( Also known As The Chuck Turner Daylight Network )
3. Dr. Peniel Joseph Speaks at Black History Month Event, Camb. Public Library (2/23,
4. Upcoming Community + Vendor Meetings (Minority/Women Owned Businesses) (2/23 + 2/24)
5. State of the Budget Briefing (2/24--
8. Nominate yourself or a friend to the board of the Boston Cyclists Union! We need you!
9. Concerned Residents of Roxbury: Press Release re: the Roxbury Neighborhood Council
10. Prison-based gerrymandering costs
11. Townhouse for rent: 3-4 BR; 2 1/2
Support the Rights of
Tuesday, February 22 · 4:00pm - 6:00pm
Join workers from across
Click here for more info on their struggle:
Sponsored by: Mass Teachers Assn., AFT Massachusetts, Mass AFL-CIO, Greater Boston Central Labor Council, AFSCME Council 93, SEIU Local 509, 1199 SEIU, SEIU Local 888, Jobs With Justice and many others.
For more information call 617-524-8778
Great that a powerful coalition is banding together to stop the
On a local level...
A couple years prior to the merger of Boston City Hospital with the private BU Hospital, Judith Kurland, then the President of Boston City Hospital, and currently a top aide to Boston Mayor Menino, tried to lower the wages of the lowest paid sectors of Boston City Hospital's workforce, Dietary & Housekeeping - and also security & respiratory therapists- by contracting out these workers to non-union outside contractors in an attempt to bust the AFSCME union at Boston City Hospital -- just prior to the merger with BU Hospital.
If this union busting/ contracting out was successful, then the union busting/ contracting out would have spread to SEIUmembers at BU Hospital, once the merger to a new entity-
I was AFSCME president at
Boston City Hospital President, Judith Kurland, was bounced out of her position in this struggle.
Just mentioning this, because a major public employer in Boston tried to go beyond using "contract" management, as utilized at BCH/BMC in Housekeeping & Dietary, Historically, contract management didn't save money for public employers, such as Boston City Hospital, due to some well known cases of ongoing corruption ,and theft of millions of dollars of taxpayer money by some contract management ...
In the case of
This defeat of contracting out of 300 unionized housekeepers, dietary employees, security guards, and respiratory therapists was a major victory for the public employees, and the labor movement, and prevented contracting out from spreading to a private sector unionized hospital, after a merger with Boston City Hospital.
Howie Rotman
1199er at Boston Medical Center
Urban Edge is facilitating a meeting regarding the Jackson Square Indoor Active Recreational Facility on Tuesday, February 22nd at 6PM at the
3. Dr. Peniel Joseph Speaks at Black History Month Event, Camb. Public Library (2/23,
An Evening with Dr. Peniel E. Joseph of Tufts University
Wednesday, Feb. 23, 6-8 p.m., Cambridge Public Library, Lecture Hall, 449 Broadway
Light refreshments served from 6-6:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
Dr. Joseph will discuss his book Dark Days, Bright Nights: From Black Power to Barack Obama as well as his work about the movement that was sparked during the civil rights era and its continuing legacy.
Dr. Joseph is professor of history at Tufts University, and author of the award-winning Waiting ‘Til the Midnight Hour: A Narrative History of Black Power in America, The Black Power Movement: Rethinking the Civil Rights-Black Power Era and Neighborhood Rebels: Black Power at the Local Level. A frequent national commentator on issues of race, democracy and civil rights, he has appeared on MSNBC, CNN and NPR. During the 2008 presidential election, he served as a historical analyst for the PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer. Professor Joseph's essays have appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post and Chronicle Review. He was recently named an Emerging Leader in Ebony Magazine's Power 100 Issue.
Dr. Joseph will be signing copies of his book following the program. For more information, contact Karen Preval at 617.349.4221 or email diversity@cambridgema.gov.
Presented by The City of Cambridge Employees’ Committee on Diversity, the Office of the City Manager and Mayor David P. Maher.
Brian Corr
Executive Director, Cambridge Peace Commission
51 Inman St., Cambridge, MA 02139
617.349.4694 voice • 617.349.4766 fax
bcorr@cambridgema.gov • http://www.cambridgema.gov/peace
Upcoming Community and Vendor Meetings for the
The Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) has contracted with Project for Public Spaces to examine, document and report on conditions and opportunities associated with the development of a year round public market in
Project for Public Spaces (PPS) is a New York-based non-profit planning and design organization, which for over 25 years has provided assistance to public market projects in more than 200 cities and towns in both the U.S. and internationally.
Date: Wednesday, February 23rd, 5:30 pm -7:30 pm - Click for details [pdf]
Bring Your Ideas For:
--Products and vendors
--Programs and events for the market
--Market layout and merchandising
Date: Thursday, February 24th, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm - Click for details [pdf]
Location: State House, Room 437
An open meeting for interested agricultural producers, local businesses, fishermen and women, seafood producers, specialty food producers and existing or start-up vendors to learn more about the proposed year-round, indoor public market in downtown Boston and provide feedback regarding the market structure, product mix, selling opportunities and activities.
This meeting is a venue to learn and exchange information. All great public markets are a reflection of their local people, products and personality. Presenters from the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources (MDAR) and Project for Public Spaces (PPS) will provide an overview and update of the project and describe ways you may be able to participate as a vendor. Most important, we want to hear about your expectations and recommendations to make it an attractive and viable place to do business.
At the conclusion of the meeting, there will be an opportunity to view the proposed site at
More Information:
The mission of the Public Market is to provide a self-sustaining, year-round market for the purchase of fresh, local, healthy and high quality foods, and to strengthen the region’s farm and fisheries economy through the direct sale of fresh and value added products.
The Market location is
If you are interested in attending either meeting, please contact David Webber at David.Webber@state.ma.us or call 617-626-1754 by Tuesday, February 22.
For more information go to http://www.mass.gov/agr/boston-public-mkt.htm
MDAR’s mission is to ensure the long-term viability of local agriculture in
5. State of the Budget Briefing (2/24--6:00pm + 3/1--6:30pm)
6. MBTA Dudley Improvements Community Planning Mtg. (2/28--6:00pm )
7. Boston Regional Alumni Council: Celebrates Afri Am History Month Dr. Ravi Perry--NAACP Worc (2/28--6:00pm )
8. Nominate yourself or a friend to the board of the Boston Cyclists Union! We need you!
9. Concerned Residents of Roxbury: Press Release re: the Roxbury Neighborhood Council
10. Prison-based gerrymandering costs Maine 8th graders local schooling
11. Townhouse for rent: 3-4 BR; 2 1/2 Bath
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The Boston Regional Alumni Council invites you to Celebrate African American History Month. Dr. Ravi Perry, NAACP Worcester, | |
Residents of Roxbury are calling for; DEMOCRACY, TRANSPARENCY, INCLUSION from the entity called, "the Roxbury Neighborhood Council"
Concerned Roxbury Residents Group
Press Release
Contact: Pat Courtney – Roxbury Resident, Paul Simmons – Concerned Roxbury Resident member
For Immediate Release
“It’s been a long six years and now I can get back to my life”…
stated Ms. Earline Moseley, former Vice Chair of the Roxbury Neighborhood Council and the main plaintiff in the filing of an enforcement complaint with the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Non Profit Organization/Public Division yesterday (February 17, 2011).
The Roxbury Neighborhood Council was established in 1987 and it’s purpose, to defend/protect the land and the buildings of Roxbury from the wide variety of hostile forces. Forces such as: gentrification, redlining, speculation, displacement and environmental degradation that has damaged our neighborhood and its people for many years. By monitoring the status of government-owned properties, reviewing development projects that receive government subsidy, and through oversight of the Roxbury Master Planning process and zoning policy, along with lobbying for greater access to city services, the RNC’s advocacy helps to ensure the quality of our neighborhoods future.
Since 2005, 18 RNC members were voted and/or appointed to the board. Within six years the numbers have diminished to single digits. Over the years, executive board members and former board members continue to acknowledge, that the board is not being run according to RNC Bylaws. Further investigation reveals that the RNC has received over $40,000 within six years and continues to receive funding/donations while non compliant with both State and Federal government regulations.
Several Roxbury residents have also complained about not being informed of meetings dates and locations, yearly elections, notices of upcoming meetings and exactly RNC’s recruitment process entails.
An emergency community meeting was held on
I got this email from Peter Wagner that succinctly captures the effect of gerrymandering and the counting of inmates as residents of their incarcerated comminities rather and its implication even on the local educational system. Interestingly, even when the prison has been closed.
Beautiful, Fort Hill 3 level, 3-4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath townhouse with parking available immediately for rent. Kindly email for more information: cdhan1128@gmail.com
OUR struggles continue!!!!
Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations and businesses.
While we share this information with you, it should not be seen as an endorsement of their services.
District 7 Boston City Council Office
One City Hall Square
Boston, MA 02201
Phone (617) 635-3510 / Fax (617) 635-3734
ChuckTurner ---> cturner694 @comcast.net Lorraine.Fowlkes @cityofboston.gov
Paulette.Tillery @cityofboston.gov Darrin.Howell @cityofboston.gov
Edith.Monroe @cityofboston.gov Angela.Yarde @cityofboston.gov
SOUTH END: Ward 4, Pct 4; Ward 9, Pct 2
FENWAY: Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9