Tuesday, October 5, 2010

HERE IN BOSTON--TODAY ONLY-6:30-10pm=NIH Blue Ribbon Panel re BU Level 4 Biolab Risk Assessment/Nat'l Emerging Infectious Diseases Labs

Welcome To The Chuck Turner Daylight Network:
The Antidote For The Apathetic



Meeting of the National Institutes of Health
Blue Ribbon Panel to Advise on the Risk Assessment of the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL) at
Boston University Medical Center (BUMC)


WHAT:         An opportunity for the public to engage in a dialogue about the draft

                    supplementary risk assessment study being performed for the

                    Boston University National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories. 

WHEN:          October 5, 2010; 6:30 p.m. � 10:00 p.m.

WHERE:      Mainstage at Roxbury Community College
                     1234 Columbus Avenue, Roxbury, MA

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has assembled a Blue Ribbon Panel to advise the NIH Director on matters regarding the BUMC NEIDL and other NIH-funded Regional and National Biocontainment Laboratories.  A key element of the Blue Ribbon Panel's charge is to provide advice on a draft supplementary risk assessment regarding the NEIDL. 

The Blue Ribbon Panel is holding a public meeting to inform the community on the status and proposed approach of the risk assessment for the BUMC NEIDL.  The meeting program will include an update and review of the ongoing supplementary risk assessment study.  The materials that will be presented at the meeting, as well as other pertinent meeting details, will be posted in advance on the Web site of the Blue Ribbon Panel at: http://nihblueribbonpanel-bumc-neidl.od.nih.gov/

Members of the public may, at any time, file written comments to the following address:  NIH Blue Ribbon Panel, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD  20892-7985 or by sending an email to: nih_brp@od.nih.gov.  



MORE INFORMATION:  To learn more about the NIH Blue Ribbon Panel,
please visit: http://nihblueribbonpanel-bumc-neidl.od.nih.gov/index.htm















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To learn more about the NIH Blue Ribbon Panel,
please visit:



Los Institutos Nacionales de Salud (NIH) ha reunido un grupo de expertos "Blue Ribbon" para aconsejar al Director de NIH sobre asuntos relativas a NEIDL de BUMC y otros Laboratorios Regionales y Nacionales de Biocontención que son financiados por el NIH. Un elemento importante del cargo de "Blue Ribbon" es proveer recomendaciones sobre el borrador de la evaluación de posibles riesgos con respecto a la NEIDL. 

El grupo "Blue Ribbon" esta convocando una reunión pública para informar a la comunidad sobre el estado y el enfoque propuesto de la evaluación del riesgo para el NEIDL BUMCEl programa de la reunión incluirá una actualización y revisión sobre la investigación en curso de la evaluación complementaria de riesgo.


Los materiales que serán presentados en la reunión, y otros detalles pertinentes de la reunión,

serán publicadas con antelación en la página web:



Miembros del público pueden presentar comentarios escritas en cualquier momento a la siguiente dirección: NIH Blue Ribbon Panel, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892-7985 o enviando un correo electrónico a: nih_brp@od.nih.gov.






--  THE END --


( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )  


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Chuck Turner, District 7 Boston City Councillor

City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510  /  District Office--(617) 427-8100

Chuck.Turner@cityofboston.gov             Angela.Yarde@cityofboston.gov                  Phillip.Reason@cityofboston.gov      

Paulette.Tillery@cityofboston.gov      Lorraine.Fowlkes@cityofboston.gov          Edith.Monroe@cityofboston.gov


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