( Formerly known As The Chuck Turner Daylight Network )
12. Project Right/Grove Hall Update: METCO Lobby day/fundraiser; Letter on GH Prep Charter Sch (3/15 + 4/1)
I would like to invite you to First Friday Open Studios this Friday, March 4th, from 5-9 pm., at 450 Harrison Ave., Studio 227, Boston, MA. Having completely re-done my studio, I now have much more display space with new lighting and many new framed photos; I hope you'll come and see them. And see below for a limited time offer to learn how you can benefit from drum scanning of film and original art! Also this month, in addition to new prints from my personal collection, I will continue to feature newly restored photographs of early 20th century China from the archive of my Grandfather, William Leete. Finally, I will have new examples of client work, both photography and Fine-Art reproductions. Soldier, Western Shanxi, 1918; Photo William Leete; Restoration and Print ©2011 William Morse As always during Open Studios, the building's 20 galleries and more than 50 artists' studios will be open. There is off street parking at 500 Harrison Avenue as well as on street parking. The MBTA Silver Line stop is East Berkeley, just one block away. See you this Friday! Bill Morse Wm. Morse Editions A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio 450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227 Boston, MA 02118 Bill@MorseEditions.com (617) 429-3298 PS- As you probably know, this email reaches many people; so if you are able to come in this month, please introduce yourself to me again, so that I can continue to connect your names and faces. And if you would consider forwarding this email to other friends or colleagues who would be interested, I would greatly appreciate it! If you received this email from a friend, and would like to subscribe to these monthly announcements, please send an email to the address above. __________________________________________________ (Almost) Free Introduction to Film and Artwork Drum Scanning! Many of the photographers and other artists who receive these emails may not know that I offer the finest drum scanning service in New England, bar none. Why would you want to drum scan your (up to 18x24") film or other originals? Simple, image quality. Drum scanning has three major advantages over all other scanning. First, and most important, your film is scanned "wet-mounted". Why should you care? Wet-mounting puts a clear fluid on both sides of your film; this fluid has the same refractive index as your film. The fluid washes away any finger-prints or other impurities on the film, but more importantly, it actually fills in most of the tiny cracks and scratches you always see in high-rez scans. This means less spotting time for you- much, much less! (Paper originals are scanned without fluid, so no worries!) Second, instead of a big wide light source (like a xerox machine) that is used in all other forms of scanning, a drum scanner uses a tiny spot of light, as small as 1/5000 of an inch. Big Deal? Actually, yes. That big, wide light source in your flatbed, film scanner or Imacon throws a great amount of light on your film; it starts scattering around, causing 2 problems. First, any place where you have highlights near shadows, the highlights will "bloom", giving a halo-effect around the highlights. Second, you get much more noise in your scan, especially noticeable in shadows and smooth areas. Third, drum scanners always have perfect focus across the entire image. Photos are sharp edge to edge, and there is no focus drop off. Scans are available up to 5000 DPI. I want to help you find out whether you can improve your images (and sales!) by drum scanning your originals! Until further notice, I am offering an (almost) free introductory scan to any new scanning customer. All I ask is you pay whatever you think the scan is worth, after you've taken it home and compared it with scans you've done before. I believe that after you've seen the difference, you'll come back to scan your most important work. Finally, a word about scan prices. Drum scanning is expensive, there's no getting around it. But it's not that much more expensive that other scans, and when you factor in the reduced spotting and clean-up time, it can be very cost effective. I also routinely discount 5% - 40% for multiple image scanning jobs, so if you have a pile of film around that you want to start printing digitally, give me a call and we'll hash out the possibilities. It won't be as bad as you think! Photoshop and Computer Training and Consulting Many of my clients like to control as much of the photo and printing process as possible. (you know who you are! ;^) Whether shooting film or digital, or even if you need reproductions of your paintings and drawings, you can also save a lot of money by doing the photoshop work yourself. For photographers shooting film (or with archives of 100's of rolls from past projects!), I offer the best drum scanning service in New England, bar none. Once artists or photographers have their images in digital form (either from my scan or from their digital camera), they do the photoshop "development", and then I can make them Fine-Art prints using skills, processes, and a fine eye developed over decades. Clients can save a lot of money- but what if you are unsure of your photoshop skills? My clients often benefit the most from a combination of training and collaboration. Clients and I review their goals for an image, the work they have already done, and I typically suggest ways of working towards their goal that they may not know, or I show them steps they have taken that work against them. I will show them 3 or 4 steps to take, and they go back to their studio and work on their images. Sometimes we will repeat the process, either moving on to more advanced techniques, or solving problems that have arisen. Clients learn a few techniques well, and get their show or portfolio done in the process! This kind of training usually runs between $150 and $800, depending on the skills and needs of the photographer, and the size of the portfolio or exhibition. References available on request. Please call or email me for more information, or to set up a free initial consultation. Open most weekdays from 11am - 8pm; call first (617) 429-3298 Wm. Morse Editions A Fine-Art Printmaking Studio 450 Harrison Avenue, Studio 227 Boston, MA 02118 Bill@MorseEditions.com |
Anniversary of 110 years
Sponsored by
Founder William Monroe Trotter
The oldest civil rights organization in the
Organized in 1901
Performances by
The Crispus Attucks Children Center
The Natick/Framingham Praying Indian Tribe
Sojourner Truth Award Yvonne Adams, Charles St. A.M. E. Church
School Educational Award METCO PROGRAM Jean McGuire
Crispus Attucks Community Service Award Ella Bacon, Tito Jackson, & Cornell Mills
Citations & Recognitions from City and State Officials
THIS FREE EVENT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ~ Seats are limited ~ Park available
For further information please call
Web-site: www.hberl.org
March 1, 2011
CONTACT: Jamarhl Crawford
blackstonian@verizon.net 617-297-7721
-Boston, MA- Local activists have joined in order to conduct a community forum which will be an examination into what is widely perceived as a deliberate "Attack on Black Leadership". The forum will be held Sunday, March 6th from 5pm 8pm @ Hibernian Hall 184 Dudley St. Roxbury.
Speakers will consist of Prof. Charles Ogletree (who serves as Sen. Dianne Wilkerson's Attorney), King Downing (formerly of the ACLU, currently Ex. Dir. Human Rights Racial Justice Center), Prof. Robert Johnson (UMass Boston Africana Studies Dept., Author of "Race, Law & Public Policy") and a presentation on surveillance in Boston by Kade Crockford (ACLU of MA, Privacy Rights Coordinator).
Organizer Jamarhl Crawford said "This forum will seek to answer the very basic question 'Is there an ongoing effort by the US Government to destabilize the Black Community by targeting its leadership?' While this question may sound like conspiracy theory to some, we have to examine the fact that the United States government has used its resources *to monitor, frame and in many cases assassinate Black leaders. Now that we have the information on programs like CoIntelPro and **Operation Fruehmenschen which were standard practice in the not so distant past, we must ask and answer this question to determine if the very same thing is happening in our present."
The forum will discuss historical practices of the government's targeting of Black leadership and organizations, modern day surveillance and information gathering tactics as well as an open discussion of the recent local federal cases against Chuck Turner and Dianne Wilkerson.
EVENT Sponsors: New Democracy Coalition, Center for Church & Prisons, Union of Minority Neighborhoods, Human Rights Racial Justice Center, Blackstonian.com, 10,000 Strong Boston, Voices of Liberation, Pastor Bruce Wall, Bishop Filipe Teixeira, ACLU of Massachusetts, National Action Network-Boston.
*Individuals & Organizations Targeted by the Government: Adam Clayton Powell, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, W.E.B. DuBois, Elijah Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan, Stokely Carmichael, Fred Hampton, Marcus Garvey, Paul Robeson, NAACP, SNCC, Black Panther Party, Nation of Islam, New Black Panther Party.
**Operation Fruehmenschen (launched by no later than 1977) was the FBI's own designation for the Justice Department/FBI campaign to frame-up, jail, & drive from office, hundreds of African-American elected officials, because, in the words of one FBI agent, high ranking officials at the Bureau believed that "black officials were intellectually and socially incapable of governing major governmental organizations and situations.''
Our next RoxVote Candidates Forum is Tuesday, March 8th at Hibernian Hall, 184 Dudley Street, from 6:30 8:30 PM.
Come find out what candidates Tito Jackson and Cornell Mills have to say about issues that affect our community. Please join us and spread the word!
- RSVP and invite others on Facebook
- Download the flyer in: English | Spanish | Cape Verdean
The General Election is Tuesday, March 15th. Polls are open from 7:00 AM-8:00 PM and you
Attention residents of buildings in foreclosure.
Don't let the Bank push you out!
One of many "eviction blockades" to defend families after foreclosure.
Important information
If you are the former owner or a tenant in a foreclosed building, you can fight for your home after foreclosure. If you have received an eviction notice from the Bank, DO NOT MOVE! Do not accept "cash for keys" without consulting with City Life or an attorney. If you have a Sec. 8, federal law requires that banks accept the contract.
To former owners: If your building has not yet been foreclosed and you need help trying to avoid foreclosure, call ESAC (617-524-2555), City of Boston Home Ctr (635-4663), NACA (250-6222), Codman Sq. NDC (825-4224), Dorchester Bay EDC (825-4200 x226), Nuestra Comunidad (318-1253). Seek to get the principal owed reduced!
To all residents: If you live in a building that has already been foreclosed or where a foreclosure seems likely, call City Life/Vida Urbana at 617-524-3541 or come to any meeting of the Bank Tenants Association (BTA) every Tuesday night, 6:15 pm, at 284 Amory St. in JP (near Stonybrook Station on Orange Line). You can fight the eviction.
Don't panic. Don't move. Organize!
Join the Bank Tenant Assoc.
Mortgage companies have been unwilling to do meaningful loan modifications for homeowners in trouble. To owners: If you financed your home during the real estate bubble, chances are the value of your home is much less than the value of the mortgage. In that case, a "meaningful loan modification" is one that reduces principal owed.
To owners and tenants: After foreclosure, lenders sought to evict about 4000 households in
UNLESS we are organized. The Bank Tenant Assoc. is dedicated to uniting tenants and former owners in foreclosed buildings in order to protect our homes and neighborhoods against giant mortgage companies and banks. Together we have won many victories. By organizing, we have stopped most of the evictions. More and more, residents are repurchasing their buildings at real value, often far below loan value. We are supporting new legislation that would dramatically change how banks negotiate before and after foreclosure. Federal legislation passed under Obama adds protection for tenants. Find out more at our Tuesday meetings. Or call us.
For more information, call City Life/Vida
¡Atención residentes de edificios embargados!
¡No permitan que los bancos los echen a la calle!
Uno de los muchos "bloqueos contra los desalojos" para defender a las familias después
Información importante
Si usted era dueño o arrendatario anterior al embargo, puede luchar por su hogar a pesar
A los dueños anteriores: Si su edificio aún no ha sido embargado, y necesita ayuda para tratar de evitar el embargo, llame al ESAC (617-524-2555), al City of Boston Home (635-4663), al NACA (250-6222), a Codman Sq. NDC (825-4224), a Dorchester Bay EDC (825-4200 x226), a Nuestra Comunidad (318-1253) ¡Busque el modo de disminuir la cantidad de dinero adeudada!
A todos los residentes: Si usted vive en un edificio que ya ha sido embargado, o si es muy probable que ocurra, llame a Vida Urbana 617-524-3541, o venga a cualquier reunión de la Asociación de Inquilinos de Bancos (BTA) todos los Martes a las 6:15 pm, en la calle Amory 284 en JP (cerca de la parada Stonybrook en la Orange Line). Usted puede defenderse contra el desalojo.
No tenga miedo. No se mude. ¡Organízese!
Inscríbase en la Asociación de Inquilinos de Bancos
Las compañías hipotecarias se han negado a hacer modificaciones significativas en los préstamos a los dueños de los hogares en problema. A los dueños: Si usted compró su casa durante el período de la burbuja en los bienes raíces, es posible que su casa valga mucho menos que la hipoteca. En ese caso, "una modificación significativa en el préstamo" es lo que disminuye la cantidad adeudada.
A los dueños y arrendatarios: Después del embargo, se quiso desalojar alrededor de 2000 propiedades en
NO OCURRE si estamos organizados. La Asociación de Inquilinos de Bancos se dedica a reunir a los arrendatarios y dueños anteriores de los edificios embargados para proteger nuestros hogares y vecindarios de las compañías embargantes y de los bancos. Juntos hemos logrado ganar muchas batallas. A través de la organización hemos suspendido la mayoría de los desalojos. Más y más residentes están recomprando sus propiedades a su valor real, a menudo mucho más bajo que el valor
Department of Neighborhood Development |
To: | Housing & Economic Development Partners | |
From: | Evelyn Friedman, Chief of Housing and Director, | |
Department of Neighborhood Development (DND) | ||
Date: | February 28, 2011 |
Re: Request for Comments, Program Year 2011 Action Plan
Thank you for your past interest and participation in the development of the City of Boston's Consolidated Plan and annual Action Plans. I want to let you know that we are starting the process to develop this year's Action Plan that will be submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on or about May 16, 2011, for Program Year 2011 covering the period from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.
The Action Plan is a document that is submitted annually to HUD and serves as the City's application for and planned use of its housing and community development funds during the Program Year for the following HUD resources:
- Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
- HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
- Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESG)
- Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program (HOPWA)
This year we will hold two meetings (March 10th and April 28th) soliciting citizen input and I encourage and welcome your participation. Please see the Legal Notice for further details.
At the March 10th hearing we will also provide updates of ongoing Congressional actions on the Federal FY11 and FY12 budgets for these HUD funds and provide a summary of the City's proposal to the Commonwealth for Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3) funding. For more information, contact Robert Gehret, Deputy Director, Policy Development & Research Division/DND at (617) 635-0242 or bgehret.dnd@cityofboston.gov
March 1, 2011
Notice of Public Hearings (TWO)
Action Plan Hearings.
In accordance with the requirements of 24 CFR 91.105(b), the
City of Boston hereby announces two (2) public hearings seeking input concerning the
development of the City of Boston 's Federal PY2011/City of Boston FY2012 (7/1/2011 -
6/30/2012 ) Action Plan.
The Action Plan is a document that is submitted annually to the Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) and serves as the City's application for and planned use
of its HUD housing and community development funds during the Program Year for the
following HUD resources:
Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)
Emergency Shelter Grant Program (ESG)
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program (HOPWA)
Hearing 1 will focus on obtaining citizen input on the housing and economic
development needs and priorities prior to issuance of a draft Action Plan.
DATE: Thursday, March 10th (snow date March 24th) DND, 26 Court Street, Winter
Chambers (First Floor), Boston , MA from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm .
In addition, a summary of the City's proposal to the Commonwealth for Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP3) will be provided and updates of ongoing Congressional actions on the Federal FY11 and FY12 budgets for these HUD funds.
Hearing 2 opportunities to receive citizen feedback on the draft Action Plan and
updates to Boston 's current Consolidated Plan.
DATE: Thursday, April 28th, DND, 26 Court Street, Winter Chambers (First Floor), Boston , MA from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm .
Interpreter services (Spanish-English) will be available during the hearings at DND. If
interpreter services are needed in other languages, including ASL , please call 617-635-
3601 at least ten days prior to the hearing date. Every effort will be made to
accommodate your request.
The locations are wheelchair accessible.
*Written comments and suggestions for consideration for the Action Plan are also
encouraged and may be submitted at any time during this process, up to the closing
date of Thursday, May 12, 2011 .
*Please send comments to the following address:
Program Year 2011 Action Plan
Policy Development & Research Division
Department of Neighborhood Development
26 Court St. , 8th floor, Boston , MA 02108
*Comments may also be submitted by e-mail to actionplan.dnd@cityofboston.gov .
*Following the first hearing, City staff will take all comments received and prepare a draft
Action Plan that will be made available for a 30-day comment period on or about
4/13/11 .
*The Draft PY2011 Action Plan will be posted on DND's website at
www.cityofboston.gov/dnd along with the PY2010 Action Plan and the current 5-year
Consolidated Plan.
*Copies of the draft Plan may also be obtained (one copy per organization) at DND's Policy Development and Research Division located at 26 Court St. , 8th floor.
For more information, contact
-Robert Gehret, Deputy Director, Policy Development & Research Division/DND at (617) 635-0242 or bgehret.dnd@cityofboston.gov
-Evelyn Friedman, Chief of Housing and Director Department of Neighborhood Development
Adult Non-Fiction Writing Workshop and Class
Every Saturday at
March 12th à April 30th
EMAIL WITH QUESTIONS: jnvinson@gmail.com
Egleston Sq Branch
12. Project Right/Grove Hall Update: METCO Lobby day/fundraiser; Letter on GH Prep Charter Sch (3/15 + 4/1)
The following information was provided by the organizations and individuals listed below:
A-METCO Lobby Day, Tues. March 15, 2011 9:00 AM
B-METCO Save the Date Fundraiser Friday, April 1, 2011
C-Letter on Grove Hall Preparatory Charter School
A) METCO Needs Your Voice
METCO Lobby Day
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Rally begins at 9:00 a.m. in the Nurse's Hall and The Grand Staircase
Massachusetts State House, 2nd Floor
10:45 am Legislator Visits Begin
For information or to join the METCO listserv: METCO, Inc. 617-427-1545 ext. 14 or MPLC@metcoinc.org, or Michael Kozu, MPLC (617.839.2847)
B) METCO Save the Date
Help support METCO's Continuation Fund at an
Evening of Champions Recognition Dinner Dance
Friday, April 1, 2011
Reception at 6 PM
Dinner at 7 PM
Quincy Marriott Ballroom
1000 Marriott Drive, Quincy, MA
Join us in recognizing and honoring
Peter Meade, Jonathan Kozol, Camilla Roundtree, Marcus Mitchell, Melvin Miller
For a lifeline of championing education!
Featuring the Who Dat Band, Silent Auction, 50/50 raffle, Cash Bar
For individual tickets and table information, contact METCO, Inc. at 617.427.1545 or
C) February 28, 2011
To the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education:
I submit this request that the Grove Hall Preparatory Charter School address the following questions:
How will they accommodate students with significant special needs? How will they accommodate students who are English Language Learners? They require that a student has successfully passed grade 4 (as evidenced by their report card) and they require MCAS scores be submitted. This automatically eliminates students with significant academic and/or physical disabilities.
How will they accommodate parent involvement for parents who do not speak English. Are the applications available in all languages? What does outreach look like for this population?
They talk repeatedly about community involvement. Which agencies/organizations from Grove Hall have been involved in an ongoing effort? What is the plan to ensure community support and resident involvement, especially in siting the school?
After 5 consecutive absences, they un-enroll the student. What type of outreach and support occurs prior to this action? Who do they notify to ensure the student receives continued educational opportunities? Is Boston Public Schools notified?
This is a city wide school. What efforts will they make to ensure folks from Grove Hall actually are enrolled? The application process is pretty involved, leading me to believe that only parents who are skilled and English speaking will sign up. It certainly changes the demographics of the school. There is also a provision that they can go outside Boston for students if they don't fill their seats with Boston residents.
I am particularly concerned that they claim to be a Grove Hall school, but may not serve Grove Hall students. They may enroll already successful students based on their enrollment process. They may then claim that they are successful in Grove Hall when some other schools do not seem to reach the same level of success. Most likely, they are not planning to have the same demographics, but will be quick to compare themselves favorably to schools that do serve the whole community. Another choice for parents may not be a bad thing, but this school is not likely to make a difference for the most vulnerable children in our neighborhood.
Michael Kozu
Project RIGHT, Inc. Community Coordinator
320 A Blue Hill Avenue, Dorchester, MA 02121 (617.541.5451.x102, m_kozu@hotmail.com)
The above information was compiled by Michael Kozu, PRI Community Coordinator, 617.541.5451.x102 (m_kozu@hotmail.com).
The Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women, in partnership with the
The hearing will be held on
Wednesday, March 23
All community leaders, local advocates, and county residents are invited and encouraged to participate.
Written and oral testimony will be accepted. At the discretion of the Chairs, testimony may be limited to three minutes per speaker. The Commissions encourage anyone who wishes to testify or who would like to receive more information to email mcsw@state.ma.us .
Now is the time to revitalize our efforts to make sure we have the funding we need to maintain youth summer jobs. As the Chair of the Committee that focuses on Youth Affairs, I was proud to work with youth, youth organizers and the administration to restore over 1,000 summer jobs that were slated to be cut in last year's budget. This year, we will continue to champion summer jobs.
If you are between the ages of 15 - 17 or know someone that is, register for a summer job.
Registration closes on March 4th!
You can register online at www.bostonyouthzone.com or by calling 617.635.4673.
If you are between the ages of 14 - 21, you can also apply for a summer job through ABCD.
Apply online at www.summerworks.net or call 617.348.6548.
OUR struggles continue!!!!
Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations and businesses.
While we share this information with you, it should not be seen as an endorsement of their services.
District 7 Boston City Council Office
One City Hall Square
Boston, MA 02201
Phone (617) 635-3510 / Fax (617) 635-3734
ChuckTurner ---> cturner694 @comcast.net Lorraine.Fowlkes @cityofboston.gov
Paulette.Tillery @cityofboston.gov Darrin.Howell @cityofboston.gov
Edith.Monroe @cityofboston.gov Angela.Yarde @cityofboston.gov
SOUTH END: Ward 4, Pct 4; Ward 9, Pct 2
FENWAY: Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9