The Antidote For The Apathetic
Bloody SUNDAY -- Selma 1965 - Edmund Pettus Bridge
See with Your Own Eyes When They Shed BLOOD for Your RIGHT to VOTE!!!
- Click Link Below:
"If you're not at the table, you're on the menu!"
Tuesday, Nov 2nd - Vote for Power!
Boston Workers Alliance is leading a Get Out The Vote effort, knocking on over 2,300 doors in the Grove Hall area. The Governor's election is extremely close, and we want to make sure that Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan residents are represented at the polls. We are also asking our supporters to vote NO on Ballot Questions #1, #2, and #3.To find your voting location, go to: or call 1 (800) 462-8683.
If you have problems at your polling location, you can call MassVote for assistance: (617) 542-8683
Make sure to spread the word; text, email and call your friends, co-workers and family to remind them to get out to vote!
See Jobs With Justice's Ballot Questions Guide for the No, No, No Campaign
NO on Ballot Questions 1, 2 and 3!
Three referendum questions will appear on the statewide election ballot on November 2nd. We are urging folks to vote NO on all three of these ballot questions and we urge you to help us defeat these reckless measures. Please see below for more information on each of the three questions. Click the icons on the left to visit the campaign website and get more information on each ballot measure.
Vote NO on Question 1
Question 1 would give a special sales tax exemption to alcoholic beverages sold in stores. The only products that are exempt from the sales tax in Massachusetts are basic necessities such as food, clothing and prescriptions. Alcohol is not a necessity and does not deserve its own exemption. Further, revenues from the alcohol tax provide dedicated funding for healthcare services for more than 100,000 residents with behavioral health problems. The alcohol tax literally saves lives by reducing teen drinking and funding treatment services to help people beat addictions and get their lives back on track. Nearly every other state has a sales tax on alcohol. With Massachusetts facing a serious budget deficit, don't give alcohol a special exemption. Vote NO on Question 1.
Vote NO on Question 2
Question 2 would repeal the state's primary affordable housing law (Chapter 40B), which provides affordable housing for tens of thousands of seniors and working families. Repealing the law would immediately halt the construction of over 12,000 homes and all of the jobs and related economic benefits. Chapter 40B has been responsible for 80% of the affordable housing created in Massachusetts over the past decade, outside the major cities. It would be highly irresponsible to repeal a law that has done so much good and created so many jobs in the commonwealth. This is especially true given the housing crisis we are facing. Vote NO on Question 2.
Vote NO on Question 3
Question 3 would slash the state sales tax from 6.25 percent to 3 percent, resulting in a $2.5 billion drop in revenue on top of the billions in cuts already being made during this recession. How much is $2.5 billion? It equals one-half of all state spending on our 1,900 public schools. It equals two-and-a-half times as much as the state spends each year on all of our community colleges and state universities. Should Question 3 pass, local aid to cities and towns would be drastically reduced, resulting in cuts to public safety, education and higher property taxes. Mass layoffs to teachers, police officers, firefighters and social workers would significantly slow down our economic recovery. Question 3 is reckless and would make tough times even tougher for working families. Vote NO on Question 3.
Aaron Tanaka
Boston Workers' Alliance
411 Blue Hill Ave.
Dorchester, MA 02121
p. 617.606.3580
c. 617.359.0336
f. 617. 606.3582
On 10/28/10 a special community meeting was held on the lack of leadership and membership of the RNC. It was decided by community residents, RNC members and Roxbury elected officials to hold an immediate RNC membership meeting.
RNC By-laws state: “annual meetings of the members are held on the fourth Tuesday in October followed by an RNC Board election”. Potential RNC members from the last meeting requested to learn more about the purpose, mission and the by-laws for the RNC. If you’d like to sign up to become an RNC member attend the meeting.
Please join concerned residents in strengthening
Roxbury’s land development power!!!
Organized & endorsed by the Roxbury Safety Net
'If you live within the boundaries of this BRA map you should attend + join the RNC'
Special Community Meeting / PART 2
If you live within the boundaries of this map, you should attend the Thurs., Oct. 28, 2010 (6:00pm) Special Community Meeting at the Dudley Library regarding the current status of Roxbury Neighborhood Council.
The RNC boundaries begin clockwise at:
Massachusetts Avenue and Botolph St., down to Columbus Avenue, Tremont Street, Shawmut, Washington, Parmelee, Harrison, Albany, Melnea Cass, Bradson, S. Hampton, Gerard, Island, Chesterton, Pompii, Glenn Way, Peirson, Rushfield, Magazine, Procter, Napa, Shirley, to the Commuter Rail railroad tracks.
Along the railroad tracks to Clifton St., Dudley St., Oleanders, Ceylon.
Then along Columbia Road, Wyola Place, Brunswick, Devon.
Along the railroad tracks Vaughan Ave, Geneva Avenue, Washington St. & Columbia Road, Brinsley, Merril, Glenwood and Erie St.
Along Seaver St., the Erie St. area, Columbia Road, Normandy, Blue Hill, Maple, Elm Hill, Humboldt, Parkview, Harold, and Walnut Ave.
Then along Columbus Ave and Washington St., to Bray, Dimock, Academy Rd, Richie, New Heath, Cedar, Malcolm X. Blvd, Ruggles St., Melnea Cass Blvd., Camden, Northampton to Mass Avenue.
-- THE END --
( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )
Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations
and businesses. While we share this information with you, it should not
be seen as an endorsement of their services.
Chuck Turner, District 7
City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510 / District Office--(617) 427-8100
ROXBURY: WARD 8, Pcts 3-4, 7; WARD 9, Pcts 3-5; WARD 11, Pcts 1-3, 5; WARD 12, Pcts 1-9
SOUTH END: Ward 4, Pct 4; Ward 9, Pct 2
FENWAY: Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9