The Antidote For The Apathetic
(Also known as The Chuck Turner Daylight Network)
1. BRA--Boston Redevelopment Public Meeting (TUESDAY--12/14--4:00pm-AFTERNOON)
2. Holiday Celebration to Recognize Burke High School Parents. They made a difference!! (12/16--5:00-7:00pm)
JOB Assoc/Community Living, Boston--Director for Community Resources --1. BRA--Boston Redevelopment Public Meeting (TUESDAY--12/14--4:00pm-AFTERNOON)
Attached please find the filings that will be voted on tomorrow, Tuesday, December 14, by the BRA Board. Only the proposed Fourth IMP Amendment has changed from the original document that was circulated: two paragraphs were added to Page 5 and one was deleted, consistent with my remarks at last week's Task Force meeting. If approved, the proposals would allow Northeastern to renew and extend its Institutional Master Plan through December 31, 2012 and amend it to allow for the occupancy of the leased spaces described in the document, subject to the conditions described in the new language.
As discussed, tomorrow's votes have nothing to do (directly) with the proposed dormitory. That review process is only beginning, and we are still taking comments on the proposed Fifth IMP Amendment for the rest of this week (at least). Northeastern will also have to file for Large Project Review with much more detail about the building itself, so there will be further opportunities for review and comment. We do not expect any sort of vote on that proposal until the spring at the earliest.
Tomorrow's Board meeting starts at 4:00 p.m. and this will be the fourth public hearing on the agenda. I don't know exactly when this hearing will start since that depends on how long the others last but suffice it to say that it will not start at 4:00, so don't feel like you need to arrive exactly at 4:00. The meeting will be held on the 9th Floor of Boston City Hall.
As always, feel free to contact me with questions. I look forward to working with you on the dormitory proposal and the next Institutional Master Plan.
Gerald Autler, Senior Project Manager/Planner
Boston Redevelopment Authority
One City Hall Square
Boston, MA 02201
p | 617.918.4438
f | 617.742.7783
Institutional Master Plan Notification Form
Renewal and Extension of the Institutional Master Plan for
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
BOS111 12533924.1
Northeastern University ("Northeastern") submits this Institutional Master Plan Notification Form ("IMPNF") to the Boston Redevelopment Authority ("BRA") in application for renewal and extension of the approved Institutional Master Plan, as amended, pursuant to Section 80D-8 (Renewal of Institutional Master Plan) of the Boston Zoning Code ("Code").
Northeastern filed a proposed Institutional Master Plan ("Original IMP") with the BRA on
In addition, Northeastern respectfully requests that, pursuant to Section 80D-5.2(e) (Waiver of Further Review of Unchanged Plans), the BRA, upon review of this IMPNF and subject to the BRA's making the determinations specified in said Section 80D-5.2(e), waive further review of this renewal application and approve this IMPNF and the approved Amended IMP together as the renewed Northeastern IMP.
This IMPNF seeks approval from the BRA of a renewal and extension of the term of the Amended IMP until
Founded in 1898,
The University's mission is to educate students for a life of fulfillment and accomplishment, and to create and translate knowledge to meet global and societal needs.
Northeastern's specific objectives, as reflected in the Amended IMP, include:
• Development of superior academic facilities to serve the University's increasingly sophisticated teaching environment;
• Development of superior research facilities to support the University's growing research programs, including those in the fields of health, security and sustainability; and
• Consolidation of administrative and other non-academic uses, so as to maximize the availability of space and resources in the central campus area to better serve the University's academic priorities.
BOS111 12533924.1
Northeastern seeks a constructive, mutually-beneficial relationship with the communities surrounding its campus. The University has created and participated in numerous community benefits programs and activities, and is committed to continuing this involvement. The approved Amended IMP describes the University's community benefits plan and many of the specific programs Northeastern has initiated or participates in.
Requested IMP Renewal and Extension
The requested renewal and extension of the Amended IMP will permit the University to work with the BRA, neighborhood and other stakeholders, and City agencies on a new comprehensive long-term planning effort resulting in a new Institutional Master Plan ("IMP"). The new IMP will provide a framework for the next stage of development and improvement of Northeastern's physical plant facilities, infrastructure and campus environment. Northeastern will commence planning efforts for the new IMP, including preliminary meetings with the BRA and engagement of planning consultants, during the first quarter of calendar 2011.
Northeastern respectfully submits that this IMPNF for the renewal and extension of the Amended IMP meets the requirements of Section 80D-5.2(e) of the Code in that: (i) no new Proposed Institutional Projects are included in this renewal application; (ii) no changes in the Amended IMP are proposed that would constitute a change in the use, dimensional, parking or loading elements of the Amended IMP (other than de minimus dimensional changes); and (iii) no significantly greater impacts would result from continued implementation of the approved Amended IMP than were originally projected. Accordingly, Northeastern respectfully requests that the BRA, upon review of this IMPNF, waive further review of this renewal application and approve this IMPNF and the approved Amended IMP together as the renewed Institutional Master Plan for Northeastern University, pursuant to Sections 80D-5.2(e) and 80D-8 of the Code.
Institutional Master Plan Amendment Notification Form
Fourth Amendment to Institutional Master Plan
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
Submitted on
Revised on
BOS111 12541923.1
Northeastern filed a proposed Institutional Master Plan ("Original IMP") with the BRA on
This IMPNF seeks approval from the BRA of an amendment to the approved Amended IMP (which will constitute the Fourth Amendment thereto) for the addition of three Proposed Institutional Projects pursuant to the provisions of Section 80D-9.2(b) of the Code. Northeastern respectfully requests that this proposed amendment to the approved Amended IMP be reviewed by the BRA pursuant to the expedited review procedure set forth in Section 80D-9.2(a) of the Code, as further described in this IMPNF.
Founded in 1898,
The University's mission is to educate students for a life of fulfillment and accomplishment, and to create and translate knowledge to meet global and societal needs.
Northeastern's specific objectives, as reflected in the Approved IMP and further promoted by the Proposed Institutional Projects described in this IMP amendment, include:
Development of superior academic facilities to serve the University's increasingly sophisticated teaching environment;
Development of superior research facilities to support the University's growing research programs, including those in the fields of health, security and sustainability; and
BOS111 12541923.1
Consolidation of administrative and other non-academic uses, so as to maximize the availability of space and resources in the central campus area to better serve the University's academic priorities.
The numerous projects completed under the approved Amended IMP over the past ten years have substantially advanced these objectives, and the Proposed Institutional Projects included in this proposed IMPNF amendment will further advance these objectives.
Northeastern seeks a constructive, mutually-beneficial relationship with the communities surrounding its campus. The University has created and participated in numerous community benefits programs and activities, and is committed to continuing this involvement. The approved Amended IMP describes the University's community benefits plan and many of the specific programs Northeastern has initiated or participates in.
This IMPNF seeks approval from the BRA for the inclusion in the approved Amended IMP of three Proposed Institutional Projects, each of which is described below.
Lease of 140 The Fenway from
Northeastern proposes to lease 99,698 square feet of Gross Floor Area as defined in the Code in the existing building located at 140 The Fenway, owned by the Museum of Fine Arts ("
The proposed 140 Fenway Project will allow Northeastern to enhance and expand its educational programs as well as its contributions and commitment to the City of Boston, by adding an estimated 50 faculty members and an estimated 60 staff members at the leased premises. The planned renovations and interior finish improvements by the
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Lease from
Northeastern currently leases approximately 70,000 sq. ft. of space at
Maintaining and expanding its leased space in the
Lease from YMCA
Northeastern has in the past leased classroom facilities at the YMCA located at
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Over the ten-year period of the approved Amended IMP, Northeastern has made substantial progress toward its goal of housing a higher proportion of its undergraduate students on campus. The 2000 Master Plan provided for completion of three additional dormitories (West Village Residence Halls B, C and E) as well as the Davenport Commons housing development, and identified two other potential future residential building sites. The University completed these four residential projects ahead of the schedule contemplated in the 2000 Master Plan, and Northeastern subsequently amended its IMP on three occasions to incorporate additional student housing projects (West Village Residence Halls F, G and H, and the International Village Residence Hall on former Parcel 18). Together, these projects have added over 3,500 on-campus student beds over the last ten years.
Like many other institutions, the University's endowment and ability to finance capital projects have been affected by the dramatic downturn in the economy and the upheavals in the financial markets. The University's careful and thorough assessment of its finances has led to the conclusion that the only prudent, fiscally responsible course at this time is for the University to suspend its major building projects and focus resources on its core mission of teaching and research. As a result, construction of the Proposed Institutional Project identified as Residence Hall K in the Third Amendment to the approved Amended IMP was placed on hold.
In recognition of the University's commitment to construct 600 additional student beds, Northeastern has entered into a letter of intent with the YMCA of Greater Boston, Inc. ("YMCA") and Phoenix Property Company, which provides for the development and construction by Phoenix of a project that will create 720 beds of student housing ("Residential Project") to be occupied by Northeastern students under University oversight. The Residential Project will be constructed on a portion of the property currently owned by the YMCA and Huntington Affordable Housing Limited Partnership (the unit owners of the Greater Boston YMCA Condominium) located on
The only Proposed Institutional Projects requested to be added to the Approved IMP in this amendment involve the use by Northeastern of space leased from third parties, as described above. Since Northeastern is not proposing to acquire any additional property in connection with these projects, the University is not requesting that any additional land be added to its Institutional Master Plan Area as shown on Boston Zoning Map 1Q.
As indicated above, the three Proposed Institutional Projects described above qualify for the expedited review procedure in Section 80D-9.2 of the Code. No other changes to the Approved IMP are proposed in this amendment. Accordingly, Northeastern respectfully requests that the BRA waive the requirement of a Scoping Determination
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with respect to this proposed amendment to the approved Amended IMP, and that, following public notice and comment and a public hearing as required by the Code, the BRA issue an Adequacy Determination approving the three Proposed Institutional Projects as described herein.
If the BRA issues an Adequacy Determination approving this IMPNF, this IMPNF shall constitute the Fourth Amendment to Northeastern's approved Amended IMP ("Fourth Amendment"). Upon issuance of a Certification of Consistency in accordance with Section 80D-10 of the Code for each of the three Proposed Institutional Projects in this Fourth Amendment, each Proposed Institutional Project described herein shall be deemed approved and in compliance with the use, dimensional and other regulations of the Code. In accordance with Section 80D-6 of the Code, approval by the Zoning Commission of this Fourth Amendment shall not be required because this proposed amendment meets the requirements for expedited review as provided in Section 80D-9.2 and does not add additional land to the Institutional Master Plan Area as shown on Boston Zoning Map 1Q.
Northeastern acknowledges that support for this proposed Fourth Amendment is predicated on the understanding that Northeastern will, together with its development partners or separately, build or cause to be built and occupy the 720-bed dormitory referred to above as a proposed future project and further described in the IMPNF for the proposed Fifth Amendment to the Institutional Master Plan ("Fifth IMP Amendment") filed with the BRA on
Therefore, for the purposes of this proposed Fourth Amendment and the occupancy of leased space that would result from approval hereof, consistency with the Institutional Master Plan pursuant to Section 80D-10 of the Boston Zoning Code shall be defined to encompass adequate progress towards the approval, financing, construction, and ultimate occupancy of a dormitory that fulfills the above-stated commitment, as determined by the BRA. Should Northeastern and/or its development partners fail to achieve adequate progress towards that goal as determined by the BRA, the BRA reserves the right to issue a finding of inconsistency or a finding of consistency with conditions in connection with the renovation and/or occupancy of 99,698 square feet of space in the building owned by the Museum of Fine Arts at 140 The Fenway, as proposed in this Fourth Amendment, and to instruct the Commissioner of Inspectional Services not to issue the relevant permits.
Further, the Proposed Institutional Projects proposed by Northeastern are located within the Groundwater Conservation Overlay District, governed by Article 32 of the Code. If any of the Proposed Institutional Projects are subject to the requirements of Article 32 of the Code, Northeastern will incorporate systems into the Proposed Institutional Projects as required by Article 32 in order to meet the groundwater conservation standards set forth in said Article. In such case Northeastern will obtain a written determination from the Boston Water and Sewer Commission as to whether said standards are met. Northeastern will provide a copy of this letter to the BRA and the Boston Groundwater Trust prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Consistency. Accordingly, Northeastern will not be required to obtain a conditional use permit from the Board of Appeal for the Proposed Institutional Projects set forth in this IMPNF.
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2. Holiday Celebration to Recognize Burke High School Parents. They made a difference!! (12/16--5:00-7:00pm)
Dear Friends of the
Engaging parents in their son's/daughter's education is one of the most important factors in creating successful students. During this holiday season, we are having a
The Jeremiah E. Burke High School is working hard to turnaround our school. We know and understand that parent engagement is a major component to redesigning our student's mindsets. We believe if students see their parents engaged, the students would begin to feel more confident that they could get better grades by work harder and striving to reach proficiency.
Since the beginning of the school year, The Jeremiah E. Burke High School has increased the number of student support resources in the building. These supports include City Year, Boston University Interns, Boston College Interns, Boston Public Health Commission and many more. These supports encourage the students to improve their attendance, grades, and test scores.
Now we are looking for supports to encourage parents to become the change agents for our students. We would like to request your company's assistance in providing small incentives to encourage the Jeremiah E. Burke Parents to get involved. Your donation of any kind would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact TaWonia J. Watkins at
TaWonia J. Watkins
Family and Community Outreach Coordinator
2. Holiday Celebration to Recognize Burke High School Parents. They made a difference!! (12/16--5:00-7:00pm)
Dear Friends of the
Engaging parents in their son's/daughter's education is one of the most important factors in creating successful students. During this holiday season, we are having a
The Jeremiah E. Burke High School is working hard to turnaround our school. We know and understand that parent engagement is a major component to redesigning our student's mindsets. We believe if students see their parents engaged, the students would begin to feel more confident that they could get better grades by work harder and striving to reach proficiency.
Since the beginning of the school year, The Jeremiah E. Burke High School has increased the number of student support resources in the building. These supports include City Year, Boston University Interns, Boston College Interns, Boston Public Health Commission and many more. These supports encourage the students to improve their attendance, grades, and test scores.
Now we are looking for supports to encourage parents to become the change agents for our students. We would like to request your company's assistance in providing small incentives to encourage the Jeremiah E. Burke Parents to get involved. Your donation of any kind would be greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact TaWonia J. Watkins at
TaWonia J. Watkins
Family and Community Outreach Coordinator
JOB Assoc/Community Living, Boston--Director for Community Resources --The Association For Community Living,
Community Resources provides support, information and practical help for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their families in
Requires belief in inclusion and experience working with individuals with Autism, experience administering State contracts, success in fund raising and staff and budget management.
Cover, resume and salary history to Susan Egmont,
This struggle will continue!!!!
Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations and businesses.
While we share this information with you, it should not be seen as an endorsement of their services.
District 7 Boston City Council Office
One City Hall Square
Boston, MA 02201
Phone (617) 635-3510 / Fax (617) 635-3734
ChuckTurner ---> cturner694 Lorraine.Fowlkes
Paulette.Tillery Darrin.Howell
Edith.Monroe Angela.Yarde
SOUTH END: Ward 4, Pct 4; Ward 9, Pct 2
FENWAY: Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9