Please pass this on.
The Roxbury Home Coming Committee’s
Annual Juneteenth Event
(new location between White Stadium and F P Zoo—now closer to the Seaver Street side of the park)
1. Dorchester People 4 Peace, Marching in the Dorchester Day Parade (6/5—Noon)
2. Urgent Hearing Alert--re: BOSTON WARDS+PRECINCTS. Is the City of Boston structure about to change. City Council Hearing (6/6--10:00am)
3. Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee Meeting (6/6—6:00pm)
4. REMINDER: MBTA Key Bus Route Meeting for Bus Route 66 (6/6—6:00pm)
5. ZBA Hearings--Zoning Board of Appeals – GUESS WHAT’S COMING TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD (6/7—9:30am)
6. Codman Square NDC: Talbot Avenue Station Groundbreaking (6/7—4:00pm)
7. Boston Branch NAACP Legal Trainings/Identifying Discrimination “It is what it is. Or is it?” (6/8-5:30-8:30pm)
8. Franklin Park Schedule of Meetings + Events (June)
9. BRA COMMUNITY MEETING: Christian Science Plaza PDA Master Plan (6/9—6:00-7:30pm)
10. Whittier Street Health Center May E-Newsletter (6/11/2011)
11. COMMUNITY ACTION NEEDED FOR 6/15 HEARING: Support Massachusetts Youth Proposed Election Laws on June 15th (DEADLINE 6/15)
12. Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) Basic Training - for SDO Certified Businesses (HEADS UP MWBE’s) (6/16—9:30am-12:30pm)
13. Union of Minority Neighborhoods (Juneteenth Activism Event) (6/19/2011)
14. Community Forum: Black Community Losing Power: Counting Inmates in the Wrong Place (6/21—5:15PM)
1. Dorchester People 4 Peace, Marching in the Dorchester Day Parade (6/5—Noon)
(and apologies if you got multiple copies of this message)
We are Marching Again this Year in the Dorchester Day Parade. . . JOIN US, Sunday, June 5! |
Dorchester Day Parade
Sunday, June 5.
Gather 12-12:30pm
(Parade Kick-off 1pm sharp)
Look for us along Dorchester Ave. in Lower Mills, between Richmond and Adams (Division 1) Please let us know if you can make it by responding to this email, writing to or phoning 617-288-4578 |
As in years past, Dorchester People for Peace will proudly bring our message to End the Wars, Reduce Military Spending and Fund Our Communities -- to thousands of Parade participants and watchers. **We’ll have parade flyers to distribute, along with banners and signs to decorate our “float”. **Bring your organization’s flags and banners. Don’t miss it. . . And help us to get the word out! COOKOUT following the parade (from about 3:30pm) at Jeff’s house, 123 Cushing Ave, Jones Hill (617-288-4578 to RSVP or to arrange drop-off of food before the parade) We’ll have hamburgers and hotdogs, condiments; pot-luck dishes and drinks welcome. |
2. Urgent Hearing Alert--re: BOSTON WARDS+PRECINCTS. Is the City of Boston structure about to change. City Council hearing (6/6--10:00am)
3. Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee Meeting (6/6—6:00pm)
RSMPOC Meeting
Monday, June 6, 2011, 6:00 PM to 7:45 PM
Dudley Branch Library, 65 Warren Street, Roxbury
Project Description:
Updates on the RFP for Parcels 9 & 10 RFP, in Roxbury (located at the intersection of Melnea Cass Boulevard and Washington Street). Also, updates on the proposed Whittier Street Health Center and Ruggles Place development projects on Parcel P-3 (on Tremont Street, across from the Boston Police Headquarters), community updates, and unfinished RSMPOC business.
The RFP is for Parcels 9 & 10 is available for purchase at the BRA Office of the Executive Secretary on the 9th floor at City Hall. A copy of the RFP is available for public viewing at the South End, Dudley, and the Grove Hall Branch Libraries. Planning Reports, Meeting Notes, and Meeting Schedules are available for viewing on the BRA web site and at: , select “Planning Initiatives”, and select “Roxbury Strategic Master Plan”.
Meeting Date Place: 6:00 PM to 7:45 PM, June 6, 2011, at the Dudley Branch Library, 65 Warren Street Roxbury.
Next oversight committee members working session is scheduled for…
Monday, June 20, 2011, at 6:00 PM at the Central Boston Elders Services, 2315 Washington Street, Roxbury.
EMAIL TO: Hugues Monestime, Senior Planner
BOSTON, MA 02201
FAX TO: 617-367-6087
PHONE: 617-918-4320
4. REMINDER: MBTA Key Bus Route Meeting for Bus Route 66 (6/6—6:00pm)

Bus Route 66 Community Meeting Dear MBTA Riders and Interested Parties, This is a reminder that the MBTA will host a community meeting to discuss Bus Route 66 as part of the MBTA Key Bus Route program this Monday at the Honan-Allston Branch Library. The MBTA has been working with the community to develop a series of improvements to Bus Route 66. Based on community feedback, the MBTA will be presenting progress design plans for implementation, including: the addition of customer amenities and bus stop consolidation, which will result in the changes to the location of some bus stops. Bus stops may be relocated and/or eliminated. We want your feedback on these proposed changes. Bus Route 66 operates between Harvard Square and Dudley Station via Union Square, Coolidge Corner, Brookline Village, and Brigham Circle. It provides high frequency service to these areas in addition to serving important destinations such as Harvard University, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Reggie Lewis Center and several schools. It also provides connections to the Red, Green, Orange and Silver Lines as well as many other bus routes including Key Bus Routes 1, 15, 22, 23 28, 71, 73 and 77 and the following local and crosstown routes – 8, 14, 19, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 68, 69, 72, 74, 75, 78, 86, 96, 170 and 171. The following meeting will discuss potential improvements to Bus Route 66. Please join us to share your ideas. Monday, June 6 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM Honan-Allston Branch Library 300 North Harvard Street, Boston The Honan-Allston Branch Library can be reached by Express Bus Routes 501 and 503 and Bus Routes 64, 66, and 70. All are invited to attend this meeting. Past presentations and meeting handouts can be viewed at\keybusroutes. Project handouts with current recommendations will be available for viewing shortly before the meeting. Your input will help create a better bus service for your community! For detailed project information, please visit\keybusroutes. Please forward this email to anyone you think may be interested in this project. |
5. ZBA Hearings--Zoning Board of Appeals – GUESS WHAT’S COMING TO YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD (6/7—9:30am)
ROOM 801
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
BZC-28144 6 Wordsworth Street, Ward 1 Eric Danilchuk
BZC-28145 8 Wordsworth Street, Ward 1 Eric Danilchuk
BZC-28615 265 West Second Street, Ward 6 Eamonn Solan (by Niles Sutphin)
BZC-30055 5 Beckler Avenue, Ward 6 James & Linda Haugh
BZC-28059 33 Kilmarnock Street, Ward 21 Shaw’s Supermarkets, Inc
HEARINGS: 9:30 a.m.
BZC-31167 1035 Saratoga Street, Ward 1 Daniel Toscano
BZC-31134 99-105 Addison Street, Ward 1 Patricia Thibert
BZC-31135 107 Addison Street, Ward 1 Patricia Thibert
BZC-31149 30 Jeffries Street, Ward 1 Dr. M Reada Bassiouni (by Vanessa A. Mendizabal)
BZC-31165 220 William McClellan Highways, Ward 1 Capital Advertising LLC
BZC-31166 20 Monument Street, Ward 2 Eric & Scott Darci
#5324 20 Monument Street, Ward 2 Eric & Scott Darci
BZC-31148 162 Endicott Street, Ward 3 Glenn Taylor
#5323 162 Endicott Street, Ward 3 Glenn Taylor
BZC-31193 196 Endicott Street, Ward 3 Esmaeil Mahdavi (by Dan Toscano)
BZC-31238 4-6 Newbury Street, Ward 5 Tribeca Newbury Street Owner, LLC
#5327 4-6 Newbury Street, Ward 5 Tribeca Newbury Street Owner, LLC
BZC-31147 150 West Fourth Street, Ward 6 150 West Fourth Street LLC (by Arthur Choo, Jr)
BZC-31162 882-884 E Broadway, Ward 6 Daniel Clark
BZC-31211 618 East Second Street, Ward 6 503 East First Street, Inc
BZC-31140 46 Forest Street, Ward 8 John Duran
BZC-31131 2 Linwood Street, Ward 11 Powahouse LLC (by Simon Hare)
BZC-31163 246-248 Parker Hill Avenue, Ward 10 Steven Schlom
HEARINGS: 10:30 a.m.
BZC-31151 50 Sydney Street, Ward 13 Dung & Tam Thanh Le
BZC-31153 636-638 West Park Street, Ward 14 Richard Daniels (by Jonathan Bradshaw)
BZC-31150 8 Columbia Terrace, Ward 15 Ryan Connelly (by Niles Sutphin)
BZC-31168 415-415A Neponset Avenue, Ward 16 Dennis Hayes
BZC-31141 44 Spencer Street, Ward 17 Duc Vo
BZC-31192 197 Norfolk Street, Ward 17 Anthony Gurley
BZC-31144 1213-1223 Commonwealth Avenue, Wd 21 Contal Realty (by Daoud Tayeh)
BZC-31154 29 Seattle Street, Ward 22 Tarun Jhamb (by Salvatore Monteillo)
BZC-31155 29R Seattle Street, Ward 22 Tarun Jhamb (by Salvatore Monteillo
BZC-31160 25 Quint Avenue, Ward 22 Nalin Mistry (by Anwar Faisal)
RE-DISCUSSION: 11:30a.m.
BZC-31164 100 Arlington Street, Ward 5 Arlington CFII LP
BZC-30989 546 East Broadway, Ward 6 Clare Coyne
BZC-31083 546 East Broadway, Ward 6 New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC (by Timothy Greene)
BZC-31017 253 Boston Street, Ward 7 Sean Byrne
BZC-31029 16 Nahant Avenue, Ward 16 Aongus Mcmanus
BZC-30367 33-47 Quint Avenue, Ward 21 Alphox Management (by Anwar Faisal)
BZC-30884 28 Quint Avenue, Ward 22 28 Quint Avenue Parking Trust (by Paul Minihane)
BZC-31042 41-43 North Beacon Street, Ward 22 North Beacon Realty Trust
BZC-31048 239 Foster Street, Ward 22 Mai Phung
6. Codman Square NDC: Talbot Avenue Station Groundbreaking (6/7—4:00pm)
Talbot Avenue Station Groundbreaking
Codman Square NDC, along with our community partners and stakeholders,
invites you to an earthmoving event.
When: Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Where: Talbot Avenue Station Construction Site
(The Levedo Building – across the street @ 245 Talbot Avenue – in case of rain)
Time: 4:00 PM
Please RSVP to Marcos Beleche at 617-825-4224 ext. 142
Refreshments will be served.
7. Boston Branch NAACP Legal Trainings/Identifying Discrimination “It is what it is. Or is it?” (6/8-5:30-8:30pm)
Each of you have huge networks and the Boston Branch NAACP is asking you to please post the information regarding our upcoming Discrimination Training on your FB pages or distribute via email. Whether an urban professional, blue color worker, the chronically unemployed, a young person or a senior, a Democratic or Republican...folks have likely experienced some form of discrimination if you're black or brown in Boston. However, we find ourselves questioning whether it's us or them. We may struggle with making the case or with finding an attorney to represent us. We often avoid the time, expense and energy required to challenge the person, the institution or the system--but what's the effect of that choice on long term change. We have entitled our training "It is what it is. Or is it?" and we're confident this will be a major step toward reawakening the much needed conversation on discrimination and race. I would like to ensure there is not one empty seat in the Kroc Center, since this training is so important and rare.
The official marketing of this FREE training will begin Tuesday, May 23rd, but we have already begun to receive RSVPs from community residents, local attorneys, activists and academics. We will not hear individual cases at this training, but will announce ongoing legal clinics where residents can work with attorneys on their specific complaints. Space is limited to 250 people.
Please help us spread the word...
Michael Curry, President
Boston Branch NAACP
NAACP legal trainings at Kroc Center
By Bill Forry
May. 19, 2011
May. 19, 2011
On Wednesday, June 8, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., the Boston Branch NAACP will hosting a Racial Discrimination Training at the Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Center, located at 650 Dudley Street,Dorchester. The training is co-sponsored with the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights, the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts' Young Professional's Network (YPN) and the Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston, and supported by the Attorney General's Civil Rights Division and the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination (MCAD).
What is racial discrimination? How do you prove it? What are the roles of the various local, state and federal agencies and law enforcement entities? How do you respond if you've been a victim of discrimination? What is MCAD and how do you navigate the complaint submission process? What if you're represented by a union? These are just a few of the questions that we plan to address during this three-hour training. Following the training, the Boston Branch NAACP will work with the Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston, the Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights and possibly a local law school to develop ongoing legal clinics where people can come for assistance with their specific cases. RSVP at
What is racial discrimination? How do you prove it? What are the roles of the various local, state and federal agencies and law enforcement entities? How do you respond if you've been a victim of discrimination? What is MCAD and how do you navigate the complaint submission process? What if you're represented by a union? These are just a few of the questions that we plan to address during this three-hour training. Following the training, the Boston Branch NAACP will work with the Fair Housing Center of Greater Boston, the Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights and possibly a local law school to develop ongoing legal clinics where people can come for assistance with their specific cases. RSVP at
8. Franklin Park Schedule of Meetings + Events
Bicycle Tours of Roxbury |
Monthly rides from May - September with a different theme for each tour. Helmets required. Register at - all rides start or end in Franklin Park. $10.00/ride.
- Thursday, June 16th 6:00pm - Eliot Square to Franklin Park - a neighborhood introduction
Juneteenth / Roxbury Homecoming
Saturday, June 18th
At the Playstead ballfields and all over the park
Tuesday concerts at 6:00pm |
Opening Night! July 12th - The E-Water Band - dance to your favorites from all the decades!
July 19 - We Jazz Up with Frank Wilkins, Tim Ingles, and friends - smooth jazz for a summer evening in the park.
July 26 - Zili Misik, featured on the cover of G Magazine - Afro-Caribbean all-female musicians
Tuesday daytime children's shows at 11:00am for summer camp groups and families: July 12th - Stajez Dance Troupe; July 19th - Batukaxe with Marcos Santos and his fabulous drummers; July 26th - TBA; August 16th - Children's Festival with music, games, food, and fun!
Movie Nights
Tuesdays at Dusk
August 9th - Latino Movie Night featuring shorts and a feature length film from the Boston International Latino Film Festival
August 19th - Mayor's Movie Night showing Toy Story 3.
9. BRA COMMUNITY MEETING: Christian Science Plaza PDA Master Plan (6/9—6:00-7:30pm)
Good afternoon –
Please be advised that the BRA will host a community meeting on Thursday, June 9, 2011, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM, at The First Church of Christ, Scientist, 3rd Floor Conference Room, 210 Massachusetts Avenue, regarding the Master Plan for Planned Development Area No. 80, Christian Science Plaza, Huntington Avenue/Prudential Center, Boston (the “PDA Master Plan”) for the proposed revitalization of the Christian Science Plaza (the “Plaza Revitalization Project”), located at Huntington Avenue, Belvidere Street and Massachusetts Avenue and containing approximately 14.83 acres of land.
The PDA Master Plan was submitted by The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Church Realty Trust and the Christian Science Board of Directors.
The Plaza Revitalization Project would consist of significant upgrades to the Christian Science Plaza’s privately-owned open space, including reconstruction of the Reflecting Pool, additional green space, seating and other improvements, and envisions the construction of three new buildings, totaling approximately 950,000 square feet of gross floor area, as well as an approximately 2,000 gross square-foot pavilion building, all of which would be proposed projects within one or more subsequently filed Planned Development Area Development Plans. One new building would be located on Huntington Avenue and would not exceed a height of approximately 291 feet. Two new buildings would be at the intersection of Belvidere and Dalton Streets, one of which would not exceed a height of approximately 251 feet and the other of which would not exceed a height of approximately 512 feet and both of which would contain underground parking.
The pavilion building would be located near the intersection of Huntington Avenue and Belvidere Streets and would not exceed a height of approximately 35 feet.
Close of Comment Period: July 1, 2011
Please send comments to: KRISTIN KARA
BOSTON, MA 02201
Fax to: 617-742-7783
Email to:
Kristin Kara
Senior Project Manager
Boston Redevelopment Authority
One City Hall Square
Boston, MA 02201
Phone: 617-918-4263
Fax: 617-742-7783
10. Whittier Street Health Center May E-Newsletter (6/11/2011)
May 2011 |
Support Whittier Visit our Web site: | Our New Home: Get A Behind The Scenes Look At Our New Medical Home Whittier in the Neighborhood: Learn More About Our Newest Partnership Program Spotlight: Project ME 2011 Men's Health Summit on Saturday June 11th, 2011 Vote for Whittier: Livestrong and Whittier, We Need Your Vote Whittier News and Upcoming Events |
Our New Home: Building our Legacy - Building Our Future |
If you have spent anytime driving down Tremont street by Roxbury Community College you have certainly seen the rapid ascension of the newest building in the Roxbury skyline. Whittier Street Health Center's new home at 1290 Tremont street is progressing quickly as we are nearly finished with the terra-cotta outer shell. With each passing week and month our new location is taking shape from its foundation months ago, to steel pillars, and now to the nearly completed outer walls. The new building will be a state of the art 79,000 square foot health center equipped to provide high quality and accessible services designed to improve health and eliminate the disproportionately high rates of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, HIV/AIDS and violence that plague our community. It will include:
Thank you to all of our partners including corporations, foundations, individuals, community members and political representatives who have provided support. Whittier is currently in the midst of a Buy A Brick campaign for the new building. Please call (617) 989-3071 for more information on how to become involved and to have your name engraved into Whittier's new building. |
Whittier in the Neighborhood: Our Partnership with Boston Housing Authority |
On May 13th, the partnership between Whittier Street Health Center and the Boston Housing Authority hosted the "Building Vibrant Communities" open house at the Boston Housing Authority's Lenox-Camden Development. Through a Kresge Foundation funded initiative, Whittier Street Health Center and our community partners are working with five public housing developments in the area to create an environment where residents are empowered to overcome significant social and environmental barriers to lead healthier lives. According to Frederica Williams, Whittier Street Health Center's President and CEO, residents of public housing face significant social and environmental determinants of health that are leading to poorer health outcomes. "Isolation, social conditions, higher rates of unemployment from the continued economic downturn, cultural differences, stress and violence all contribute to disparities in health outcomes for the residents we serve. Over 80% of our patients live in public housing and we work closely with the Boston Housing Authority to provide services that help link our community to health care." Through the Building Vibrant Communities initiative, we seek to empower residents to adopt positive behavior change related to individual and community health, while providing support when needed. One of the primary findings from our community needs assessment was that residents have "too much going on" to worry about their health. We want residents to have the tools and resources to gain control of other parts of their life, so that individual and family health can become a priority. Not only does "too much going on" often manifest itself through stress, depression and domestic violence, but it also impedes the individual's ability to take the steps necessary to lead a healthier life including through diet, exercise and accessing health care. Whittier and the Boston Housing Authority envision working with families to mitigate this feeling of despair and being out of control, while supporting them with resources to take proactive steps towards healthier lives through nutrition, exercise, management of chronic diseases and community and family development. With offices located in each of the five target housing developments staffed by a Social Health Coordinator, outreach nurse, behavioral health life coach, nutritionist, and exercise/sports coach, residents will know they can turn to us for any of their social and health needs. We are going to them, not hoping they will come to us. |
May Program Spotlight: Project Me |
In May's program spotlight we wanted to feature one of Whittier's newest projects based within the community, Project ME. Project ME is a program designed to connect those hardest to reach to health care services, with a specific focus on HIV prevention and care. The program's focal point is a drop-in center located in Dudley Square that offers free HIV rapid testing and health promotion workshops, and links clients to other social and health services. The Boston Public Health Commission's Health of Boston Report indicates that in 2006, Roxbury's HIV/AIDS incidence rate was 64.6 cases per 100,000, which represents the second highest rate in Boston among its 15 neighborhoods. Project ME targets those most at risk for HIV infection or transmission who are hard-to-reach. Some of the subpopulations include: Latino and African American heterosexual men and women at risk for HIV infection or transmission, Latino and African American injection drug users and their partners, and men and women of color living with HIV who are not accessing care and/or do not know their status. The drop-in center provides a safe haven where patients who have been overlooked or fear the stigmatization of a traditional clinic can begin the process of connecting to the health care community. Project ME represents Whittier's commitment to patient centered care by engaging patients not just in the health center but by going into the community and creating environments where patients feel most comfortable. To learn more about the Project ME Program visit us at 130 Warren Street in Roxbury. |
2011 Men's Health Summit Saturday June 11th |
Join us for the 8th Annual Men's Health Summit: A Healthier Me, A Stronger Us on Saturday, June 11, 2011, at the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center. The keynote address will be delivered by Roberto Clemente Jr., eldest son of baseball legend Roberto Clemente and founder of the Reviving Baseball in the Inner-Cities (RBI) program in Puerto Rico. The Men's Health Summit plays a vital role in the community by connecting male patients, who are often hesitant to seek out care, with the information and screenings they need. According to the Boston Public Health Commission's 2010 Health of Boston report, in 2008, black men in Boston were 3.3 times more likely to die from prostate cancer than white men. Additionally, Black residents of Boston are twice as likely to have diabetes as white residents. A recent needs assessment conducted by Whittier through a grant funded by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health found only 1/3 of men surveyed in our target area eat the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables, less than half regularly exercise and only half get regular medical physicals. The Summit raises awareness on men's health issues, provides necessary screenings, and promotes a lifetime commitment to leading healthy lives. The Summit will include a health fair, health screenings (high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate cancer etc.), and a formal program, which includes an awards ceremony, a keynote address and a Q&A panel discussion with health professionals on men's health topics. This year, we are honored to award the Health Champions Award to: True See Allah of the Boston Re-entry Initiative, Dr. Jacques Carter of Harvard Medical School, John Jenkins of West Insurance Agency, Dr. Roderick King of the Disparities Solution Center at Massachusetts General Hospital, Raul Medina of El Planeta, Richard Lynch of CeltiCare, Fernando Domenech of Domenech, Hicks & Krockmalnic, and Byron Barnett the host of Urban Update on 7 News WHDH. For more information call 617-989-3028 or click here. Be sure to watch Urban Update on Sunday June 5th for an in depth interview with Whittier Street Health Center's President and CEO Frederica Williams and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's Dr. Christopher Lathan about Men's Health and the importance of the Men's Health Summit. |
Vote for Whittier, Vote for our Community! |
Help Whittier Street Health Center bring a Livestrong Community Impact Project model to our community! By offering the Promotores Program, we seek to engage the ever increasing number of Latino cancer survivors who are not currently connected to any form of cancer survivorship programming. A strong focus of Whittier's implementation of the Promotores Program will be to engage immigrants who were treated for cancer prior to arriving in the United States. Please support Whittier and the Promotores Program by voting for the project here: |
Upcoming Events and Whittier in the News |
June 11th 2011: Men's Health Summit |
11. COMMUNITY ACTION NEEDED FOR 6/15 HEARING: Support Massachusetts Youth Proposed Election Laws on June 15th (DEADLINE 6/15)
On June 15th a bill to let 16 and 17 year-olds pre-register to vote will get a hearing in front of the State Legislature's Joint Committee on Election Laws. Your phone calls, letters, and online petitions made all the difference.
Today, when teens get their licenses at the Registry of Motor Vehicles, they are usually too young to register. If they fill out the form anyway (and many do) they then receive a rejection letter from their local elections official, asking them to come back in a year or so. It's a bad experience for new voters and a waste of time and money.
Pre-registration will strengthen high school voter registration drives. Better yet, pre-registration can be systematically implemented in high school Civics, Social Studies, and American History classes.
In order for pre-registration to become law, the bill must first pass through the Election Laws Committee with an "Ought to Pass" recommendation. I want to ask for your help. The best way to accomplish this is to pack the hearing room with supporters - and people to testify - to demonstrate that this is an issue that matters.
Pre-registration will strengthen high school voter registration drives. Better yet, pre-registration can be systematically implemented in high school Civics, Social Studies, and American History classes.
In order for pre-registration to become law, the bill must first pass through the Election Laws Committee with an "Ought to Pass" recommendation. I want to ask for your help. The best way to accomplish this is to pack the hearing room with supporters - and people to testify - to demonstrate that this is an issue that matters.
The hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, June 15th, at 2pm in Hearing Room A2 in the Massachusetts State House.
Jasmine Hicks
Youth Program Coordinator
Youth Program Coordinator
41 West Street, Boston, MA 02111
(617) 542-8683 -
12. Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) Basic Training - for SDO Certified Businesses (6/16—9:30am-12:30pm)
Basic SDP Program Overview - Services and Resources for SDO Certified Businesses.
This three hour training session is opened to Minority and Women-Owned Businesses, who are interested in learning how to use their SDO certification in the procurement process, find opportunities for SDP partnerships and market as an SDP participant to state entities. An overview of Comm-PASS is provided including an interactive session on how to navigate the system, search for open opportunities, and list your business as an interested bidder and other Comm-PASS features.
(This workshop will be cancelled or rescheduled if the minimum number of participants (8) is not met)
Date: June 16, 2011
Time: 9:30 am – 12:30 pm
Location: The McCormack Building,
One Ashburton Place, 10th Floor,
Boston, MA. 02108 directions
Registration: You must Pre-Register.
Please register via the Office of Supplier Diversity by clicking on this link SDP workshop online Registration.
Be sure to include your email address on the registration form to receive session notifications.
If you have questions regarding this training, please send an email to
13. Union of Minority Neighborhoods Event (6/19/2011)
14. Community Forum: Black Community Losing Power: Counting Inmates in the Wrong Place (6/21—5:15PM)
15. JOB
NSTAR is hiring for Lineworker, UG Class #3
Location: Boston-Mass Avenue...Union position: Local 369
Work Schedule: All shifts, including Holidays.
Starting rate: $24.83hrly.
Go to opportunities.
If you wish to post your organizations, events, meetings, job postings, on the Network,
Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations and businesses.
While we share this information with you, it should not be seen as an endorsement of their services.