Tuesday, July 5, 2011

NETWORK: HEADS UP LANDLORDS, City Councl Hearings...new laws!!!, Deferred Loans/Gants for Unemployed Homeowners, BOSTON Hip Hop Pioneers Reunite 4 Youth,





Please pass this on.


( SAT. JULY 9 NOON-3:00 PM )




1.        Boston City Council passes $2.4b budget on 12-1 vote  -  Yancey voted NO! 

2.        City Council Hearing Schedule.  HEADS UP LANDLORDS…FUTURE LANDLORDS.                                                           (7/4-7/15/11)


3.        FREE STORY HOUR and FREE BOOKS At Roxbury’s Marcella Park                                   (Wednesdays, July + August--1:15-2:00 pm)

4.        MBTA Survey:  Share Your Idea for Improving MBTA Service in Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan!                           (7/7—3:00-6:00pm)


5.        Tito Puente Latin Music Concert Series in Mozart Park                                                    (7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 7/30 + 8/4—7:00-9:00PM)

6.        Boston's Hip Hop Pioneers Reunite for Youth                                                                                                  (7/8—10:00pm,11:00pm)


7.        FREE BANKRUPTCY INFO SEMINAR @ Vine St. Community Center                                                                           (7/9—11am-1pm)

8.        FAMILY EVENT:  Charles C. Yancey 25th Annual Book Fair – Reggie Lewis Track                                                  (7/9—NOON-3:00pm)


9.        SCIENCE AFTER DARKTHE STUFF YOU DIDN’T LEARN IN SCHOOL Museum of Science, Boston                            (7/9—6:30-9:30pm)
10.      TOWN MEETING: Congressional Progressive Caucus members are visiting Grove Hall--PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGE (7/20--6:00-8:00pm)


11.       $$$ Deferred Loans/Grants for Unemployed Homeowners -- EHLP

12.       Funding Update HEADS UP NON-PROFITS (Open attachment “FUNDING UPDATE” for $$$sources + deadlines)


13.       APT 4 Rent





1.        Boston City Council passes $2.4b budget on 12-1 vote  -  Yancey voted NO! 



Boston City Council passes $2.4b budget on 12-1 vote

June 29, 2011 2:21 PM


By Andrew Ryan, Globe Staff


With notably little rancor, the Boston City Council voted 12-1 today to pass a budget that will close schools and trim jobs, but require far fewer cuts than in recent years.

 Councilor Charles C. Yancey voted no because the budget would make cuts in schools and community centers.


 The $2.4 billion spending plan will merge and close 18 schools, pull city staff out of a handful of community centers, and require some layoffs. But the city will also add police and firefighters and allocate more resources for students with special needs in the fiscal year that begins Friday.






2.      City Council Hearing Schedule.  HEADS UP LANDLORDS!!! (7/6—1:00pm) See attachments proposed new laws!!!    (Schedule 7/4-7/15/11)


Boston City Council


Comcast Channel 12

10 AM to 5 PM

RCN Channel 82

8 AM to 5 PM



­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­    ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________________________________________________________________

Weekly Programming Schedule   7/4 – 7/15 2011*


Monday July 4                                                Independence Day

  8:00am         Labor, Youth Affairs & Human Rights on hiring up to 300 youth and street workers 4/11 (2:02)  

10:00am          Women & Healthy Communities on sexual assault reporting and prevention on college campuses 4/26 (2:53)

  1:00pm         Census & Redistricting on the 2010 Census and Redistricting in the City of Boston 5/10 (2:23)

  3:30pm                     Government Operations/ Census & Redistricting on decennial division of precincts in the City of Boston 6/6 (1:47)


Tuesday July 5                       

  8:00am          Women & Healthy Communities on programs available for grandparents raising grandchildren 3/31 (1:40)

10:00am           Ways & Means FY12Budget: Boston Centers for Youth & Families 5/26 (3:57)

2:00 PM            Government Operations on Early Retiree Reinsurance program

+ indemnification of Retirement Board members  (LIVE)

  4:00pm          Ways & Means FY12Budget: Boston Youth Fund 5/26 (0:55)   (Live)


Wednesday July 6

8:00am          Boston City Council Meeting 3/25 (1:19)

10:00am           Government Operations on The limiting tobacco access by youth ordinance (LIVE)

1:00pm          Government Operations on Penalties for problem properties/ encouraging responsible landlord ownership (LIVE)


3:00pm           Economic Development & Planning on Fan Pier Development 5/20 (1:46)


Thursday July 7                      

  8:00am          Women & Healthy Communities on sexual education and condom availability in high schools 2/15 (1:45)

10:00am           Ways & Means/ Education FY12Budget: Boston Public Schools- Capital Budget& Facilities 5/3 (2:22)

12:30pm           Ways & Means FY12Budget: Property & Construction Management 5/19 (1:26)

  2:00pm          City, Neighborhood Services & Veteran Affairs on Urban Farms 5/23 (2:15)


Friday July 8

8:00am          Economic Development & Planning on the future of all closed school buildings 3/14 (1:55)

10:00am           Environment & Health on Arborway Temporary Yard Facilities 6/13 (1:54)

12:00pm           City, Neighborhood Services & Veteran Affairs on public & Private alleyways 4/27 (1:57)

  2:00pm          Ways & Means FY12Budget: Parks & Recreation Department 6/15 (2:13)


Monday July 11

8:00am          Government Operations on Boston/ Dedham Police Authority, Senior work-off abatement, residential exemption deadline 6/2 (0:46)

10:00am          Ways & Means FY12Budget: Boston Fire Department 6/21 (2:42)

   1:00pm         Ways & Means FY12Budget: Boston Police Department 6/14 (1:30)

   2:30pm         Meet Your Boston City Councilors (0:40)

   3:30               Introduction to Boston City Council Committees (0:42)


Tuesday July 12                      

8:00am            Economic Development & Planning on the future of all closed school buildings 3/14 (1:55)

10:00am           Ways & Means/ Education FY12udget: Boston Public Schools- Special Education 6/23 (3:46)           

  2:00pm          Education on the student funding formula’s impact on Special Education 3/16 (2:35)


Wednesday July 13

8:00am          Arts, Film, Humanities & Tourism on culture districts in Boston 3/2 (:03)

10:00am           Government Operations on concurrent jurisdiction of MASSport controlled properties within the City of Boston 6/28 (1:38)

12:00pm           Boston City Council Meeting (LIVE)

2:00pm            Boston City Council Meeting 6/29 (2:23)


Thursday July 14                    

  8:00am          Government Operations/ Census & Redistricting on decennial division of precincts in the City of Boston 6/6 (1:47)

10:00am           Government Operations on economic development and the food truck industry 2/15 (1:58)

12:00pm           Government Operations on The limiting tobacco access by youth ordinance 7/6

  3:00pm          Government Operations on Penalties for problem properties/ encouraging responsible landlord ownership 7/6


Friday July 15

  8:00am          Ways & Means FY12Budget: Property & Construction Management 5/19 (1:26)

10:00am           Boston City Council Meeting 7/13

12:00pm           Housing on affordable housing stock in Fenway neighborhood 3/14 (2:22)

  2:30pm          Environment & Health on Arborway Temporary Yard Facility 6/13 (1:54)



   * Note: Programming Schedule is subject to change based on the scheduling and length of Live Hearings and Meetings, which will be carried in their entirety.

For more information on Boston City Council Television, contact Kerry Jordan at 617-635-2208 or Kerry.Jordan@cityofboston.gov





3.    FREE STORY HOUR and FREE BOOKS At Roxbury’s Marcella Park                                  (Wednesdays, July + August--1:15-2:00 p.m)







4.       MBTA Survey:  Share Your Idea for Improving MBTA Service in Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan!  (7/7—3:00-6:00pm)



Description: MassDOT Logo 2010






Description: http://r20.rs6.net/on.jsp?llr=znirp8bab&t=1106267489275.0.1101507633593.25404&ts=S0631&o=http://ui.constantcontact.com/images/p1x1.gif

How would you improve MBTA service in Roxbury, Dorchester, or Mattapan? The primary outcome of the Roxbury/Dorchester/Mattapan Transit Needs Study will be the identification of short, medium and long-term improvements strategies that have broad community support. In addition to the dozens of recommendations that have already emerged from other planning processes in the study area, MassDOT wants to evaluate your ideas as well. So whether it's a minor modification to a bus schedule, or the introduction of a new rail line, please share your idea with us today at www.mass.gov/massdot/rdm/feedback.aspx!


If you'd like to share your idea in person, you can also visit one of MassDOT's RDM Study outreach tables. 


The team will be out at Forest Hills Station (lower busway) on Thursday, July 7 from 3pm to 6pm. 


We hope to see you there!


Be sure to visit our website over the summer to view all the suggestions MassDOT receives.  As always, if you have any questions about the RDM Study, please do not hesitate to contact Scott Hamwey, MassDOT Project Manager, at 617.973.7210 or by email at scott.hamwey@state.ma.us.




5.       Tito Puente Latin Music Concert Series in Mozart Park (7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 7/30 + 8/4—7:00-9:00PM)



Description: Hyde Square Task Force

Join us in Mozart Park for the first concert of the 2011 series.   

(The corner of Centre Street and Mozart Street in Jamaica Plain.)

This first show is hosted by Hyde Square Task Force!



Description: Tito Puente






6.      Boston's Hip Hop Pioneers Reunite for Youth     (7/8—10:00pm,11:00pm)



Boston's Hip Hop Pioneers

Reunite for youth







Boston Hip Hop Pioneer's Old School Rent Party on July 8th at Club Choices is our fundraiser for the Got Peace? Basketball Tournament in August and the Can We Talk 2U? Again Music Conference in September.



WE HAVE TO HAVE AT LEAST 200 PEOPLE THERE TO COVER THE 2 YOUTH EVENT EXPENSES. There are 40 of us on the committee who are also contributing financially to this event. We CAN get 200 people there attendance.



Thanks in advance for your support of the youth peace movement!



Thank you!

Cindy Diggs

Peace Boston









7.       FREE BANKRUPTCY INFO SEMINAR @ Vine St. Community Center  (7/9—11am-1pm)




Description: Bankruptcy Seminar





8.    FAMILY EVENT:  Charles C. Yancey 25th Annual Book Fair – Reggie Lewis Track  (7/9—NOON-3:00pm)



Yancey celebrates 25th Annual Charles C. Yancey Book Fair









9.        SCIENCE AFTER DARKTHE STUFF YOU DIDN’T LEARN IN SCHOOL Museum of Science, Boston   (7/9—6:30-9:30pm)






10.       TOWN MEETING: Congressional Progressive Caucus members are visiting Grove Hall--PRINCE HALL GRAND LODGE (7/20--6:00-8:00pm)


A lot of people feel like their voices aren't being heard in the halls of congress -- that our elected leaders in Washington don't understand the challenges we face every day and the serious changes our communities need.

On July 20, we can change that.

This summer, members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are stopping in Boston as part of their multi-city "Speakout for Good Jobs Now" tour and they want to hear from us.

WHEN:                  Wednesday, July 20

6-8 PM (Doors open at 5)

               Prince Hall

24 Washington Street

Dorchester, MA

For More Information and to RSVP, click here:

While some in Washington are focused on tax cuts for the corporate CEOs and ultra-rich, our members of congress actually want to know how the economy is affecting us, right here in Massachusetts. They want to carry our voices back to the capitol as they fight to reinvigorate the American Dream for everyone - not just a select few.

Opportunities like this don't come around every day, so let's make sure we're the first in line to have our voices heard!


See you there!


Darrin Howell


Community Liaison

(617) 785 - 2802




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11.    $$$$ Deferred Loans/Grants for Unemployed Homeowners -- EHLP


Deferred Loans/Grants for Unemployed Homeowners -- EHLP


The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has launched the Emergency Homeowners' Loan Program (EHLP) to assist homeowners who are at least 90 days late on their mortgage, and unemployed or working fewer hours because of the economy or a medical condition with monthly mortgage payments up to $50,000.


Nuestra Comunidad in Dudley Square is working to assist local homeowners through the EHLP process. Call or text us at 617 334 5788 for more information and to receive an application via e-mail, or come by the office at 54 Warren Street, Roxbury, MA 02119 to meet with one of our counselors.


The following information on EHLP is provided by NeighborWorks America:

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act provided $1 billion to the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development to implement the Emergency Homeowners' Loan Program (EHLP). This HUD program is being administered by NeighborWorks America.


The program is designed to provide mortgage payment relief to eligible homeowners experiencing a drop in income of at least 15 percent, directly resulting from involuntary unemployment or underemployment due to adverse economic conditions and/or a medical emergency. The mortgage relief covers past-due mortgage payments, as well as a portion of the homeowner's mortgage payment for up to 24 months (up to $50,000).


EHLP will be managed by HUD's Office of Housing Counseling and administered through NeighborWorks America or individual states that operate programs which are substantially similar to EHLP. Homeowners must apply for program assistance through participating housing counseling agencies. Homeowner applications will be available no sooner than July 2011.




Amelia Hill


Nuestra Comunidad Development Corporation

HomeOwnership Center

54 Warren Street

Roxbury, MA 02119


T: 617 989 1218

F: 617 989 2700

e-mail: ahill@nuestracdc.org




12.       Funding Update  (SEE ATTACHMENT “ Funding Update… for sources + deadlines)



Mayor Menino Announces Circle of Promise - Parent Toolbox Resources


Mayor Menino, in recognition of LIFT-Boston’s partnership with The Circle of Promise, officially launched a new center for families of Boston Public School (BPS) students and neighborhood residents to access vital resources. Located at the Boston Centers for Youth and Families (BCYF) Vine Street Community Center in Roxbury, The Circle of Promise/LIFT-Boston Center is a continuation of the “comprehensive community integration plan” that Mayor Menino implemented early in 2010, with the BPS and community partners “to transform public education in Boston.”  To learn more about the Circle of Promise and the suite of services offered by the City of Boston to help families - the Parent Toolbox please go to: http://www.cityofboston.gov/Circle/default.asp


To learn more about the LIFT-Boston Center, please go to: http://www.cityofboston.gov/news/default.aspx?id=5169


State Budget Update

The conference report for the FY12 state budget was released Thursday night and was passed in the House and Senate today.  The Governor will now have 10 days to review, amend, or veto aspects of the bill.  To see the conference report, please go to:  http://www.malegislature.gov/Content/Documents/Budget/FY2012/ConferenceReport-H3535.pdf



The ReadBoston Storymobile will be rolling through the streets of Boston this summer providing children with fun, interactive storytelling events and free, new books to take home. The Storymobile program will run weekdays July 5th through August 12th to offer the children of Boston a free and fun alternative for summertime adventure. The program is open to all children with 78 convenient locations throughout the city. In addition, ReadBoston will offer a week of special events August 15-August 19.  To learn more and see the schedule, please go to:  http://www.bostonredevelopmentauthority.org/readboston/JCSRB.asp


Kathryn M. Jenkins

Intergovernmental Relations

City of Boston

1 City Hall Plaza, Room 968

Boston, MA 02201





13.     APT 4 Rent


My 3rd floor apartment will be available in August.  Please use the following to go to Craig’s List to see: http://boston.craigslist.org/gbs/abo/2476853462.html

Please share.











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