Saturday, November 20, 2010

CTDN Alert: 3rd SPECIAL Concerned Roxbury Residents Community Meeting regarding The Roxbury Neighborhood Council

Welcome To The Chuck Turner Daylight Network:

The Antidote For The Apathetic





3rd SPECIAL Concerned Roxbury Residents

Community Meeting


WHEN:         Monday, November 22nd.

TIME:            6:00pm - 7:45pm

WHERE:       Dudley Library, 65 Warren St. Roxbury, MA



 The NEED for the RNC to act more as Roxbury’s leading community development organization, rather than a private club that excludes community participation. 


 We want to hear from YOU, the community, on ways to improve the accountability of RNC’s leadership and to begin to take the NECESSARY steps towards an IMMEDIATE RNC election.   



Please join concerned residents in strengthening

Roxbury‘s land development power!!!


Organized & endorsed by the Roxbury Safety Net


 The Mission of the RNC, The Roxbury Neighborhood council is a volunteer, resident run organization whose mission is to protect the community. Our purpose is to defend/protect the land and the buildings of Roxbury from the wide variety of hostile forces such as; gentrification, redlining, speculation, displacement and environmental degradation that have damaged our neighborhood and its people for many years. By monitoring the status of government-owned properties, reviewing development projects that receive government subsidy, through oversight of the Roxbury Master Planning process and zoning policy, and by lobbying for a greater access to city services, the RNC’s advocacy helps to assure the quality of our neighborhoods future.







--  THE END --


( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )  


Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations

and businesses.  While we share this information with you, it should not

be seen as an endorsement of their services.


Chuck Turner, District 7 Boston City Councilor

City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510           

 ROXBURY:                   WARD 8, Pcts 3-4, 7;           WARD 9, Pcts 3-5;          WARD 11, Pcts 1-3, 5;     WARD  12, Pcts 1-9

DORCHESTER:            Ward 7, Pct 10;                    Ward 8, Pcts 5-6;             Ward 13, Pcts 1-2, 4-5

SOUTH END:                Ward 4, Pct 4;                      Ward 9, Pct 2

FENWAY:                     Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9 

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