Wednesday, October 13, 2010

CTDN BPS School Closing Mtg Schedule, ABCD Landlord Outreach Prog, SDP Events for M/WBE Vendors, BPD Complaint Assist. Project, + more

Welcome To The Chuck Turner Daylight Network: 
The Antidote For The Apathetic
DEADLINE TO REGISTER TO VOTE = Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Visit Boston City Hall
ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT -  2nd Floor - Room 241 (UNTIL 8pm)
(617) 635-3767
Visit Website
( Download form,    Complete form,    Mail form by--10/13/10 )
1.     BPS School Closing Mtgs for Staff + Family Mtgs Schedule                          (10/12, 10/13, 10/14 + beyond)  
2.     ABCD  Landlord Outreach Program                                                                                   (10/20--6:00pm)
3.     City Mission Society of Boston News Update                                (CROP Walk, Oct. 16 & Book Drive, Nov. 16)
4.     Supplier Diveristy Program (SDP Events):                    (10/20--9am-1pm, 11/3--8:45am-2pm, 1/25--9am-1pm)
        THREE Upcoming M/WBE Vendor Networking + Trainings
1.    BPS School Closing Mtgs for Staff + Family Meetings Schedule  (10/12, 10/13, 10/14 + beyond) 


 Please find below, a list of scheduled meetings for the schools
 that will be impacted by the redesign plans.
 The meetings are geared towards parents and staff, but will be open to the public.
School Meeting Date Time Location  
Clap -
  35 Harvest St.
Staff Thur 10/14 3:45pm Auditorium  
Family Thur 10/14 6pm Auditorium  
East Zone ELC -
 370 Columbia Rd.
Staff Wed 10/13 5:30pm Caf/Open area  
Family Wed 10/13 6:00pm Caf/Open area  
Emerson -
  6 Shirley St/Rox
  St. Patricks Ch
  400 Dudley St.
Staff Wed 10/13 8:00am Classroom TBD  
Family Wed 10/13 6:30pm St. Patrick's church, 400 Dudley St  
Gavin -
  215 Dorch St.
Staff Wed 10/13 1:45pm Auditorium  
Family Thur 10/14 7pm Auditorium  
Lee Academy -
  155 Talbot Ave.
Staff Thur 10/14 5pm Auditorium  
Family Thur 10/14 6pm Auditorium  
Hyde Park EC -
  655 Metropolitan 
Staff Wed 10/13 2:15pm Auditorium  
Family Tue  10/12 6:30pm Auditorium  
Lee School -
  155 Talbot Ave.
  Thurs 10/14 6pm    
East Boston ELC-
  135 Grove St.
  No Mtgs      
King K-8 -
 77 Lawrence Ave
Umana -
  312 Borders St.
  E. Boston
  No Mtgs      

Community meetings and hearings:

Saturday, October 16, Noon:
Discussion of K-8 changes
Location: Lilla G. Frederick Pilot Middle School
270 Columbia Rd., Dorchester

Tuesday, October 19, 6pm:
Discussion of high school changes
Location: Orchard Gardens K-8 School
906 Albany St., Roxbury

Tuesday, October 26, 6pm:
School Committee Meeting
Location: English High School
144 McBride St., Jamaica Plain

Wednesday, November 3, 6pm:
School Committee Meeting
Location: BPS Headquarters
26 Court St., Boston

For more information, please visit:


2.    ABCD  Landlord Outreach Program   (10/20--6:00pm)

ABCD Housing and Homelessness Prevention Department Presents...

The Landlord Outreach Program

October 2oth, 2010

Landlord Training





Attention: Landlords/Property Managers

Please be our guest at ABCD's monthly Landlord training which will provide local Landlords and small property owners with resources and information on how they can further develop their businesses and partner with ABCD to help prevent evictions and reduce homelessness.



ABCD Housing and Homelessness Prevention Department

Landlord Training


When & Where

Date:Wednesday, 10/20/10

Time: 6PM to 8PM

Location: ABCD Elm Hill FSC, 22 Elm Hill Avenue

Roxbury, MA 02121

Join ABCD's new initiative, the Landlord Outreach Program, partnering with landlords in the City of Boston to help prevent evictions and reduce homelessness.  


Learn how YOU can identify families at-risk of eviction.


Learn how YOU can access Landlord Resources.


Learn how YOU can help strengthen YOUR community.   


Provided by ABCD Housing & Homelessness Prevention Department

To RSVP call: Robby Thomas, Landlord Outreach Liaison at 617-348-6450 or 



3.  City Mission Society of Boston News Update: CROP Walk, Oct. 16 & Book Drive, Nov. 16
Emailer Header
In This Issue
Boston CROP Hunger Walk, Oct. 16
Great American Book Drive, Nov. 6
Boston Crop Hunger Walk, Saturday, Oct. 16

The Boston CROP Hunger Walk

Begins at: Union Methodist Church,
485 Columbus Avenue in Boston's South End

Registration: 9:00 a.m. | Walk begins: 9:30 a.m.

This unique walk through Boston's neighborhoods raises funds and awareness for global and local hunger and poverty initiatives. Walk with City Mission Society for 6 miles through Boston's South End thru Roxbury to Jamaica Plain, building community along the way.

Crop Walk

CROP Helps Global Communities
75% of the funds raised support hunger programs of Church World Service, including its work in Haiti, Chile, Pakistan and other disaster affected areas.

CROP helps people in Boston
25% of the funds raised go to support local non-profits working to end hunger and build sustainable, healthy communities such as Community Servings and The Food Project.

You can participate!
People of all faiths and walks of life come together to participate in the Boston CROP Hunger Walk. You can donate, organize a team, walk as an individual, or volunteer to help with the walk.

For more information, email

Great American Book Drive, Saturday, Nov. 6

The Great American Book Drive
to benefit City Mission Society
and the Prison Book Program

 Do you have books you'd like to donate to a good cause?

City Mission Society and the Prison Book Program are joining forces for the fourth year in a row to make it easier than ever for gently used books to benefit others by presenting The Great American Book Drive. Let us find your used books a new home! A percentage of the profits from their sale will fund two great programs. It's about literacy, not landfill.

Saturday, November 6th
10 am - 3 pm (rain or shine!)
The NonProfit Center
89 South Street
Boston, MA 02111

On November 6th, we'll have lots of volunteers on hand to haul the books out of your car. They'll process your donation while you wait. So collect a bunch from your family and friends. Just head to the NonProfit Center near South Station in Boston (directions). We'll have plenty of people on hand to help you unload in front of the building.  It's that easy.

Help us spread the word! Click this link for posters, ideas for collecting books from family, co-workers, and friends, or hold your own book drive.

Support our Work
Make a donation in support of City Mission Society's important work and consider the impact we can have on people's lives.

Save the Date

Oct. 5: CMS Afterschool Begins

Oct. 16: Boston CROP Walk for Hunger

Nov. 6: 4th Annual Great American Book Drive

Dec. 11-12, 18-19: Christmas Shop

Jan. 15: 4th Annual MLK Day of Service & Learning

4.     Supplier Diveristy Program (SDP Events): (10/20--9am-1pm, 11/3--8:45am-2pm, 1/25--9am-1pm)
        THREE Upcoming M/WBE Vendor Networking + Trainings
It’s fall, the kids are back to school, vacations are over and its time to get your business back on track.  The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) formerly known as the Affirmative Market Program (AMP) would like to make you aware of the following upcoming events for Minority and Women Owned Businesses (M/WBEs).

First, the biggest networking event of the year offered by the Supplier Diversity Office - the SDP FY11 Kickoff and Networking Event, Wednesday, October 20, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, 415 Summer Street, Boston. 

Senior staff and key decision makers from Commonwealth Statewide Contracts will be seated with SDP Officers from Commonwealth Executive Departments and OSD Procurement Managers as part of this collaborative effort to develop partnerships and coalitions to build business relationships and to increase industry contracts with certified M/WBE vendors

This event is free, but you must pre-register.

Register Today!

for the
Supplier Diversity Program

 (formerly known as the Affirmative Market Program)

FY11  SDP  Kick  Off
Networking  Event


9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

M/WBE Sellers This is your best opportunity to meet and market your business to the Commonwealth SDP Officers, OSD Procurement Management Team Leaders/Directors, and Prime Contractors on Statewide Contracts who are looking for partnerships early in the Fiscal Year.

All State Buyers Your time is important, don’t miss this great networking opportunity to meet State Certified M/WBE Vendors.  Special recognition will be given to Departments and their SDP Officers for outstanding performance.


The Boston Convention & Exhibition Center

415 Summer Street, Boston

Email:  or call the SDP Help Desk at: (617) 720-3359

There is no cost to attend this event, but all attendees must preregister.



Next, offered only twice a year, the SDP Intermediate Vendor Training "from the vendor's perspective" is taking place on Wednesday, November 3rd from 8:45 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Masshousing Conference Room, 1 Beacon Street, 29th Floor, Boston.

Five contracting areas will be covered: Commodities, Services, Construction, Design, and Health & Human Services.

The training will be conducted by procurement officials from several state agencies.

Space is limited, and there is a $25.00 offset fee to attend.  All participants must pre-register.



Finally, the most comprehensive training offered by the SDP, the SDP Advanced Vendor Training is taking place on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Masshousing Conference Room, 1 Beacon Street, 29th Floor, Boston.

If you are a SDO Certified Business who is ready to respond to an RFR but needs help with the technicalities this workshop is for you.  Conducted by members of SDP Business Advisory Board, SDO certified businesses who have statewide contracts and provide a business perspective of the State procurement process, the session is only offered once a year.

There is a $25.00 offset fee to attend, and all attendees must pre-register.

Space is limited, so register early.

Questions about any of the SDP Upcoming events may be directed to the SDP Help Desk at

All SDP trainings and events can be viewed from the Program and Services page of our website.

Greater Boston Civil Rights Coalition Friends -
We pass along this important information.
Subject: RE: boston police complaints

Just a reminder that the ACLU of Massachusetts is beginning a Police Complaint Assistance Project with Suffolk Law School and the National Police Accountability Project, to assist people who want to file complaints about Boston police officers.  If you know of anyone who would like to consider getting help from this project, please let me know.  This can include people who have already filed complaints but have not been happy with the way their complaint has been dealt with. Feel free to give my name and phone number, 617-482-3170, ext. 323.  And please forward this message to other organizations that may be interested. Thanks, Sarah Wunsch, Staff Attorney, ACLU of Massachusetts

From:      Sarah Wunsch
                 RE: boston police complaints

Dear all, I wanted to let people know that the ACLU of Massachusetts, the National Police Accountability Project of the National Lawyers Guild, and Suffolk Law School pro bono program are teaming up for a project to help people who want to file complaints about the conduct of Boston police officers.  We hope to begin with about six law students in January.  They can help with the filing of complaints, assisting the person as Internal Affairs handles the complaint, and with any appeals that the person may wish to file about how their complaint was dealt with.  Please feel free to refer people to the aclu office.  We will review their information and determine if the project with Suffolk can help them.  If you know of other organizations that should receive this email, please forward it on.  Thanks, Sarah
Sarah Wunsch, Staff Attorney
ACLU Foundation of Massachusetts
211 Congress Street, Third Floor
Boston, MA 02110
617-482-3170, ext. 323
(fax) 617-451-0009


--  THE END --


( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )  


Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations

and businesses.  While we share this information with you, it should not

be seen as an endorsement of their services.


Chuck Turner, District 7 Boston City Councillor

City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510  /  District Office--(617) 427-8100           

ROXBURY:                   WARD 8, Pcts 3-4, 7;           WARD 9, Pcts 3-5;          WARD 11, Pcts 1-3, 5;     WARD  12, Pcts 1-9

DORCHESTER:            Ward 7, Pct 10;                    Ward 8, Pcts 5-6;             Ward 13, Pcts 1-2, 4-5

SOUTH END:                Ward 4, Pct 4;                      Ward 9, Pct 2

FENWAY:                     Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9  

The substance of this message, including any attachments, may be confidential, legally privileged and/or exempt from disclosure pursuant to Massachusetts law. It is intended solely for the addressee. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.

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