( Also known As The Chuck Turner Daylight Network )
Candidates for District 7 City Councillor
Ballot Order
Special Preliminary Municipal Election –
-Natalie E Carithers 29 Brookledge Street District 7
-Danielle Renee Williams 75 Munroe Street District 7
-Cornell Mills
-Tito Jackson 37 Schuyler Street District 7
-Roy Owens 6 Woodville Street District 7
-Althea Garrison 98 Howard Avenue District 7 Former State Representative
District 7 Polling Locations = 7 wards / 31 precincts (
W / P = Addresses |
4/4 = |
4/5 = |
4/8 = |
4/9 = |
7/10 = |
8/3 = |
8/4 = |
8/5 = |
8/6 = |
8/7 = |
9/2 = 1701Washington |
9/3 = |
9/4 = |
9/5 = 44 John Eliot Sq – |
11/1 = |
11/2 = |
11/3 = |
11/5 = |
12/1 = |
12/2 = |
12/3 = |
12/4 = |
12/5 = |
12/6 = |
12/7 = |
12/8 = |
12/9 = |
13/1 = |
13/2 = |
13/4 = |
13/5 = |
OUR struggles continue!!!!
Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations and businesses.
While we share this information with you, it should not be seen as an endorsement of their services.
District 7 Boston City Council Office
One City Hall Square
Boston, MA 02201
Phone (617) 635-3510 / Fax (617) 635-3734
ChuckTurner ---> cturner694 @comcast.net Lorraine.Fowlkes @cityofboston.gov
Paulette.Tillery @cityofboston.gov Darrin.Howell @cityofboston.gov
Edith.Monroe @cityofboston.gov Angela.Yarde @cityofboston.gov
SOUTH END: Ward 4, Pct 4; Ward 9, Pct 2
FENWAY: Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9