Friday, September 17, 2010

CTDN: Eviction Blockade Press release...GMAC vs Dumerant Families--"Banks get bailed out. People get thrown out."

 Welcome To The Chuck Turner Daylight Network:
The Antidote For The Apathetic
GMAC vs. Dumerant Families
"Banks get bailed out.  People get thrown out." 
At least that's what GMAC wants.
     Boston Community Capital is trying to make a new offer to buy the Dumerants' house and sell back to them.  We believe their offer will be pretty close to exactly what GMAC said they wanted.  Why is GMAC continuing the eviction?
     GMAC says they have the house under agreement to someone else.  That investor can undoubtedly get out of that agreement if there is no eviction.  Let them back out and take the BCC offer!  Why is GMAC continuing the eviction.
     GMAC got special permission to become a bank holding company in December, 2008, making them eligible for a massive bailout.  Yet they can't work with the Dumerants?  Why is GMAC continuing this eviction?
     In court today, the judge heard arguments.  He will issue a decision on Monday.
     That means.
1.  There will be no eviction on Monday morning
2.  It's almost impossible for an eviction to take place on Tuesday morning.
3.  After that we're not sure. 
     We will continue to post updates. 
     The Dumerants remain very strong.  They and we wish you a good weekend. 

“Banks get bailed out.  People get thrown out.”

GMAC bailout contrasts with treatment of the Dumerant families.

Possible eviction blockade next week in Everett.  Court today.


Contacts:          Steve Meacham (617-524-3541 x310 or cell phone 617-909-6182)

                        Melonie Griffiths (617-524-3541 x315 or cell phone 617-318-8670)




“Banks get bailed out.  People get thrown out.”  That was the chant that rang out at a powerful vigil of 75 people in front of the home of the Dumerant families in Everett on Monday evening, Sept. 13.


“That chant is especially true here,” stated Melonie Griffiths, an organizer with City Life/Vida Urbana.  “GMAC got the bailout but they won’t work with the Dumerant families.  GMAC can get the price they want by negotiating with the Dumerants, but they are choosing to push an eviction.  We plan to do an eviction blockade if GMAC tries to evict.”


GMAC got bailout money.  In December 2008 the Federal Reserve allowed GMAC to redefine itself as a “bank holding company”, which made it eligible for billions in taxpayer’s bailout money. 


Dumerants are getting thrown out.  The Dumerant family was a victim of the inflated prices of the housing bubble.  They were foreclosed.  They sought and were granted a new mortgage by a non-profit lender, Boston Community Capital (BCC).  BCC started negotiating with GMAC to buy the property at current real value in late July, 2010.  The gap narrowed.  BCC offered $215,000.  GMAC wanted $250,000.  The Dumerant family began to pull together resources to make another offer but GMAC broke off negotiations and put the house under agreement with another party, apparently an outside investor. GMAC is trying to forcibly evict the Dumerants next week.


After a couple more weeks of effort, BCC is now able to make a much higher offer, but GMAC won’t accept a new offer due to the purchase and sale agreement.


“We want to negotiate with the bank, to give them the price they want,” stated Prudhomme Dumerant, who lives at 48 Mansfield St. in Everett.  “We are willing and have always been willing to pay rent while negotiations continue.  But the bank won’t accept our rent or our offer.”


There will be a court hearing today at 2:30 pm to determine if there will be an eviction next week.  City Life will organize a blockade if the eviction goes forward.  In an eviction blockade, some people risk arrest by sitting in the doorway.

“GMAC should stop the eviction,” added Steve Meacham, another organizer with City Life.  “GMAC can get what they want from BCC in cash without eviction.  There is no reason to evict here.”


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CTDN: ZBA Hearings, Landlord Outreach Program, Black Social Workers Conference, Codman Sq Peace Concert, diseases...Superbug + more...

Welcome To The Chuck Turner Daylight Network:
The Antidote For The Apathetic

1.    Don't forget to sign the 'Bu Bio-Terror Lab Alternative Use Petition'

2.    Black Members of Congress vs. the Internet?...CBC, please vote with us, not against us.
3.    BeanTown Jazz Festival SCHEDULE (9/15 - 9/24)
4.    ZBA The Board of appeal Agenda (9/21--9:30am-12:30pm)...Whats going on in your neighborhood?
5.    The Landlord Outreach Prog: ABCD Housing + Homelessness Prevention Dept. (9/22-6-8pm)
6.    Foxwood Bus Trip: Presented by the Women of Zion  (9/24/10)
7.    Black Social Workers/Wheelock College Conference: Reclaiming Ourselves as Healers + Teachers (9/25-8:30am-3:00pm)
8.    Codman Square Annual Peace Concert   (9/25--10am-6pm)
9.    Explore The Power of Partnerships; (9/28--8:30am-10:00am)
10.  Community Change, Inc.'s Brown Bag Featuring Christian Cho  (9/29--12-1:30pm/REGISTER by 9/24)
       -- "White Racial Identity in the Supervisory Relationship" --
11.   BNU's "Hiring Yourself and Loving It" Business Seminar  (10/9--8:30am-3:00pm)
12.   BOOKS: Best Sellers-Visions For Black Men , Breaking the Curse Of Willie Lynch and The Game Of Life
13.   The Center for Church & Prison: Increasing suicides, juvenille prison populations, etc.
15.   Contagiouns in your hospitals?  "SUPERBUG" + other diseases (Boston Globe Article)

1.    Don't forget to sign the 'Bu Bio-Terror Lab Alternative Use Petition'



Hey everyone.  Go to the website to sign on…

An Alternative Vision for the BU Bio-Terror Lab

An Alternative Vision for the BU Bio-Terror Lab

  We Challenge

  • The National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) to change the NEIDL's mission to broad-spectrum countermeasure and vaccine-platform approaches and away from one bug, one drug approaches, given NIAID's own refocus on broad-spectrum approaches.

 "We the undersigned, " support the the Roxbury Safety Net, the Stop the BU Bio-Terror Lab Coalition and their scientist in their proposed Alternative "USE"  "Vision" for the BU Bio-Terror lab housed in the Roxbury/S. End neighborhoods.

We challenge,
Boston University to make a major contribution to public health by refocusing its research on prevalent natural diseases and utilize new, safe vaccine and antimicrobial technologies. Instead of researching the worlds most deadly, airborne, contagious, infectious pathogens known to man, in densely populated neighborhoods in the heart of Boston

Help us reach our goal of 5oo signatures to present at the upcoming NIH (
Boston) meeting on October 5, 2010 (LTBA)

Show your support by;

  1. Signing our petition!!!
  2. Emailing  this petition to fellow supporters

There's strength in numbers!!

Roxbury Safety Net & the Stop the Bio-Terror Lab Coalition 


2.       Black Members of Congress vs. the Internet?

From:        James Rucker,
                 Black members of Congress vs. the Internet?

The Internet has created huge opportunities for Black people and all Americans.
But some Black members of Congress are helping big phone and cable companies attack the open Internet.

Join us in calling on all members of the Congressional Black Caucus to stand with the public, not big corporations, and protect the open Internet.

Click here

Dear All ,

From jobs to civil rights, when the interests of Black Americans are threatened, we've counted on the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to step up and advocate for what's right. Now we need them again — this time in the fight to save the Internet from telephone and cable companies that want to control what you can see and do online.

It's a critical battle — no new technology has ever had as much potential as the Internet for lifting up Black communities politically, economically, educationally, and culturally.

Sadly, many in the CBC have taken positions that would snuff out that potential. Most on the wrong side have simply been taken in by the lies of telecommunications industry lobbyists. But others have taken large financial contributions from telecoms and appear to be willingly carrying water for their biggest donors.1

It's unacceptable, whatever the reason. The CBC needs to understand that Internet freedom is in the vital interest of Black communities. Please join us in calling on the Congressional Black Caucus to support a free and open Internet, and then ask your friends and family to do the same. It takes just a second:

The threat to the Internet

The Federal Communications Commission is trying to protect Internet freedom by ensuring that data you put online can travel across the Internet just as quickly as anyone else's.2 This simple principle is the reason the Internet is so diverse, and so powerful. Anyone's website or blog can compete on equal footing with the biggest corporations.

That has allowed countless Black entertainers, writers, politicians and entrepreneurs to thrive online. For the first time in history, everyday Black Americans can communicate with a global audience without prohibitive costs or permission from government or industry.

But big broadband providers want to create a new system where they can charge large fees to speed up some data while leaving those who can't afford to pay behind — and irrelevant.3 Such a system would give wealthier voices the power to drown out or even silence poorer voices, stunting the Internet's amazing equalizing potential.

CBC complicity?

Some Black members of Congress — most recently Representatives Barbara Lee, Maxine Waters, John Conyers, Donna Edwards, Keith Ellison, and Donald Payne — have stepped up to champion an Internet free of corporate control. Their efforts should be applauded.4

But many others have remained silent, or worse — they've signed on to industry-backed letters designed to weaken support for Internet freedom. And two CBC members have taken especially notable roles in attacking Internet freedom:

Rep. Greg Meeks (D-NY) - For years, AT&T and Verizon have been among Meeks' biggest donors.5 In October 2009, he collected 70 signatures from his colleagues on an industry-backed letter — written after consulting AT&T6 — designed to weaken support for Internet freedom.

Meeks may claim that his major motivation is protecting jobs. But there's no credible evidence that protecting Internet freedom will lead to job losses or decreased investment — in fact, evidence suggests the contrary.7 But in the face of massive support from telecoms, it appears that Meeks has only truly considered one side of the argument.

Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) – AT&T has long been one of Rush's largest donors.8 Then, from 2001 – 2004, they donated $1 million to a community center Rush founded in Chicago.9 Since then, Rush has been a leader in the effort to eliminate Internet freedom. In 2006, Rush helped convince many members of the CBC to kill a measure that would have enshrined Internet freedom into law.10 And since that time, he has supported other efforts to weaken Internet freedom protections.11

Some cynical voices may say that this appearance of quid pro quo is unremarkable because it's just the way Washington works. But we must demand more of our elected representatives, especially those who claim to represent the interests of Black communities as the legacy of the civil rights movement and the "conscience of the Congress."

It starts here. By calling on the Congressional Black Caucus to support Internet freedom, you're not just helping to preserve the promise of the Internet for Black folks and all America. You're also sending a strong message to Black members of Congress that you're paying attention, and won't let them get away with advocating against the interests of the communities they serve.

Please add you voice to our petition, and please ask your friends and family to do the same.

Thanks and Peace,

-- James, Gabriel, William, Dani, Milton and the rest of the team
   September 16th, 2010

Help support our work. is powered by YOU -- your energy and dollars. We take no money from lobbyists or large corporations that don't share our values, and our tiny staff ensures your contributions go a long way. You can contribute here:


1. "Members of Call on Congressional Black Caucus to Support Broadband Reclassification," press release, 5-28-2010

2. "Frequently Asked Questions," Save the Internet

3. "Threats to an Open Internet," Save the Internet

4. "32 House Democrats stand up to Comcast and AT&T, protect the Internet," FireDogLake, 6-17-2010

5. "Top Contributors, Greg Meeks,"

6. "In Black Caucus, a Fund-Raising Powerhouse," New York Times, 2-14-2010

7. "Why Consumers Demand Internet Freedom," Free Press, 5-2006

8. "Top Contributors, Bobby Rush,"

9."Rep. Bobby Rush, AT&T's Million Dollar Man," Black Commentator, 4-27-2006

10. Ibid.

11. See link 1

3.     BeanTown Jazz Festival SCHEDULE (9/15 - 9/24)


Proud "Media Sponsor" for:

Mark your calendars September 20th, 2010 "September Issue of Ethnic Online" featured stories:
  • Top Careers for Ethnic Professionals!
  • Recycling Our Dollars!
  • Financial Literacy Begins with our Youth!
  • And much more!
Subscribe for your FREE copy @
To advertise with us email to: 
For more information on Ethnic Online
Leonard Webb
Publisher & Founder
phone: 781-652-0777
4.    ZBA The Board of appeal Agenda (9/21--9:30am-12:30pm)


                                               ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL HEARINGS

                                                                           ROOM 801

                                                           Tuesday, September 21, 2010


BUILDING CODE:                                                                               9:30 a.m.

#5292                      16-18 Battery Street, Ward 3                                 Zoe Realty Trust (by Jonathan Raisz)

#5295                      186 West Brookline Street, Ward 4                        David Berry

#5277                      37 Old Harbor Street, Ward 7                                 Fintan Murtagh

#5291                      97 West Springfield Street, Ward 9                        David Schwartz (by Rodney Sinclair)


BOARD FINAL ARBITER:                                                                  9:30 a.m.

BZC-28012             38R Minot Street, Ward 16                                    Joseph & Bridget Grealish

BZC-29220             31 Blanche Street, Ward 16                                    Ken Shallow

BZC-26820             8 Tchapitoulas Street, Ward 18                              IELC LLC

BZC-26821             12-12K Tchapitoulas Street, Ward 18                    IELC LLC

BZC-26822             10-10K Tchapitoulas Street, Ward 18                    IELC LLC

BZC-26823             36-36A Poydras Street, Ward 18                           IELC LLC

BZC-26824             36B-36C Poydras Street, Ward 18                         IELC LLC

BZC-26825             36D-36E Poydras Street, Ward 18                         IELC LLC

BZC-26826             36F-36G Poydras Street, Ward 18                         IELC LLC

BZC-26827             36H-36I Poydras Street, Ward 18                          IELC LLC

BZC-26828             36J-36K Poydras Street, Ward 18                          IELC LLC

BZC-26829             36L-36M Poydras Street, Ward 18                        IELC LLC

BZC-26830             36N-36O Poydras Street, Ward 18                        IELC LLC

BZC-26831             36P-36Q Poydras Street, Ward 18                         IELC LLC

BZC-26832             36R-36S Poydras Street, Ward 18                          IELC LLC

BZC-26833             36T-36U Poydras Street, Ward 18                         IELC LLC

BZC-26834             36V-36W Poydras Street, Ward 18                        IELC LLC


HEARINGS:                                                                                           9:30 a.m.

BZC-30671             288 Chelsea Street, Ward 1                                     Jose W Villanueva

BZC-30741             18R St. Martin Street, Ward 2                                Maria Joseph

BZC-30676             48-50 Winter Street, Ward 3                                   Arthur C. Jannakas

BZC-30681             106-120 Cambridge Street, Ward 3                         Michael Schifino

BZC-30674             138 Saint Botolph Street, Ward 4                           Barbara & Scott Wennerholm (by Paul Holland)

BZC-30675             54 Gray Street, Ward 5                                           Sean Kennedy

BZC-30704             445 Beacon Street, Ward 5                                     Darrin Gold

BZC-30706             389-389A West Broadway, Ward 6                       Mr. Colm Dunphy (by Niles O. Sutphin)

BZC-30673             602 Tremont Street, Ward 9                                   Richard Egan & Hans Eijmberts

BZC-30694             77 West Brookline Street, Ward 9                          Gino Ranaldi

BZC-30702             27 Centre Street, Ward 9                                        The City of Boston (Youth Build Boston, Inc/D.E.E.P)

BZC-30564             81 South Huntington Avenue, Ward 10                 SMC Management Corp

BZC-30659             232 Parker Hill Avenue, Ward 10                           Luanne Witkowski


HEARINGS:                                                                                          10:30 a.m.

BZC-30696             107 St. Rose Street, Ward 11                                  Richard Chaberek

BZC-30750             107 Savin Hill Avenue, Ward 13                            Kenneth Osherow

BZC-30703             223-227a Bowdoin Street, Ward 15                       Manuel Barros (by Mark Connell)

BZC-30705             7 Sayward Street, Ward 15                                     Steadman Blake

BZC-30670             24 Mill Street, Ward 16                                          Tadeusz Wojcik (by Pawel Wojcik)

BZC-30695             304-304A Neponset Avenue, Ward 16                  Peter Nash

BZC-30763             52 Shepton Street, Ward 16                                    Paulo DeBarros (by Carlos Monteiro)

BZC-30677             56 Old Morton Street, Ward 17                             Mimose Saint-Louis

BZC-30697             48 Prescott Street, Ward 18                                    Alessandro Musto

BZC-30668             650 South Street, Ward 19                                      Ronald Wayne Lopez

BZC-30682             882 South Street, Ward 20                                      Richard Ovesen

BZC-30680             9 Cygnet Street, Ward 22                                       PO Nam Lam


RE-DISCUSSION:                                                                               11:30 a.m.

BZC-30557             722 East Fourth Street, Ward 6                              Bartholomew Driscoll

BZC-30321             416 East Seventh Street, Ward 7                            Sarah & Gerald Wright

BZC-30325             666 Columbia Road, Ward 7                                   Ut Van Nguyen


BZC-30522             157 Humboldt Avenue, Ward 12                            Pleasant Hill Baptist Church

BZC-30523             176 Humboldt Avenue, Ward 12                           VBCDC


BZC-30584             123-125 Sydney Street, Ward 13                           Joe Hoang Thach

BZC-30585             28-30 Milwood Street, Ward 16                             Mai Phung

BZC-30601             29-31 Regis Road, Ward 18                                    Marie Kebreau

BZC-30466             72 Sanborn Avenue, Ward 20                                 Bridget Lacey

BZC-30617             3-5 Duval Street, Ward 22                                      Luis Rodriguez       


INTERPRETATION:                                                                            12:00 Noon

BZC-30672             49 Louders Lane, Ward 19                                      Peter Welsh, Fern Schlang & Ruth Allukian

#5294                      49 Louders Lane, Ward 19                                      Peter Welsh, Fern Schlang & Ruth Allukian



                                                CHRISTINE ARAUJO- SECRETARY

                                                                                ANGELO BUONOPANE

                                                                                PETER CHIN

                                                                                BRUCE BICKERSTAFF                                                                   

                                                                                MICHAEL MONAHAN                                                                                                       

                                                                                ANTHONY PISANI

                                                                                ROBERT SHORTSLEEVE-CHAIRMAN



5.  The Landlord Outreach Prog: ABCD Housing + Homelessness Prevention Dept. (9/22-6-8pm)

ABCD Housing and Homelessness Prevention Department Presents...

The Landlord Outreach Program

September 22nd, 2010

Landlord Training





Attention: Landlords/Property Managers


Please be our guest at ABCD's monthly Landlord training which will provide local Landlords and small property owners with resources and information on how they can further develop their businesses and partner with ABCD to help prevent evictions and reduce homelessness.




ABCD Housing and Homelessness Prevention Department

Landlord Training




When & Where

Date:Wednesday, 9/22/10

Time: 6PM to 8PM

Location: ABCD Elm Hill FSC, 22 Elm Hill Avenue

Roxbury, MA 02121

Join ABCD's new initiative, the Landlord Outreach Program, partnering with landlords in the City of Boston to help prevent evictions and reduce homelessness.  


Learn how YOU can identify families at-risk of eviction.


Learn how YOU can access Landlord Resources.


Learn how YOU can help strengthen YOUR community.   


Provided by ABCD Housing & Homelessness Prevention Department

To RSVP call: Robby Thomas, Landlord Outreach Liaison at 617-348-6450 or 


6.    Foxwood Bus Trip: Presented by the Women of Zion  (9/24/10)

Description: j0101856

Leaving 8:00pm SHARP
Pick-up Location: Prince Hall
18-24 Washington St, Dorchester MA 02120
Bus Departs Foxwoods @ 3:30AM

7.    Black Social Workers/Wheelock College Conference: Reclaiming Ourselves as Healers + Teachers (9/25-8:30am-3:00pm)

African Centered Paradigms

Training Series 

Greater Boston Association of Black Social Workers



" Reclaiming Ourselves as Healers and Teachers "



(   8:30 AM3:00 PM   ) 

 Registration 8:30 AM 

               Workshops:    9:00 AM - 3:00 PM



Wheelock College, 43 Hawes Street, Brookline 


Dr. Nteri Nelson, PhD.E, LICSW, MSW MSEP

Dr. Omar Reid, PsyD

Sekou Mims, MSW, LCSW, LADAC

Dr. Barbara Pina Aqasikesat, ND, MH, Mir  


$30 Members; $35 Non-members

$10 for 5 Social Workers CE Hours  


 - Greater Boston Association of Black Social Workers;

 - Wheelock College;

 - Pyramid Builders Associates;

 - Academy for Kemetic Education & Wellness; and

 - The Ra Healing Center 


          This program has been approved for   5 Continuing Education Contact Hours    for  

        re-licensure, in accordance with 258CMR.     Greater Boston Association of Black  

         Social Workers Approval #: GBABSW09252010.  Social Work CE Certificates  

         of Attendance will be awarded at the end of the program.  Social Workers   must  

         register for Continuing Education Credits and complete the full program   and the  

          evaluation. Certificates of Attendance are available to other training participants. 


For more Information / Special Accommodations / Cancellations contact the GBABSW Education Committee Contact: Yvonne @ (617) 442-8800 Ext. 1369.  



 From either direction on The Riverway turn onto Longwood Avenue to go over the bridge into Brookline. At the next set of lights, turn right onto Chapel Street. You will pass the Longwood T stop on your right.

Take your next left onto Colchester Street and take an immediate right onto Hawes Street. Wheelock College is located on your right at 43 Hawes Street 



 Dr. Nteri Nelson, PhD.E, LICSW, MSW, MSEP

*Co-founder, Academy of Kemetic Education & Wellness; Adjunct Professor, University of Massachusetts Afrikana Studies Department; Healer, Clinician, Teacher and Metaphysician; Massachusetts Regional Representative for Association for the Study of Classical Afrikan Civilization (ASCAC ), Reiki Master.

 Dr. Omar Reid, PsyD, LMHC

*Co-founder and Co-director of Pyramid Builders Associates, Director of Clinical Services for Academic & Behavioral Clinic, a psychological testing and counseling firm. He specializes in providing psychological, neuropsychological and learning disability assessments for schools, children, adolescents and adults.

 Sekou Mims MSW, LCSW, LADAC

*Co-founder and Co-director of Pyramid Builders Associates. He specializes in providing social assessments, stabilization programs and individual or group therapy to trauma victims.

 Dr. Barbara Pina Aqasikesat, ND, MH, Mir (aka BaBaRa Pina)

*Founder of the Ra Natural Health & Education Center; a Natural Physician from the School of Natural Medicine and a certified Raw Food Chef from the Ann Wigmore Institute. She has advanced training as a Naturopath, Master Herbologist, Master Iridologist, certified Hydro-therapist, Reiki Master, Reflexologist and Aromatherapist. 



     Participants will learn:  

  The principles of African Centered treatment.

  The processes of reclaiming our history as healers and teachers.

  To apply KaAbBa: an African-centered model for psychological assessment,  

       treatment and holistic healing.

    How to deal with trauma today for Black and Nubian people.

    Use holistic food plans in treatment. 



Social workers and human service professional working with African, African American and Caribbean clients and are seeking a culture based approach to services. 



8:30    Registration & Coffee

9:00    Understanding African Centered Paradigms

           -Historical Perspective

           -Applying the Code of Ethics

           -Reclaiming Ourselves as Healers & Teachers

10:15    Break

10:30    Treating Trauma in Black and Nubian people:

12:00    LEARNING LUNCH (meal included)

             -Holistic 2Health Options for Treatment

1:15       Applying the KaAbBa: an African-Centered model for psychological,  

                   spiritual and human development.

2:45       Wrap Up and CE Hours 

The Greater Boston Association of Black Social Workers

GBABSW serves as a structured forum though which Black Social Workers and other human service workers can exchange ideas, offer services and develop programs in the interest of the Black community and the larger Boston community.


 African Centered Paradigms –Part 1

Registration Form

Name___________________________________ Phone _______________

Address _____________________________________________________

City ___________________________________ State____ Zip__________

Agency ______________________ Address ___________________________ 

Email __________________________________ License # _____________

Registration Fee:    ___     Member $30 ___     Non-Member $35 ___   

Social Work Continuing Education Hours:   $10Total Paid: _________

 Make checks payable to:  Greater Boston ABSW  

  Return to:

 GBABSW Attn: Yvonne Desmond –  P. O. Box 300282 Jamaica Plain, MA  02130

The Greater Boston Association of Black Social Workers


8.    Codman Square Annual Peace Concert   (9/25--10am-6pm)


Lorenz Island Kuisine



For Immediate Release                                                                      

August 25, 2010                                                                                 




Codman Square 4th Annual Peace Day Concert

A Spectacular Day of Live Entertainment FOR ALL TO ENJOY!!!!


Codman Square, Dorchester, MA (September 25, 2010) - This concert will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2010 from 10 am – 6 pm at 662 Washington Street, Codman Square Dorchester, MA. 


This annual event is free to the public and its popularity has grown over the past 4 years.  It first began in 2007 with a hand full of local artists and vendors; now it has become one of the many summer events that the residents and visitors enjoy. 


Each year we have a different theme that reflects one of the many concerns of the Boston communities.  This year's theme is "EMERGENCY 911".  Stop the random act of violence on our streets with education and the support of community services. We need Peace on our Streets.


The mission of this concert is to be utilized as a vehicle that can bring Boston's diverse communities and visitors together for a fun day of live entertainment, food and shopping that all can enjoy.  It is also a great opportunity for community organizations to reach out and provide information about the services that are available and could be beneficial to residents and may contribute to bringing peace to our streets.


Vendor opportunities are available, registration is $25(tables and tents are not provided).  Please contact the following individuals for more registration details:


Christopher Graham                             Debra Davis

Lorenz Island Kusine                          Vendor/Media Coordinator

Business Owner                                   617-251-4162



Michelle Graham                                  Empress K

Lorenz Island Kusine                          Entertainment Coordinator

Business Owner                                   347-926-3675



We would appreciate your participation in this event and your support towards the cause.


The Annual Peace concert in Codman Square has been sponsored by Lorenz Island Kuisine a family owned Jamaican Restaurant that was established in July 2006 located at 657 Washington Street, Codman Square, Dorchester, MA 02124.


This restaurant is the proud recipient of the 2010 Best Community Restaurant Award.




Lorenz Island Kuisine




Codman Square 4th Annual Peace Concert

662 Washington Street, Codman Square Dorchester, MA


Saturday, September 25, 2010


10 AM – 6 PM




Please provide the following information to register for the Codman Square 4th Annual 2010 Peace Day Concert.  Vendors should arrive at 8:30 am to set up for the event. 


The registration is $25 (personal checks not accepted).  Your payment will reserve a 10x10 space for your business only, spaces can not be shared.  Tables and Tents are not provided.

We are not responsible for any lost, stolen or damage properties.


Payment can be payable to:


Debra Davis

Codman Square 2010 Annual Peace Day Concert

657 Washington Street

Dorchester, MA  02124


Thank you for your participation and support for this event. 


Vendor Name (Owner): _________________________________________


Name of Business:        _________________________________________


Mailing Address:           _________________________________________




                                    City: ___________   State: _______    Zip: _______


Phone:                          ___________________


email:                            ___________________


Payment Enclosed:        ___________________

9.    Explore The Power of Partnerships; (9/28--8:30am-10:00am)



The Power of Partnerships

 Sportsmen's Tennis Club

2nd Annual Legislative Breakfast

950 Blue Hill Avenue
Dorchester, Massachusetts 02124



50th anniversary

Dear Charles,


On Tuesday September 28th, Sportsmen's Tennis Club will convene many of the city's elected and appointed officials, BPS administrators, civic and non-profit leaders for an engaging dialogue about the power of partnerships in the effort to improve the academic outcomes and physical well-being of our youth. 


State Representative Gloria Fox and City Councilor Rob Consalvo join The Boston Foundation's Robert Lewis, Jr., STC Board Chair, in inviting you to join us from 8:30AM to 10AM at Sportsmen's Tennis Club in Dorchester.  Chris Lynch, Executive Director of the Boston Youth Sports Initiative and co-chair of the Boston Youth Sports Leadership Group will discuss the Group's citywide environmental scan of the availaibility of and barriers to organized physical activity for Boston's youth, conducted in partnership with Wheelock College.


Sportsmen's Tennis Club 's creative partnership with the Boston Police Youth and Community Policing Units was widely publicized this summer.  We will also hear from the BPD leadership that made this program, which we will continue into the fall season, possible. STC will release its strategic priorities for 2011 and 2012, which focus on increasing physical activity and educational outcomes for low-income Boston youth. 


We would be SO grateful to have you join us for this important discussion.  We are dependent upon the advocacy of our elected officials, and we look forward to filling you in on the most pressing needs of STC and seeking your guidance in identifying revenue sources to support our community.


Please rsvp by responding to this e-mail, or we will be in touch over the next week to confirm your attendance.




Toni Wiley
Sportsmens Tennis Club





Communiry Change, Inc.'s Brown Bag Featuring Christian Cho  (9/29--12-1:30pm/REGISTER by 9/24)
     -- "White Racial Identity in the Supervisory Relationship" --
September 29, 2010
12:00 - 1:30
at Community Change Inc.
14 Beacon Street, Room 605,
Boston, MA 02108
Paul Marcus
Community Change Inc.
14 Beacon Street, Rm 605,
Boston, MA 02108
Christian Cho, MA, Mount Ida College
 White Racial Identity in the Supervisory Relationship

Racial identity plays a crucial, yet often unexamined, role in the ways in which individuals interact with others and the environment around them.   In our work settings, how do our racial identities construct and impact supervisory relationships?

This workshop will be of interest to anyone who supervises - or is supervised - with particular emphasis on White supervisors who supervise People of Color.  We will explore Helms' White racial identity development model and learn about how racial microaggressions play out within supervisory relationships.

For planning purposes, pre-registration (by September 24th) is requested but not required.  For questions and/or to RSVP please email
11.   BNU's "Hiring Yourself and Loving It" Business Seminar  (10/9--8:30am-3:00pm)
12.  BOOKS: Best Sellers-Visions For Black Men , Breaking the Curse Of Willie Lynch and The Game Of Life
Lushena Books, Inc  - 

13.   The Center for Church & Prison: Increasing suicides, juvenille prison populations, etc.
Find us on Facebook
     The Center For Church and Prison
Linking the Church with  the Prison and the Prisoner
June Newsletter

Find us on FacebookNEW STUDY       

One in every 31 adults, or 7.3 million Americans, is in   Prison, on Parole or Probation,

One in 45 whites (2.2 percent). 

One in 27 Latinos (3.7 percent)

One in 11 African-Americans, (9.2 percent): 

 At a cost to the states of $47 billion in 2008,

Staggering Statistics

Dear Supporters,
  The Center For Church and Prison brings you greetings and once again thank you for your support and prayers. We want to thank you for  taking the proactive step to call your Senators and Representatives in the Massachusetts House to  express your disagreement about charging inmates $5 A Day Fee for Mass. inmates in jail. It was defeated and never included in the budget.
     We present our June newsletter for your information  and reflection.  In this  newsletter you will find relevant information on the prison and the prisoner, the latest statistics  and the high rate of incarceration and its implications on the minority family structure. For this month, we are highlighting the issue of suicide in the Massachusetts correctional facilities. It is our prayers that faith-based organizations and churches will  begin to see  an open door for ministry in prisons as we witness one of the highest inmates' suicide rates in the nation taking place in  Massachusetts. 
    Feel free to visit our website and blog your  opinion: The Center For Church and Prison
Be Bless
The Board and Director:
Find us on Facebook
Massachusetts Heads The Nations in Inmates Suicide Rates!!
Men Behind Bars
 The latest report on life in the Massachusetts correctional facilities  indicates that Massachusetts now basically leads the nation in the amount of  inmates suicide rates. It is a reality to ponder, reflect upon and  take cogent actions to reduce what is now consider a very extreme case in the nation's prison system.  Governor Patrick and Commissioner Harold Clark have taken the necessary steps  but the underlining psychological, social and historical causes serving as organizing principles cannot be easily dismissed.  The causes and abiding frustration coupled with deep mental health problems and social dislocation experienced by Massachusetts inmates in the sentencing process in  light of the social ethos must be taken into consideration. This is important as experts come together to find a remedy for this increasing suicide rate in Massachusetts correctional facilities. 
      Talking about remedy, can faith-based organizations and churches in Massachusetts see  a need to provide lasting hope and the reliability of faith as  a sustainable coping mechanism to inmates in  the Massachusetts correctional facilities?  I present faith and  spirituality as one of the means of by which inmates can  cope with the frustrating and mental health conditions associated with long term incarceration and loneliness characteristic of the prison system. 
   We have included the following articles for your information.

The  Disconnect Between Lower Crime Rate and  High Incarceration Rate in the US Prison System: Read More At: DO HIGHER INCARCERATION RATES MEAN LOWER CRIME RATES?

 "As we reported recently here on, suicide is the leading cause of death inside U.S. prisons. Nationwide, about 16 of every 100, 000 prisoners take their lives every year. But this year, Massachusetts is experiencing a rash of suicides that has driven that number to 71 per 100, 000 -and that's just so far. With five months left in the year, that rate is bound to  get higher." Read more at:  WHY MASSACHUSETTS HAS SUCH A HIGH PRISON SUICIDE RATE

"Suicides in Massachusetts state prisons are occurring at a rate more than four times the national average this year, prompting advocates and inmates' relatives to call for an urgent response from state officials-and spurring the Patrick administration yesterday to hire a suicide prevention specialist." Read More At:     WITH 8TH SUICIDE, APPEALS FOR CHANGE IN PRISON SYSTEM: MASSACHUSETTS  

"Most of the suicides came after careless errors and dangerous decisions by correction officials and the staff at UMass Correctional Health. And the trail of violence is far wider than the number of dead would indicate, as hundreds more inmates each year have wounded themselves or attempted suicide." Read More at:  A SYSTEM STRAINS, AND INMATES DIE
Latest Statistics on the Incarcerated Population: Juveniles Behind Bars
The Increasing Prison Population
Staggering New Statistics on Prison
 The prison  population has reached some very disturbing numbers  that should alarm  the faith-based and religious communities. Unfortunately, we are  not hearing much from  preachers on Sunday morning nor are we provided with objective analysis of the high rates of incarceration in the prison system from the Media.
     The health implications  of HIV and AIDS  coupled with  Syphilis, Tuberculosis, Mental Health illnesses etc continue to abound to  our  shock and dismay. The economic  implications of abject poverty and generational impoverishment especially evident in this economic recession is poignantly inescapable. Furthermore the social implications of increase in  fatherlessness and single parenting for minority groups and the breakdown of the family structure is becoming an unavoidable reality before our eyes on a day to day basis. Yet we seem not be concern. The latest figures are  worth considering even if you are not associated with anyone who is incarcerated. What is equally astonishing is the high incarceration rate that does not tally with the decline in crime. Increase in crime should justify the high rate of incarceration, unfortunately, we are witnessing a reduced crime rate  in comparison to a high incarceration rate.

The Disconnect Between  Lower Crime Rates and High Rates of Incarceration in the US Prison System: Read More at: DO HIGHER INCARCERATION RATES MEAN LOWER CRIME RATES?

"Present data on prisoners under jurisdiction of federal or state correctional authorities on December 31, 2009, collected from the National Prisoner Statistics series. This report compares changes in the prison population during 2009 to changes from yearend 2000 through 2008 and explores semi-annual growth trends in the prison population from yearend 2006 through yearend 2009." Read More at: PRISONERS AT YEAREND 2009-ADVANCE COUNT

"More than one in 100 adults in the United States is in jail or prison, an all-time high that is costing state governments nearly $50 billion a year and the federal government $5 billion more...: Read More at: NEW HIGH IN U.S. PRISON NUMBERS

Study: 7.3 Million Americans Now in Prison, on Parole or Probation
 "here in this country, a new study has found the number of people in prison, on parole or probation has reached a record 7.3 million. one in every thirty-one adults is now in the US corrections system. Twenty-five years ago,  the rate was one in seventy-seven. The Pew Center  on the States found that corrections spending is outpacing government spending on education, transportation and public assistance. The National Association of State Budget Offers estimates that states spent a record $52 billion on corrections last year-that's one in every fifteen general fund dollars."

Video:   Stopping the Rail to the Jail Video
The Center For Church and Prison
Find us on Facebook Announcements:
Rev. George Walters-Sleyon 1. Rev. Walters-Sleyon will be on the Boston Prison Radio Every Monday from 6pm-7pm starting  August 2nd on the program: "Set The Captive Free!"
  Listen to him on the following  Channels:
    Boston Praise Radio Praise Radio Praise Radio

  Look out for announcement concerning our  quarterly forum and community awareness program  on the topic:

The Center for Church and Prison

Thanks  for your support and prayers. We will love to hear your views. Please visit our  website (above) and let us know what you think.
Be Blessed
Rev. Walters
Imprisonment and the Demise of the Black Family Structure

Inmates  Behind Bars

National Urban League Says Incarceration, Unemployment And AIDS Afflict Black Males to Larger Degree: By  David S. Morgan
     "(AP) Citing bleak data on incarceration, joblessness and AIDS the National Urban League said Monday that problems facing black men represent America's most serious social crisis and proposed an aggressive campaign to provide then with more  opportunities." Read more at:
Report: Black Men Mired In Social Crisis

"African-American men who are incarcerated and then reenter their communities upon release confront numerous obstacles including unemployment, disenfranchisement, limited housing, poor health, and inadequate access to health services. These obstacles have health and socioeconomic impact on their children, families and communities.
WHERE ARE THE MEN?: The Impact of Incarceration and Reentry on African-American Men and Their Children and Families.

The Center For Church and Prison

About US
The Center For Church and Prison is a faith-based  resource and research center  working to  link the Church and  faith-based organizations with  the  prison and the prisoner. By so doing, we seek to highlight the need for more strategic involvement on that part of the Church.
Please visit us at:
The Center For Church and Prison  
Join Our Mailing List
                                            Go to the website for more information.
15.   Contagiouns in your hospitals?  "SUPERBUG" + other deseases (Boston Globe Article)
============================================================================ THIS STORY HAS BEEN FORMATTED FOR EASY PRINTING


'Superbug' patient treated at MGH

Arrival of the germ in US casts a spotlight on global spread of drug-resistant bacteria

A person infected with a "superbug'' that is sparking fears around the world was treated earlier this year in a Massachusetts hospital, disease trackers said yesterday. The patient had recently traveled from India, a hot spot for the germ, which is immune to many common antibiotics.

The patient was treated at Massachusetts General Hospital and isolated, a measure that prevented the germ from spreading, said Dr. David Hooper, chief of the hospital's infection control unit.

"You've got to always be vigilant,'' Hooper said. "We are concerned, not alarmed. With good infection control and following guidelines, they can be held at bay.''

A medical officer at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the Massachusetts patient survived, as did the only other two US patients with infections blamed on the superbug, which appears to have been contained.

All three patients developed urinary tract infections that carried a genetic feature that made their cases harder to treat.

Known by the medical shorthand NDM-1 — it stands for New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase — the gene allows bacteria to escape some of the strongest antibiotics available, a process known as drug resistance.

"It leaves treating physicians with few treatment options,'' said Dr. Alex Kallen, a CDC officer.

The arrival of NDM-1 in the United States casts a spotlight more widely on the problem of drug-resistant bacteria, which have caused outbreaks in hospitals, gyms, and schools. A germ called MRSA has received the most attention, but it has plenty of company.

"This is just another example of these multidrug-resistant [germs] that we are going to have to come to grips with,'' said Dr. Alfred DeMaria, top disease tracker for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health.

Global health specialists attending a major meeting of microbiologists and infectious disease doctors in Boston this week said they are particularly concerned about NDM-1 because of its emergence in India.

Antibiotics are cheap and available over the counter in South Asia, specialists said, fueling inappropriate use and, consequently, the development of drug resistance. Poor sanitation can further spread NDM-1, which thrives in germs that proliferate in the gut.

"There are certain factors in the Indian subcontinent that are going to make this spread quite widely,'' said Timothy Walsh, the Cardiff University scientist who helped discover the germ. "It's very easy for us to forget in the Western world how desperate the conditions are in some of these countries.''

The US cases — the other patients were treated in California and Illinois — also illustrate how swiftly germs can spread in an era of jet travel. Scattered cases of NDM-1 infections have been reported elsewhere in Asia, as well as in Europe and Canada.

All three of the US patients had been in India, and two — including the person treated at Mass. General — underwent medical procedures in hospitals while they were there, Kallen said. The patient treated in Boston was an Indian citizen with cancer who had undergone surgery and chemotherapy in that country before coming to Massachusetts, the CDC physician said.

Neither of the patients who spent time in Indian hospitals is believed to have traveled to that country as part of medical tourism — the practice of US and European patients going abroad for surgeries that can cost less

Germs with NDM-1 are typically spread through poor hygiene and not by coughing or sneezing, Walsh said. In India, children playing in sewage could be exposed to the superbug.

In the United States, DeMaria said, the threat posed by the germs is most acute in hospitals. "They don't cause infection in people walking down the street,'' he said. "If somebody's in an intensive care unit on a ventilator with a tube in their trachea, they're at risk for these organisms. If someone has had extensive abdominal surgery with lots of open wounds, they're at risk.''

Only two antibiotics possess a measure of effectiveness against bacteria riddled with NDM-1, doctors said: an old drug called colistin and tigecycline.

The paucity of drugs reflects not only the strength of the superbug but also the long-neglected development of new antibiotics.

While compounds are being studied in labs and some are undergoing human testing, scientists and physicians at the Boston meeting, the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, expressed little hope that the antibiotic medicine cabinet will expand significantly in coming years.

"There're some antibiotics that have been talked about at this meeting,'' Walsh said. "Trouble is we've got one or two that look promising, and what we need are six to eight to cover our options.''

Stephen Smith can be reached at  

© Copyright 2010 The New York Times Company

Abilify (Aripiprazole): Lawsuit Settlement – Serious Side Effects – NOT FDA Approved in Children and Seniors

43 States have received millions of dollars in settlements from Bristol-Myers Squibb for the questionable marketing and pricing of certain prescription drugs for the poor.

Bristol-Meyers Squibb and its former subsidiary, Apothecon Inc., agreed in September to pay a total of $499 million, according to a spokeswoman for the company. The payments to the individual states, like Georgia's Medicaid program went out in July 2008.

"The allegations were that these companies not only engaged in a pattern of kickbacks and false reporting to drive up both the sales and prices for its drugs, they also encouraged health care providers to prescribe a potent drug to both children and seniors for uses that had not been approved by the FDA," Georgia Attorney General Thurbert Baker said in a prepared statement. "The drive to make certain that the bottom-line meets Wall Street expectations can never justify defrauding the taxpayers or putting our most vulnerable citizens at risk."

Bristol-Myers Squibb and Apothecon were accused of reporting inflated prices to get higher reimbursements from government health care programs and of paying doctors, health care providers and pharmacies to push their products.

One medication at the center of the complaints was Abilify, an antipsychotic drug prescribed for children and for dementia-related psychosis. The federal Food and Drug Administration had not approved Abilify for those uses.

The drug company also was accused of misreproting prices for Serzone, an antidepressant, so consequently rebates to Medicaid were less.

Federal law requires pharmaceutical companies give their lowest prices to Medicaid programs and that was the basis of complaints that led to the settlement.

A spokeswoman for the company, when asked for comment Tuesday, referred to a statement released in September when the matter was resolved. "Bristol-Myers is pleased to have resolved these matters from the past and is proud of its commitment to conduct business with the highest standards of integrity in its mission to extend and enhance human life."

Source: "The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Published on 07/15/08

Below you will find additional state settlements:

Alabama – Not Participating

Alaska – Not Participating

Arizona – ?

Arkansas $1.3 million

California – $23 million

Connecticut – $1.9 million

Delaware – $1.1 million

District of Columbia – $923, 685.85

Florida $21.5 million

Georgia $12.1 million

Hawaii – ?

Idaho $1.7 million

Illinois $10 million

Indiana – $2.2 million

Iowa – $1.9 million

Kansas $3 million

Kentucky – $3 million

Louisiana -$9.6 million

Maine – $829,862

Maryland – $2.3 million

Massachusetts – $9.2 million

Michigan -$10,990,484

Minnesota – $2.35 million

Mississippi – Not Participating

Missouri $11 million

Montana – $295,091.26

Nebraska $3.2 million

Nevada – ?

New Hampshire $1.2 million

New Jersey – ?

New Mexico – $1.3 million

New York $40 million

North Carolina $14.8

North Dakota – $194,873.36

New York City $7.5 million

Ohio $6.5 million

Oklahoma – $1.37 million

Oregon – $3 million

Pennsylvania – Not Participating

Rhode Island – ?

South Carolina – Not Participating

South Dakota – $700,000

Tennessee – $3.5 million

Texas $15.7 million

Utah – $2 million

Vermont $218,963

Virginia – $7.1 million

Washington – $6.8 million

West Virginia – ?

Wisconsin – Not Participating

Wyoming – $554,320

If your state is not listed above you may go to and ask for the Media Relations person and request a press release for the Bristol-Myers settlement amount for your state or check back for updates.

Below you will find some of the "new" information about the devastating side effect of ABILIFY® found on their website. The question is – why would our government allow such dangerous drugs to be on the market?

If you wish to stop taking any antidepressant or antipsychotic medication it has been my experience that doctors and psychiatrist tend to give out additional medication to address any side effects, thus drugging you more and adding additional side effects. If you really wish to stop taking such drugs demand it from your doctor. Since these drugs often have withdrawal symptoms which are often just as bad as the drug side effect itself, you should not stop taking the medication cold (abruptly). For alternative help in stopping or tapering off such medications visit On the left-hand side of the page you will find a free online book entitled, "How to Get Off Psychiatric Drugs Safely".


Elderly people with psychosis related to dementia (for example, an inability to perform daily activities as a result of increased memory loss), treated with atypical antipsychotic medicines, are at an increased risk of death compared to placebo. ABILIFY is not approved for the treatment of people with dementia-related psychosis (see Boxed WARNING). Antidepressants may increase suicidal thoughts or behaviors in some children, teenagers, and young adults, especially within the first few months of treatment or when the dose is changed. Depression and other serious mental illnesses are themselves associated with an increase in the risk of suicide. Patients on antidepressants and their families or caregivers should watch for new or worsening depression symptoms, unusual changes in behavior, or thoughts of suicide. Such symptoms should be reported to the patient's healthcare professional right away, especially if they are sever or occur suddenly. ABILFY is not approved for us in pediatric patients with depression (see Boxed WARNING)."

"Patients should not use ABILIFY if they are allergic to aripiprazole or any of the ingredients in ABILIFY. Allergic reactions have ranged from rash, hives and itching to anaphylaxis, which may include difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue.

Serious side effects can occur with any antipsychotic medicine, including ABILIFY. Tell your healthcare professional right away if you have any condition or side effects, including the following:

  • An increased risk of stroke and ministroke has been reported in clinical studies of elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis
  • Very high fever, rigid muscles, shaking, confusion, sweating, or increased heart rate and blood pressure. These may be signs of a condition called neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), (a life-threatening neurological disorder most often caused by an adverse reaction to neuroleptic or antipsychotic drugs) a rare but serious side effect which could be fatal
  • Abnormal or uncontrollable movements. These may be signs of a serious condition called tardive dyskinesia (TD), which may be permanent". (Per other sources, this is a permanent condition.)
  • "Diabetes, risk factors for diabetes (for example, obesity, family history of diabetes), or unexpected increases in thirst, urination, or hunger. Increases in blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), in some cases serious and associated with coma or death, have been reported in patients taking ABILIFY and medicines like it. Ask your healthcare professional about the need to monitor your blood sugar level before and during treatment.

Lightheadedness or faintness caused by a sudden change in heart rate and blood pressure when rising quickly from a sitting or lying position (orthostatic hypotension) has been reported with ABILIFY.

Medicines like ABILIFY can effect your judgment, thinking, or motor skills. You should not drive or operate hazardous machinery until you know how ABILIFY affects you.

Since medicines like ABILIFY can impact your body's ability to reduce body temperature, you should avoid overheating and dehydration.

If you have suicidal thoughts, you should tell your healthcare professional right away.

Medicines like ABILIFY have been associated with swallowing problems (dysphagia). If you had or have swallowing problems, you should tell your healthcare professional.

Tell your healthcare professional if you have a history of seizures, or are pregnant or intent to become pregnant, and about all prescription and non-prescription medicines you are taking or plan to take.

Most common side effects (greater than 10%) from all clinical trials involving adults or pediatrics include:

ADULTS: Nausea, vomiting, consitipation, headache, dizziness, an inner sense of restlessness or need to move (akathisia), anxiety and insomia.

PEDIATRICS: (10-17 years): Uncontrolled movements, headache, sleepiness and nausea.

While taking ABILIFY, avoid:

  • Drinking alcohol
  • Breast-feeding an infant

It is important to contact your healthcare professional if you experience prolonged, abnormal muscle spasm or contraction which may be signs of a condition called dystonia.

For patients who must limit their sugar intake, ABILIFY Oral Solution contains sugar.

For patients with phenylketonuria or PKU, ABILIFY® DISCMELTTM (aripiprazole) contains phenylalanine."


This website may contain some copyrighted material. We reserve the right to reproduce such material under the Copyright Act, Title 17 US Code, Section 107, "Fair Use", as we believe the public should be informed of such information so they can think for themselves rather than rely on advertisements. We gain no profit from such articles.

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73 Responses to "Abilify (Aripiprazole): Lawsuit Settlement – Serious Side Effects – NOT FDA Approved in Children and Seniors"



--  THE END --


( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )  


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Chuck Turner, District 7 Boston City Councillor

City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510  /  District Office--(617) 427-8100           

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