles my fund raisers.
The next tape focuses on the alleged exchange of money. It began with Mr. Robbins turning on the tape while he and Mr. Wilburn sit in an undercover car on Shawmut. Then he comes into the office and waits for 53 minutes while I talk to others. We then have a five minute conversation that is him primarily saying how much he appreciates my help. He then reaches across my arm and puts something in my hand (hard to see) and says, "Here's a little something take your wife out to dinner". 
(This is the alledged passing of the $1000 but all Ron says about the amount is take your wife out to dinner.
Robbins will go back on the stand at 9 tomorrow.  Wilburn has said that he will testify so he might be called. If you have a moment, try to come. It is really going to get Good!! As they say in the media business, "Stay tuned for late breaking developments".
PS Again, any person on the witness list who received a second call saying that you should not come, should continue to follow that instruction. If you were originally contacted to confirm your interest in testifying but have not received a second call, you will not be called and shouild attend the trial if you have the time.  
2.  Boston Residents Jobs Policy/Boston Employment Commission: Regular Meeting  (10/20/10--3:00pm)


BEC Commissioners meet monthly City Hall on the 8th Floor Conference Room.  Certain construction sights that fall within the City of Boston's pervue are monitored by Construction Workforce Development Compliance monitors from City of Boston's Residency Jobs Program.  When the general contractors are found to be out of compliance (meaning have less than 50% residents, 25% minorities and/or 10% female workers) then these contractors are required to appear to explain to the Commissioners what there plan is to become compliant with the BRJP ordinance.  Here is tomorrow's BEC Regular Meeting Agenda...



3.  Grove Hall Update:  Grove Hall Youth Workers Alliance  (10/20 + 10/22)

The following information is provided by the organizations and individuals listed below:

1)  Grove Hall Youth Workers Alliance Meeting

  Wednesday, October 20, 2010

   10:00 AM – noon

 (Coleen Harry, of the 2010 Census, will provide an update on how to access US Census data.  Please update us on the status of your school year program.  An update will be provided by the Grove Hall Gay, Lesbian and Straight Alliance)

  Washington Heights Tenants Association

  69 Ruthven St.,

  (parking is available on the surrounding streets, for directions on 10/20/10, call 617.445.8731)

 Remember to vote on Tuesday, November 2nd!

GHYWA is provided support through the Grove Hall Safe Neighborhood Initiative/ Boston Weed and Seed Site, Boston Public Health Commission, Mayor Thomas Menino, City of Boston's Parks Dept., Executive Office of Public Safety, Department of Housing and Community Development, Department of Public Health, Boston Police Department, Hayden, Hyams, Boston, Yawkey, Citizens Bank, New World, and anonymous Fnds., Tufts Medical Center, Roxbury Trust Fund.

For more information, call Ra'shaun Nalls (Project RIGHT, Inc.) at 617.541.5454, x104 and Michael Kozu (Project RIGHT, Inc.) at 617.541.5451.x102)

2)   Boston Workers Alliance
   Annual Celebration and Fundraiser

Please join us for the Boston Workers Alliance's 2010 Celebration and Fundraiser.  We will be highlighting major victories, including the passage of historic CORI reforms, our green justice work, and the launch of the Boston Staffing Alliance.

Friday October, 22nd

SEIU 1199 Union Hall
150 Mt. Vernon St., Dorchester MA

2 Blocks from JFK / U Mass T-Stop (Red Line)
Next to the Bayside Expo Center, parking is available

BWA will be awarding our grassroots allies Ex Prisoners Organizing for Community Advancement (EPOCA) and Neighbor to Neighbor, and recognizing the Union of Minority Neighborhoods, Councilor Chuck Turner and Mass Law Reform Institute as well as other allies and legislators for their work on CORI Reform!

Minimum Suggested Donation ~ $20
Suggested Donation ~ $35

*reduced prices for under- or unemployed residents are available

Light dinner menu and drinks, live music, dancing & entertainment. 
Dinner program and awards ceremony will run between 7-8:30pm.  

Please RSVP today at www.BostonWorkersAlliance.org  

Or email rsvp@bostonworkersalliance.org / call 617 606-3580 for more information

The above information was compiled by Michael Kozu, PRI Community Coordinator (617.541.5451.x102). 

4.   Blacks In Government..BIG Schedule of Events                                       (10/21-10/25 + 11/23)



Blacks In Government









 Region 1 Membership Networking Reception


Special Guest

Dr. Cheikh Tidiane Gadio
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Senegal
One of the key players in the African Union and Diaspora-related initiatives




Elected Officials, Black Government Employees and others are invited.


Friday, October 22, 2010


Holiday Inn Select

5 Blossom Street - Boston, MA   02114

Commonwealth Room,15th Floor



6:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.



(Includes Reception & Conference: $ 35.00 Applied to Membership)


Cash Bar – Hors d'oeuvres Served


Blacks In Government 







 18th Annual Region 1 Training Conference



Equal Employment Opportunity

Worker's Compensation & Employment

Health, Life Benefits 




    Elected Officials, Black Government Employees and others are invited.


    Saturday, October 23, 2010


  Holiday Inn Select

 5 Blossom Street - Boston, MA 02114

  Commonwealth Room, 15th Floor


8:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.


Continental Breakfast & Mid-Morning Snack Served   


Admission (Includes Reception & Conference: $ 35.00

       Applied to Membership)


Additional Information: Mr. Palmer Doiley, 617.445.0073 or Ptdeld@aol.com


For organizational information visit:   www.bignet.org  or   www.bostonbig.org.




Fellow Members,


Monthly Mtg.


Our next General Monthly Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 21, 2010, 12:00 P.M. at the John F. Kennedy Federal Building in Room 2075-A.  This fall and winter, the Boston Chapter is coordinating several dynamic events which require full participation of all members.


Regional Training Conference – 10/24 -25 Holiday Inn Select- 5 Blossom St- $35 ( also applied to BIG membership fees)


Although this year's Scholarship Ball & Banquet was cancelled, the Greater Boston Chapter retains the honor and responsibility of hosting the 18th Annual Regional Training Conference on October 22nd & 23rd, 2010.  The Membership Networking Reception, the first step of this annual event will be held Friday evening from 6:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M.  The speaker will be the Honorable Dr. Cheikh Tidiane Gadio, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Republic of Senegal.  During his nine years in office, Dr. Gadion was a key player in the African Union and Diaspora-related initiatives


The Saturday Training Conference, beginning at 8:00 A.M. and ending at 1:00 P.M., will feature the following three workshops: Equal Employment Opportunity, Employment Health, Life Benefits - Worker's Compensation. All events will take place at the Holiday Inn Select located at 5 Blossom Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02114.  The $35.00 ticket will grant admission to both programs and will be applied to your membership fees.  Please see the attached flyer.


Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Partnership Event


Despite the Chapter's failure to identify a 2010 scholarship winner, we are rescued because of newly developed partnerships, specifically with the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.  On November 13, 2010  the Scholarship Chair and I will attend a talent-show sponsored by the Fraternity at the Roxbury YMCA where a winner will be selected.  Ten $5.00 tickets have been reserved for our members.  The talent promises to be exceptional, and you will be greatly rewarded should you lend your support by attending.


Ebony Fashion Fair Winter Gala


Lastly, we anticipate a very successful Ebony Winter Gala.  Our share of the proceeds from this event will support our scholarship program.  Tickets for the Gala will be available on our website through Pay-pal.  


Hope to see you at the meeting.




5.   Concerned Residents Calling a Special Community Meeting RE: The Roxbury Neighborhood Council (10/28--6:00-7:45pm)





Concerned Roxbury Residents

are calling



Where is our Roxbury Neighborhood Council?

RNC NEEDS a change of leadership!!!



Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Dudley Public Library

65 Warren Street





 The NEED for the RNC to act more as Roxbury's leading community  development organization, rather than a private club that excludes community participation.

 We want to hear from YOU, the community, on ways to improve the accountability of RNC's leadership and to begin to take the NECESSARY steps towards an IMMEDIATE RNC election.  


Please join concerned residents in strengthening

Roxbury's land development power!!!


Organized & endorsed by the Roxbury Safety Net





6.  Remembering the Buffalo Soldiers: Historical Presentation, Art Exhibit + Conversation     (11/2 + 11/3)







"Remembering the Buffalo Soldiers"

A program open to the public and hosted by the




                                    NOV. 2, 2010 12:30 - 7:30 PM &

                                    NOV. 3, 2010 10:15 - 5:45 PM


Sponsored by

Charles Yancey, Boston City Councilor

School visits on Wednesday Nov 3, 2010

Contact Clayton @ 617- 298-9218 - Email ccheever@bpl.org



7.  Request for Proposal: Roxbury Trust Fund is looking for you.  (Deadline to apply 10/29)


ROXBURY TRUST FUND P O Box 191925 Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119 www.roxburytrust.org  617-445-0019 roxburytrust@yahoo.com


(Round 12)

Community Economic Development and

Civic Engagement

ISSUE DATE: September 23, 2010

Downloadable at www.roxburytrust.org  


Dudley Branch Library , 65 Warren Street, Roxbury

SUBMISSIONS DUE: Monday, November 1, 2010

Dudley Branch Library, 65 Warren St, Roxbury

Proposals can also be mailed to Roxbury Trust Fund, PO Box 191925, Roxbury MA 02119. In order to ensure postal delivery by the deadline, your package should be

postmarked by or before Friday, October 29, 2010.


INQUIRIES TO: roxburytrust@yahoo.com 2 of 13 ROUND 12





Table of Contents

I. Background page 4

II. Purpose and Availability of Funds page 4

III. Eligible Applicants page 5

IV. Services Requested page 6

V. Submission Requirements page 7

VI. Deadline and Notification Process page 8


Grant Proposal Summary

Proposal Questions

Board List Form

Diversity Data Form

Program Outcomes Chart


Issue Date: Thursday, September 23, 2010

Technical Assistance: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 3PM

Dudley Branch Library

65 Warren St, Roxbury

Deadline: Monday, November 1, 2010

Hand-delivered Proposals will be accepted between 2pm and 4pm at Dudley Branch Library, Roxbury. Early mail delivery is encouraged.

Late responses will be returned unopened.

Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.

If you have a question as to whether your organization is eligible, or whether your request meets the funding guidelines – please call or email us to confirm or discuss. All questions will be handled by email from roxburytrust@yahoo.com, or via telephone at 617-445-0019. Questions in person will be handled at the scheduled Technical Assistance Session which will take place on Tuesday, October 12, 2010. 3 of 13 ROUND 12


P O Box 191925

Roxbury, Massachusetts 02119

www.roxburytrust.org 617-445-0019 roxburytrust@yahoo.com

September 23, 2010

Dear Roxbury Service Providers:

The Roxbury Trust Fund, established in 2004, makes grants to 501©3 non-profit organizations located in Roxbury for projects that strengthen, improve or help expand programs and services that benefit the people of Roxbury. The Trust provides grants in four areas including: 1) Youth Development, 2) Family Services, 3) Community Economic Development, and 4) Civic Engagement. Since our inception, the Trust has been proud to have distributed more than $600,000 to impact these areas. Today, we are excited to release the 12th Round of funding opportunities to support Community Economic Development and Civic Engagement projects in Roxbury. Details of the Roxbury Trust's funding priorities and submission requirements are outlined within this RFP.

The Roxbury Trust looks forward to receiving competitive proposals for projects and activities that best answer community needs in the categories mentioned above. To assist eligible Roxbury-based organizations prepare for the 12th round of funding opportunities, we encourage you to attend our Technical Assistance Session scheduled for Tuesday, October 12th at the Dudley Branch Library.

If you have further questions about our community and grantmaking priorities, please feel free to visit our website at www.roxburytrust.org.

We look forward to seeing you on October 12th. Roxbury Trust representatives will be on hand to answer your questions and concerns regarding your eligibility and the Trust's priorities and processes. Please feel free to contact us by email at roxburytrust@yahoo.com or by phone at 617-445-0019 if you have further questions.

Thank you for your commitment to the people of Roxbury.

Sincerely Yours,

Bruce Bickerstaff

Chairman, Roxbury Trust Fund Committee 4 of 13 ROUND 12


In the 1960's, interstate highways were the key strategy for so-called Urban Renewal following the end of World War II. An eight-lane highway (I-95) was planned for Boston with a cloverleaf to be placed at the center of Roxbury. Under the power of eminent domain, thousands of homes and businesses were destroyed; entire neighborhoods were obliterated. As the far-reaching impact of the plan became evident, a broad coalition of community champions formed to develop a plan to stop the highway. While mobilizing large-scale demonstrations, they also collaborated on a land-use plan that focused on modernizing mass transit and strategically redeveloping vacant parcels. After more than 25 years of sustained civic engagement, a moratorium was declared on further highway development, and a voice for affected communities was mandated to be a part of the community planning and development process.

With the enactment of Chapter 443 of the Acts of 1990, the Massachusetts legislature earmarked proceeds from redevelopment to establish community trust funds for the benefit of the people of Chinatown and Roxbury, whose homes and businesses were lost during the clearance of parcels 3 and 18. That same year, the Boston Zoning Code (Article 50 of Text Amendment #152) established a policy that "[t]he role of community participation in determining appropriate land use regulations and zoning is critical to the success of any zoning article or development plan." (Roxbury Strategic Master Plan, page 102.)

Under these legislative and regulatory guidelines, a multi-ethnic group of real estate developers negotiated a parcel-to-parcel linkage agreement that connected the development of Ruggles Center in Roxbury to the development and sale of One Lincoln Street in Chinatown. The development team pledged a percentage of their profits to benefit non-profit organizations in impacted communities. In 2004, a portion of those community benefit dollars seeded the Roxbury Trust Fund, which is a tax-exempt public charity under section 501(c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code. It is administered by the Roxbury Trust Fund Committee, a volunteer board of Trustees who include appointees of the Governor of Massachusetts and the Mayor of Boston, and elected officials who represent Roxbury at the State House, as established by Chapter 443, above.

The Roxbury Trust Fund Committee Trust has four funding priorities: Youth Development, Family Services, Community Economic Development, and Civic Engagement.


The economic climate of the past few years has posed significant challenges for federal, state and local governments. While challenging for all, the unprecedented high unemployment rates, mortgage foreclosure crisis and weak financial markets have had a disproportionate effect on low-income communities of color. This crisis is particularly acute in Roxbury, which has historically been challenged by these, as well as, other economic development pressures including: the impacts of high and violent crime, public policies that create challenges to economic development (zoning, regulation, etc.), the inability to match available jobs to people because of a jobs-skills mismatch; and a lack of capacity amongst critical Roxbury based community-based organizations to systemically impact the problem or to take advantage of emerging growth opportunities. 5 of 13 ROUND 12

Roxbury has many assets including commercial districts, community development programs, and several projects underway (or in development) that have the capacity to create or connect Roxbury residents to available or emerging jobs; that can spur economic growth; and position Roxbury residents for opportunities to access training, higher paying jobs and to build community capital.

While these are serious challenges, the community's ability to bring voice to these concerns, as well as other issues, are critical components to producing a of a healthier Roxbury. Creating opportunities for residents to become actively and "civically engaged" significantly enhances a community's ability to meet the challenges of the day. Keeping the flow to and from communities around issues helps to bring voice, leverage talents, and positions communities such as Roxbury to take on and address significant challenges and opportunities.

In the coming year, and within a significantly changed political landscape, there are numerous community organizing efforts developing (or underway) that have the ability to significantly impact positive outcomes for residents of Roxbury, including their ability to access jobs, housing or to change policies that continue to have a disproportionate affect on low-income communities. The upcoming Federal Census, changes to CORI, housing policy, commercial district revitalization efforts, and redistricting are a few examples of potential changes that will have dramatic implications for Roxbury residents.

Fortunately, Roxbury is home to a wide array of non-profit organizations, associations and community development organizations that are, or could be uniquely positioned to impact these Community Economic Development and Civic Engagement issues. Through this round of funding, the Roxbury Trust seeks to support organizations and institutions that are best positioned to advance the numerous community, economic development and civic engagement challenges, as well as opportunities that impact Roxbury.

Available funding can be used to support direct service, planning or capacity building efforts. Please Note: All grant funded activities must adhere to federal laws and regulations regarding non-partisanship at all times.

The maximum grant award is $30,000. Grants will be paid in two equal installments, pending satisfactory review of the required mid-year progress report. The contract period is 1/1/11 to 12/31/11


This is a competitive application process. The following eligibility criteria will apply to all applicants:

1. Priority will be given to organizations with a track record of providing high-quality services in Roxbury communities, to Roxbury residents.

2. Applicants must be tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and must submit a determination letter upon request. An applicant may use a fiscal conduit only

6 of 13 ROUND 12

if the fiscal conduit: a) meets these requirements, and b) submits a letter to the Roxbury Trust accepting responsibility for the applicant's expenditures.

3. Applicants must allocate funds to services provided by their own staff or contractors. Organizations that apply for pass-through funding are not eligible to receive Roxbury Trust funds.

4. Priority will be given to organizations whose staff, management and board reflect the community being served.

5. Organizations that received funding in Spring 2010 or Fall 2009 are not eligible to apply. Final reports from prior grantees must be evaluated as satisfactory. Re-funding is not guaranteed.

6. Grant performance that is deemed unsatisfactory, and failure to comply with reporting requirements, will result in an organization losing its eligibility to receive future funding.


Applicants are asked to respond to current community needs. Priority consideration for program grants will be given to proposals that show strong collaborations and partnerships among Roxbury community-based organizations, and also to proposals that include matching funds. Capacity-building proposals must show strong potential to leverage the grant for maximum benefit to your organization and Roxbury constituents. Roxbury residents are the priority with all funded services delivered in Roxbury.

The following services and activities will be considered for funding:

Community Economic Development: job creation; workforce development; job training; the development, promotion and maintenance of small businesses and neighborhood commercial centers (commercial district revitalization); foreclosure prevention; and wealth creation.

Examples of Projects and Services:

1. Neighborhood Business District Revitalization (such as business district marketing, business recruitment, façade improvements, and daily maintenance)

2. District and/or planning for high potential business development projects

3. Homebuyer education

4. Efforts by non-profits to support small business through training, marketing, promotion and other forms of support that bring stability and enhance opportunities to grow.

5. Employment Training that links Roxbury residents to current and emerging job opportunities.

6. Financial Literacy Training for youth and/or young adults

7. Credit Repair

Civic Engagement: efforts that create opportunities for residents to become actively and "civically engaged," significantly enhancing the Roxbury community's ability to bring voice to issues, leverage talents, and to take on and address significant challenges and opportunities. 7 of 13 ROUND 12

Examples of Projects or Services:

8. Public Safety and Community Mobilization projects

9. Tenant organizing

10. Voter registration and education

11. Public Art, Banners and Signage Promoting Roxbury

12. Community Bulletin Boards

13. Community Cleanliness Projects

The Trustees welcome other appropriate and effective projects that benefit Roxbury residents, and the Roxbury community in the areas of Community Economic Development and Civic Engagement.


Submit 3 proposals (1 original and 2 copies). Proposals will be accepted only by mail or by delivery in person. No faxes, please. Each proposal must include:

1- Grant Proposal Summary

2- Roxbury Trust Fund Proposal Narrative (10 pages maximum – fewer if possible)

3- Organizational Assessment, if applicable

4- Program Outcomes Chart*

5- Collaboration Agreement Letter(s) – if applicable

6- Resumes of all Staff or Consultants included in the Budget Narrative

7- Board of Directors Form*

8- Agency Diversity Data Form*

*These forms are available at www.roxburytrust.org by following the link "Downloads".

9- Program Budget, showing percentage of program support this grant would cover

10- Program Budget Narrative that shows calculations and explains all costs (particularly miscellaneous items)

11- Board-Approved Organizational Budget, with date of board vote

12- List of Donors and Prospects

13- IRS Form 990 and *Audit or Financial Review, for the most recently completed fiscal year

14- IRS Determination Letter (A Massachusetts Tax-Exempt Certificate does not meet this requirement)

If you have a question as to whether your organization is eligible, or whether your program is responsive – call or email us to confirm or discuss. Questions will be handled by email at roxburytrust@yahoo.com, and via telephone at 617-445-0019, and at the Technical Assistance Session on October 12, 2010.

The provisions of M.G.L. c. 12, s. 8F require organizations that have gross support and revenue of more than $200,000 in a fiscal year to submit financial statements audited or reviewed by an independent certified public accountant (CPA). Whether the financial statements must be audited or reviewed depends on whether the organization's gross support and revenue exceeded $500,000 in that year. Please search the Charitable Organizations page on the Attorney General's website to 8 of 13 ROUND 12

determine which requirement applies: http://www.mass.gov/?pageID=cagoterminal&L=3&L0=Home&L1=Non-Profits+%26+Charities&L2=Charitable+Organizations&sid=Cago&b=terminalcontent&f=nonprofit_audits_and_reviews&csid=Cago .

Suggestions for a Highly-Competitive Application

Offer services that you have the experience and capacity to deliver effectively.

 Include all responsible parties in your planning, including finance and operations staff.

 Prepare the budget well in advance of the deadline.

 Provide adequate time to write the proposal, and write so that someone who is not familiar with your program can envision and understand the day-to-day activities.

 Answer all the questions on beginning on page 9, especially if using a previously written proposal.

 Keep the Roxbury Trust's funding priorities in mind as you write the proposal narrative.

 Offer services that will be delivered in Roxbury, by staff whose experience and competencies reflect the needs and characteristics of Roxbury residents.

 If you plan to collaborate with a Roxbury-based applicant, make sure that your organizational capacities, missions and goals are compatible, and relevant to the funding request. Seek to develop strategic partnerships that leverage resources. Collaborative proposals require a written agreement.

See the following website for useful information on Capacity-Building: http://www.tgci.com/magazine/Writing%20Proposals%20for%20Capacity%20Building.pdf


Proposals must be received by or before 4:00 pm on November 1, 2010.

Hand-delivered proposals are to be delivered in person at the Grove Hall Branch Library between the hours of 2PM and 4PM on November 1, 2010. Postal mail is encouraged. Submissions should be postmarked by October 29, 2010 in order to be delivered to the Roxbury Post Office Box by the deadline.

The Roxbury Trust Fund will reject any proposals not received by the deadline, and is not responsible for proposals that are lost or otherwise not received in accordance with this RFP.

An impartial review panel will evaluate proposals on the basis of how closely they respond to the goals and priorities of the Roxbury Trust Fund for Community Economic Development and Civic Engagement.

Funding decisions will be announced in December 2010. Contracts will commence on January 1, 2011 and end on December 31, 2011.

The Trustees reserve all rights to make any decision they deem necessary to accomplish the goals of the Trust, including, without limitation, to reject any and all proposals for any reason; to suspend, withdraw, or amend this RFP at any time and for any reason; and/or to seek additional information or a revised proposal. 9 of 13 ROUND 12


Office Address:

Address of Program Site:

Phone #: Fax #:


Contact Person/Title:

Phone #:

Contact Person's Email Address:

Roxbury Trust Grant History (date, amount):

Fiscal Year Ends on (example: 6/30; 12/31):

Name of Fiscal Sponsor or Roxbury-Based Collaborator (if applicable):


Prior Year

Current Year

*Future Year Projected

Net Assets

Total Agency Budget

Program Budget (for this request)

Amount Requested from Roxbury Trust Fund


8.   NBCA: Black College Fair @ Boston College      (10/21--8am-12noon)
Join Us! Black College Fair on Thursday, October 21st, 2010 from 8:00am - 12:00noon at Boston College - Volunteer with NBCA and sign up kids!!!


on Thursday, October 21st, 2010

8:00am - 12:00noon

(Volunteers Needed for NBCA Tables)

College and Career Fair in order to introduce high school students to the opportunities at the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and other select colleges and community agencies. 
Join the National Black College Alliance on Thursday, October 21st, 2010 from 8:00am - 12:00noon.  We are looking for volunteers and mentors that day to help sign young people up - so take a few hours and volunteer. Call me Chip Greenidge at 617.594.6745 or email me at george.greenidge@gmail.com
The YMCA Achievers 23rd Annual College and Career Fair is right around the corner!  Over 1500 students from across Boston and surrounding areas will pack into the Boston College Flynn Recreational Complex (at Boston College) on Thursday, October 21st, 2010 to meet admissions representatives from Colleges and Universities; learn about financial aid; and get an opportunity to meet employees from partner companies to talk about how to get started in careers in business, health care and science and technology.
The College and Career Fair provides a mix of Historically Black Colleges and Universities as well as local and regional Colleges and Universities.  Invited Colleges include:
Boston College
Boston College School of Nursing
Emerson College
Fisk University
Holy Cross
Howard University
Johnson C. Smith
Lincoln University
Livingston College
Mass College of Liberal Arts
Morehouse College
Pine Manor
Providence College
Rhode Island School of Design
Roxbury Community College
Roger Williams University
Spelman College
Springfield College
Suffolk University
Tuskegee University  
West Virginia State University
Wheelock College
And many more....
Fall 2010
Thursday, Oct 21st, 2010 — Thursday, Oct 21st, 2010  8:00am - 12:00noon
Session Times
Boston College
Newton, Massachusetts
Flynn Recreational Complex Boston College
Join the National Black College Alliance on Thursday, October 21st, 2010 from 8:00am - 12:00noon.  We are looking for volunteers and mentors that day to help sign young people up - so take a few hours and volunteer. Call me Chip Greenidge at 617.594.6745 or email me at george.greenidge@gmail.com

NBCA College Students
Volunteers from NBCA Last year!
Volunteers from NBCA Last year!
Volunteers from NBCA Last year!
Volunteers from NBCA Last year!


The National Black College Alliance (NBCA) is a network of alumni, college students, and community members who are committed to mentoring the next generation of community leaders. The NBCA encourages community volunteerism, career exploration, and college education to high school students, college students, and young professionals while promoting college completion and Historically Black Colleges and Universities. www.nbcalliance.org




--  THE END --


( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )  


Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations

and businesses.  While we share this information with you, it should not

be seen as an endorsement of their services.


Chuck Turner, District 7 Boston City Councillor

City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510  /  District Office--(617) 427-8100


Chuck.Turner@cityofboston.gov             Angela.Yarde@cityofboston.gov                  Phillip.Reason@cityofboston.gov      

Paulette.Tillery@cityofboston.gov      Lorraine.Fowlkes@cityofboston.gov          Edith.Monroe@cityofboston.gov


ROXBURY:                   WARD 8, Pcts 3-4, 7;           WARD 9, Pcts 3-5;          WARD 11, Pcts 1-3, 5;     WARD  12, Pcts 1-9

DORCHESTER:            Ward 7, Pct 10;                    Ward 8, Pcts 5-6;             Ward 13, Pcts 1-2, 4-5

SOUTH END:                Ward 4, Pct 4;                      Ward 9, Pct 2

FENWAY:                     Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9   

The substance of this message, including any attachments, may be confidential, legally privileged and/or exempt from disclosure pursuant to Massachusetts law. It is intended solely for the addressee. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

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