( Also known As The Chuck Turner Daylight Network )
RSMPOC Meeting
Monday, February 7, 2011, 6:00 PM to 7:45 PM
Dudley Branch Library, 65 Warren Street, Roxbury
Project Description: Continuing discussion on the Parcels 9 & 10 RFP, in Roxbury (located at the intersection of Melnea Cass Boulevard and Washington Street). Also, updates on the proposed Whittier Street Health Center and Ruggles Place development projects on Parcel P-3 (on Tremont Street, across from the Boston Police Headquarters), community updates, and unfinished RSMPOC business.
Planning Reports, Meeting Notes, Draft RFP, and Meeting Schedules are available for viewing on the BRA web site and at the South End, Dudley and the Grove Hall Branch Libraries: http://www.cityofboston.gov/bra, select "Planning Initiatives", and select "Roxbury Strategic Master Plan".
Meeting Date Place:
6:00 PM to 7:45 PM, February 7, 2011, at the Dudley Branch Library, 65 Warren Street Roxbury.Next oversight committee members working session is scheduled for Monday, February 28, 2011, at 6:00 PM at the Central Boston Elders Services, 2315 Washington Street, Roxbury.
EMAIL TO: Hugues Monestime, Senior Planner
FAX TO: 617-367-6087
PHONE: 617-918-4320
EMAIL TO: hugues.monestime.bra@cityofboston.gov
Do you have a question you are itching to ask the candidates for the District 7 City Council Seat regarding issues impacting Roxbury?
Then join RoxVOTE Coalition at the
District 7 City Council
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
6:00pm to 8:30pm @ Hibernian Hall
RoxVOTE is a non-partisan coalition of Roxbury-based organizations and residents focused on empowering the Roxbury community by increasing our voting participation and civic engagement.
Please join the RoxVOTE Coalition as we encourage Roxbury residents to continue to have a powerful voice in municipal government in the upcoming special District 7 City Council election to fill the seat held for the past 12 years by long-time activist and City Councilor Chuck Turner.
Candidates Night/Forum Supporters:
Initiative, Franklin Park Coalition, Madison Park Development Corporation, Maloney Properties, Massachusetts Senior Action Council, MassVOTE Civic Engagement Initiative, National Black College Alliance/Greatest Minds, Nuestra Comunidad Development Corporation, Orchard Gardens Resident Association and Wards 4, 8, 9, 11, and 12 Democratic Committees.
Light refreshments will be served.
For more information, please call Kevin Johnson @ 617.541.3900.
Candidates’ Forum
March 8, 2011
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Registration Deadline for Primary Election was
January 26, 2011
Special Preliminary
District 7 Election
February 15, 2011
Registration Deadline for General Election is
February 23, 2011
Special General
District 7 Election
March 15, 2011
3. RESCHEDULED: Wednesday's Community Meeting for Bus Route 66 (2/9--6:30-8:00pm)

Dear MBTA Riders and Interested Parties, The February 2 MBTA Key Bus Route Improvement Program community meeting for Bus Route 66 at the Brookline Town Hall has been RESCHEDULED for the following Wednesday. The meeting details are as follows:
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Brookline Town Hall, Room 103 333 Washington Street, Brookline All are invited to attend these meetings. Project handouts will be available for viewing before the meeting. Your input will help create a better bus service for your community! |
This struggle will continue!!!!
Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations and businesses.
While we share this information with you, it should not be seen as an endorsement of their services.
District 7 Boston City Council Office
One City Hall Square
Boston, MA 02201
Phone (617) 635-3510 / Fax (617) 635-3734
ChuckTurner ---> cturner694 @comcast.net Lorraine.Fowlkes @cityofboston.gov
Paulette.Tillery @cityofboston.gov Darrin.Howell @cityofboston.gov
Edith.Monroe @cityofboston.gov Angela.Yarde @cityofboston.gov
SOUTH END: Ward 4, Pct 4; Ward 9, Pct 2
FENWAY: Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9