( Also known As The Chuck Turner Daylight Network )
Candidates FORUM for District 7 City Council Seat
With support from MassVote Civic Engagement Initiative, the GARRISON-TROTTER NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION in conjunction with the FRANKLIN PARK COALITION, PROJECT RIGHT and PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGE will host a candidates' FORUM on:
Location: Crispus Attucks Children's Center
( @ Humboldt and
7. JOB FAIR for Former Inmates (2/19--10:00am-4:00pm)
9 . Join Us in Honoring Mel King (2/23--5:30-8:30pm)
11. Good Afternoon BAAC Members,
12 . UE: FBI Investigation Hindered 2009 Bank Protest
On Saturday, February 12th, people from across
Under the guise of public safety, "S-Comm" endangers the civil rights and security of all and is particularly an attack on immigrants and people of color. The federal program mandates local law enforcement to cross check the fingerprints of those arrested against the Homeland Security's
database in search of immigration status.
While supposedly targeting violent offenders, the vast majority of those detained and deported are considered "non-criminals". This would include those who have been unlawfully arrested, those arrested for minor offenses like traffic violations and those who ultimately have their charges dropped.
The "S-Comm" program is part of an overall effort to target immigrants and maintain a permanent second-class status for millions of workers. The time is now for communities across the state to stand together against "SComm" and all anti-immigrant programs! Undocumented immigrants are not criminals!
Join us on Saturday, February 12th, and beyond, to demand:
· No to "Secure Communities" and all anti-immigrant programs!
· No human being is illegal full rights for all immigrants!
· Stop the raids and deportations now!
For more information, please contact the
Initiated by the Boston May Day Committee (Mass. Global Action, July 26 Coalition, Tecschange, Latinos for Social Change, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Party USA, Socialist Workers Party, ANSWER Coalition) and endorsed by (2/7/11): ACLU of Massachusetts, Boston-Cambridge Alliance for Democracy, Center for Nonviolent Solutions, Centro Presente, Chelsea Uniting Against the War, Circulo Bolivariano Martin Luther King, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), Community Church of Boston, Dominican Development Center, FMLN Boston, Harvard No Layoffs Campaign, Immigration Pastoral Center, Industrial Workers of the World, International Action Center, MassCOSH/Centro de Trabajadores, Mass. Jobs with Justice, MataHari: Eye of the Day, MIRA, National Lawyers Guild Massachusetts Chapter, Party for Socialism and Liberation, Project Voice AFSC, Proyecto Hondureno, Resist the Raids!, Stop the Wars Coalition, Student Immigrant Movement, Student Labor Action Movement (SLAM), Veterans for Peace, Unite Minority Neighborhoods, Worcester Immigrant Coalition, Worcester PeaceWorks.
4. City Council 2/15 Hearing on Sex Ed - HSTF NEEDS YOU! (2/15--3:00-5:00pm)
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Hyde Square Task Force | P.O. Box 301871 | Jamaica Plain | MA | 02130 |
Bus Route 23 Corridor Improvement Program
Community Meeting
The MBTA has been working with the community to develop a series of improvements to the Route 23 from Ashmont Station to Grove Hall.
Based on those recommendations, the MBTA will be presenting progress design plans for implementation, including:
· Traffic Signal Improvements
· Shelter Installations
· Trash barrels, benches
· Stop Consolidation
We will be presenting details of these improvements at a community meeting on:
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Erie Ellington Community Center
31 Erie Street, Dorchester
The Erie Ellington House can be reached by the Route 23.
For detailed project information on the Route 23 and other Key Bus Route projects, please visit www.mbta.com/keybusroutes.
To join our mailing list, contact Ralph DeNisco at 617-279-0932 or rdenisco@nelsonnygaard.com.
All are invited to attend these meetings.
Please contact Ralph DeNisco, Nelson/Nygaard Associates, at 617-279-0932 or rdenisco@nelsonnygaard.com with requests for language or access accommodations. For detailed project information, please visit www.mbta.com\keybusroutes. Please forward this email to anyone you think may be interested in this project.
Defend Public Education
THESE CLOSINGS AND CUTS ARE AN ATTACK ON CHILDREN OF COLOR, SPECIAL ED STUDENTS AND ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNER STUDENTS OF BOSTON. City Councilor Yancey has called for the School Committee to reverse its decision of December 15. On December 15 English HS auditorium was filled to overflowing with 100s of parents, students, teachers and community activists militantly voicing their opposition. THE FIGHT IS JUST BEGINNING! We must reverse the closings and stop the upcoming attack on student assignment and choice, desegregation, and the unions.
Impacted schools listed below:
Slated to be closed: Fifield Elementary, Middle School Academy, Faragut Elementary and Agassiz Elementary, in addition to the East Zone Early Learning Center, the Gavin Middle School, the Roger Clap and Ralph Waldo Emerson elementary schools, the Engineering School, and the Social Justice Academy and moving the Community Academy of Science and Health
To be merged (involves program cuts): Lee Academy, Lee Elementary, Alleghieri, Umana, Urban Science Academy, Parkway Academy of Technology and Health, Brook Farm Business and Service Career Academy, Media Communications Technology High School, Excel High School, Monument High School
7. JOB FAIR for Former Inmates (2/19--10:00am-4:00pm)
The Center For Church and Prison Events
The Center for Church and Prison in collaboration with the Urban League of Boston, The Anthony Perkins Community Center, Greater Love Tabernacle, etc., Invites you to a Job Fair for former inmates desiring a CORI friendly Job and Business!!!
Requirements: Will Power to Work Integrity to Keep your Job Committment to achieve Financial Independence on your Job.
Dress: Professional: Come Ready to Be Interviewed!!!
Event Info Date: Saturday Feb. 19th Time: 10am to 4pm 155 Talbot Avenue Dorchester, MA, 02124 |
The Urban League of Boston
The Anthony Perkins Community Center
The Stanley Jones Clean Slate Project
The Judge Banks Community Justice Program,
Greater Love Tabernacle, Etc.
Contact Information
Rev. George Walters-Sleyon
Tel: 781-233-1528
The Center for Church and PrisonThe Center for Church and Prison is a Resource and Research Center working to link the Church, individuals, and the Community with the prison and prisoner with the goal toward strategic solution development for adequate intervention in the high rate of incarceration of especially black men and youths in United States prison system. Please visit our website: The Center for Church and Prison
The above information was compiled by Michael Kozu, PRI Community Coordinator (617.541.5451.x102).
Urban Edge is facilitating a meeting regarding the Jackson Square Indoor Active Recreational Facility on Tuesday, February 22nd at 6PM at the
11. Good Afternoon BAAC Members,
Do you know a young women who is a high school senior or who needs some financial assistance with college expenses? Here are a few scholarships for minority women. Seniors graduating next year should start early looking for financial resources and you don't always have to be an honor student to apply. Thanks to another one of our diligent BAAC members who forwarded this list so that we can continue to disseminate helpful information to our members and their families and friends. BAAC keeping you informed. Have a positive day.
Gayle R. Ryder-Regional Coordinator BAAC Region III
Scholarships for Minority Women
Actuary Scholarships for Minority Students
American Chemical Society Scholarships
American Geological Institute Minority Geoscience Student Scholarship
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
American Political Science Association Minority scholarship list
Barbara Jordan Health Policy Scholars Program
Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation
The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
Engineering for Minorities
Gates Millennium Scholars
International Education Financial Aid
The Jackie Robinson Foundation (high school seniors only)
Jack Kent Cook Foundation Graduate Scholars Program
John L. Carey Accounting Scholarship
Kaiser Media Internships in Health Reporting
LGBT Scholarships
Microsoft Scholarships (for computer related degrees)
Morris K. Udall Undergraduate Scholarship (for environmental studies)
National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (SMART Grant)
Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
Students of Color Scholarship
Unmet Need Scholarship
USA Funds
Scholarships for African -American Women
Herbert Lehman Education Fund
The Jackie Robinson Foundation (high school seniors only)
Ron Brown Scholarship (high school seniors)
Black Excel Scholarship Gateways
Congressional Black Caucus Foundation
Dr. James M. Rosin Scholarship
Fisk Premedical Summer Institute / Minority Medical Education Program
General Mills Technology Scholars Award
Law School: MCCA Lloyd M. Johnson, Jr. Scholarship Program
NAACP Earl Warren Shearman and Sterling Law School Scholarship
NAACP Scholarships: Earl G. Graves Scholarship, Agnes Jones Scholarship, Lillian and Samuel Sutton Scholarship, Roy Wilkins Scholarship, and the Hubertus W.V. Williams Scholarship
National Association of Black Journalists
National Black Police Association
National Society of Black Engineers Scholarship List
Sallie Mae Fund American Dream Scholarship
Siemens Teacher Education Scholarship Program
Spieler, Rhea and Louis Scholarship Program
UNCF Merck Science Initiative
United Negro College Fund
Scholarships for Latina Women
Hispanic Scholarship Fund (also for college students)
Adelante US Education Leadership Fund
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (Congressional Internship)
First in My Family Scholarship Program
Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
Hispanic Internship Program
La Unidad Latina Foundation
Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund
National Association of Hispanic Journalists
Salvadoran American Leadership and Education Fund
State Farm Hispanic Scholarship Fund
From: Portside Moderator moderator@PORTSIDE.ORG
UE: FBI Investigation Hindered 2009 Bank Protest By Kari Lydersen In These Times February 3, 2011 http://www.inthesetimes.com/working/entry/6912/ue_fbi_investigation_hindered_2009_protest/
Union workers at the Quad City Die Casting plant in central Illinois expected their planned protest outside a Wells Fargo Bank in July 2009 to be calm and civil.
They had already talked with local Rock Island police and made it clear they "had no beef," in UE Midwest director Carl Rosen's words, with the police or the municipality, but wanted to make a statement about the bank which was cutting the plant's financing.
So when the day of the protest came, workers and their supporters were surprised to see a heavy and relatively combative police presence. At the time they didn't know what to make of it, and figured maybe Wells Fargo had pressured the department to come out in force.
The plant was organized by the United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), the same union which eight months earlier had carried out the famous Republic Windows occupation. Protesters heard a police officer say the FBI had alerted them that "terrorists" were coming to Rock Island for the action, but union reps didn't believe it.
"It seemed fantastical that the FBI would be interested in us," said Rosen. It wasn't until more than a year later that they understood what had happened.
The union members coming from Chicago in solidarity that day included Joe Iosbaker, who, as it turns out, was the target of an ongoing FBI investigation that became public in September 2010 when agents raided his home and the homes of 13 other labor and anti-war activists in Chicago, Michigan and Minnesota.
As described in a statement adopted by the UE's general executive board at their national meeting January 27-28, union leaders now believe the FBI had been spying on communications of Iosbaker and other activists, and called the Rock Island police to tip them off about the Chicagoans' plans to go to the protest.
Iosbaker is an executive board member and chief steward of SEIU Local 73 in Chicago, and an outspoken labor activist in general. He directly participated in the UE's Republic Windows and Doors occupation.
A number of unions and labor groups have passed resolutions or made statements condemning the FBI investigations as a violation of civil rights and free speech. The UE statement points out how the FBI's actions not only targeted activists for their anti-war views, but also as a side effect infringed upon the Quad City Die Casting members' right to peacefully protest regarding their own situation.
"We're supposed to be living in a democracy, and a democracy means elections, but also the ability of people to speak out about issues they're concerned about, whether popular or unpopular," Rosen said.
"People need to have a right to address their grievances to the government and the public at large-that's what our members were doing. They'd conferred in advance with the local police so everything could run smoothly and minimize the resources of the local police."
He added that the FBI, rather than taxpayers, should have been billed for the overtime or extra staff resources utilized by the Rock Island police that day.
Rosen noted that even "under the wild speculation that any of these folks that they`re investigating did something improper with someone overseas," it was unnecessary and inappropriate for the FBI to have called the local police. "They're labor activists, one thing you do as a labor activist is practice solidarity,"
Rosen said. "Nothing could have indicated these people would in any way pose any danger here."
Iosbaker and other people targeted by the FBI think the investigation stemmed from their involvement in protests around the 2008 Republican National Convention, and expanded to focus on their solidarity work with Palestine and Colombia. Iosbaker said he doubts the FBI is specifically targeting labor activists, but nonetheless the investigation could affect labor struggles like Quad City Die Casting.
"Right now the main focus of repression is the anti-war movement and international solidarity work," Iosbaker says. This was likely "a bleed-over from an operation they had been doing deep undercover on the anti-war movement," he added, noting the Quad City Die Casting protest was publicized through the Fight Back! newspaper listserv he helps maintain. "But this stemmed from that.
They disrupted a protest action organized by the UE.
They harassed and intimidated them."
As the UE statement notes, their members have a particular interest in addressing civil rights violations and overzealous FBI surveillance, since the union was a target of anti-Communist counterintelligence and covert repression in the McCarthy era.
The UE statement says:
Our own union's history has taught us that
infringement on basic freedoms is a matter of life
and death to the workers' movement. During the "red
scare" of the late 1940s and the 1950s, the combined
forces of the corporations, the federal government,
both major political parties, the media, and
opportunistic business unions nearly succeeded in
destroying UE and crushing progressive trade
Because of the persecution that our union suffered
and barely survived in that era, we in UE have a
continuing obligation to speak out forcefully
whenever civil liberties are endangered by political
hysteria and repression.
Last September, it was revealed the UE was among about 200 civil rights, women's rights and labor groups spied upon by Pennsylvania's Homeland Security office, which reported to local law enforcement on groups they considered terrorist threats. When the operation was exposed it created widespread outrage and Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell demanded the program halted.
Rosen and Iosbaker said continued publicity and expressions of support by labor activists and others is important to make sure the FBI doesn't over-reach and violate civil liberties as part of the "war on terror."
"The lessons of history are that when people don't speak up about the civil liberties of others being taken away, more civil liberties get taken away from more and more people," Rosen said. "The sooner and the louder that more people speak out, the more likely it is these things will stop and we'll get that element of democracy back."
The statement from the UE concludes:
From the Industrial Workers of the World's (IWW)
fight for free speech in the 1910s, to the major
labor-inspired civil liberties court decisions of
the 1930s, the labor movement has often been in the
forefront of defending the right to speak and
protest. Unionists have understood that without the
ability to speak out, union efforts would be
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OUR struggles continue!!!!
Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations and businesses.
While we share this information with you, it should not be seen as an endorsement of their services.
District 7 Boston City Council Office
One City Hall Square
Boston, MA 02201
Phone (617) 635-3510 / Fax (617) 635-3734
ChuckTurner ---> cturner694 @comcast.net Lorraine.Fowlkes @cityofboston.gov
Paulette.Tillery @cityofboston.gov Darrin.Howell @cityofboston.gov
Edith.Monroe @cityofboston.gov Angela.Yarde @cityofboston.gov
SOUTH END: Ward 4, Pct 4; Ward 9, Pct 2
FENWAY: Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9