Boston City Council
Comcast Channel 12
10 AM to 5 PM
RCN Channel 82
8 AM to 5 PM
Weekly Programming Schedule 2/14 – 2/25 2011*
8:00am Housing on funding for repairs and renovations to BHA state public housing 8/17 (1:02)
11:00am Housing on federal funding cuts to HUD funding and the severe impact on the City of Boston (LIVE)
1:00pm Government Operations on restoration to Boston ‘s Governmentally-Involved Housing Protection (LIVE)
3:00pm Public Safety on various grant appropriations POLICE/FIRE (LIVE)
Tuesday February 15
8:00am Government Operations on mediation for mortgage foreclosures 12/9 (1:29)
10:00am Post Audit & Oversight on FY10 & FY11 Budget Overview: Boston Fire Dept. (LIVE)
12:30pm Government Operations on promoting economic development and the food truck industry (LIVE)
3:00pm Women & Healthy Communities on Sexual Health Education and Condom Availability in Boston Public High Schools (LIVE)
Wednesday February 16
8:00am Post Audit & Oversight FY10 & FY11Budget Overview: Boston Police Department/ Law Enforcement Trust Fund 12/10 (1:23)
10:00am City & Neighborhood Services & Veteran Affairs on benefits and services available to Armed Forces Veteran 11/8 (1:50)
12:00pm Boston City Council Meeting (LIVE)
3:00pm City & Neighborhood Services & Veteran Affairs on mobile restaurant industry regulations 8/31 (1:42)
Thursday February 17
8:00am City & Neighborhood Services & Veteran Affairs on vandalism deterrent technology 3/8 (1:40)
10:30am Ways & Means/ Education on the issuance of tax exempt bond (LIVE)
2:30pm Government Operations on requiring fingerprints and criminal history records checks for Certain Licenses (LIVE)
3:30pm Labor, Youth Affairs & Human Rights on the hiring of up to 300 Street workers 12/9 (1:20)
Friday February 18
8:00am Boston City Council Meeting 1/26 (0:50)
10:00am Boston City Council Meeting 2/16
12:00pm Boston City Council 12/15 (3:02)
3:10pm Environment & Health on emergency response to mental health crises 2/3 (1:46)
Monday February 21 Presidents’ Day
8:00am Environment & Health on stretch energy code 11/12 (1:51)
10:30am Women & Healthy Communities on Sexual Health Education and Condom Availability in Boston Public High Schools 2/15
12:30pm Government Operations on Municipal Banking Services 12/10 (2:27)
3:00pm Ways & Means on the city’s financial investments and the utilization of community banks 5/25 (1:52)
Tuesday February 22
8:00am Ways & Means disposal of surplus vehicles 3/26 (1:13)
10:00am Post Audit & Oversight FY10 & FY11 Budget review: Boston Centers for youth & Families (LIVE)
1:00pm Economic Development & Planning on Ferdindad Complex 9/27 (1:54)
3:00pm Environment & Health on emergency response to mental health crises 2/3 (1:46)
Wednesday February 23
8:00am Post Audit & Oversight FY10Budget Review: Boston Police Department 3/26 (1:30)
10:00am Post Audit & Oversight FY10 & FY11Budget Review: Boston Police Department/ Law Enforcement Trust Fund 12/10 (1:23)
12:00pm Ways & Means FY11Budget: Boston Police Department 6/14 (2:11)
2:30pm Government Operations on appointment confirmation/ contract appropriation 12/13 (2:31)
Thursday February 24
8:00am City & Neighborhood Services & Veteran Affairs on residents impacted by a water main break 5/10 (1:36)
10:00am Housing on off campus student housing market’s impact on neighborhoods 11/30 (2:05)
12:30pm Post Audit & Oversight FY10 & FY11Budget Overview: Boston Public Library 10/4 (3:04)
3:30pm Government Operations on maintenance to abandoned foreclosed properties 10/13 (0:45)
Friday February 25
8:00am Labor, Youth Affairs & Human Rights on the hiring of up to 300 Street workers 12/9 (1:20)
10:00am Boston City Council Meeting 2/16
12:00pm Boston City Council 2/9 (2:08)
2:30pm Environment & Health on emergency response to mental health crises 2/3 (1:46)
* Note: Programming Schedule is subject to change based on the scheduling and length of Live Hearings and Meetings, which will be carried in their entirety.
For more information on Boston City Council Television, contact Kerry Jordan at 617-635-2208 or