Welcome To The Chuck Turner Daylight Network:
The Antidote For The Apathetic
International Action Center Boston - iacboston.org
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2. WEDNESDAY 12/1 2:15 PM
Come Out to the Dec 1 SUPPORT RALLY, and Sign the ONLINE PETITIONS!
Come Out on December 1 for a rally for Chuck at 2:15 in front of City Hall and at 3 PM to pack Boston City Council Chambers to support Chuck when the City Council is scheduled to vote.
- go to iacboston.org/chucktcouncilpetition.html to
Tell the Boston City Council to KEEP CHUCK ON THE COUNCIL FOR HIS FULL ELECTED TERM! - go to iacboston.org/chucktjudgepetition.html to
Tell U.S. District Judge Douglas P. Woodlock to KEEP CHUCK OUT OF JAIL!
To make a donation to help retire the $180,000 debt owed by his campaign to Chuck and his wife Terri for the maintenance of the District 7 office in Roxbury, go to the contributions page at chuckturner.us
On Oct 29 a predominantly white and suburban federal jury falsely found African-American Boston City Councilor guilty of one count of attempted extortion and three counts of lying to the FBI. The community has shown its unwavering support for Chuck, voting for him, packing the trial and turning out hundreds strong at a rally on October 30 at the District 7 office in Roxbury. saying "We Stand with Chuck Turner. Chuck is Innocent! The verdict is the crime!"
In that rally and in a statement on November 1, Chuck appealed to supporters to write to the City Council requesting them not to remove him, and to write to Judge Woodlock telling him not to put Chuck in jail. In it he said:
"Dear Supporters,
All Councilors received an email from Council President Ross saying that he will schedule a Council meeting to take place on December 1, 2010 at 3 p.m. after the Council meeting to vote on the issue of my removal from the Council. Since I believe I should have the right to stay on the City Council until the completion of my term, I would urge you to send letters to the Councilors urging that they vote against any motion to remove me from the Council. If they follow your request and Judge Woodlock agrees to put me on probation, then there would not seem to be anything blocking me from completing my term on the Council.
If you prefer letters, please send to Councilor Name, City Hall, Boston 02201.
I also urge you to send to my City Hall office (Chuck Turner, City Hall, Boston 02201) letters addressed to Judge Woodlock expressing the reasons why you think I should be put on probation rather than spend time in jail. The total time I receive could be 35 years.
The text of the online petitions follow:
Chuck Turner City Council Petition
http://www.iacboston.org/chucktcouncilpetition.htmlTell the Boston City Council you want Chuck Turner to serve out the full term for which the people of Roxbury elected him to represent them.
Please tell the Boston City Council, with copies to President Obama, Attorney General Holder, Congressional leaders, the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation, Governor Deval Patrick, the U.N. Secretary General Ban and the media that you want Chuck Turner to serve the full term to which the people of Roxbury and his district elected him.
YOUR EMERGENCY ACTION IS NEEDED NOW, before the Boston City Council votes on Chuck Turner's status on the Council on December 1! Your presence is also needed in City Council Chambers, Boston City Hall, on December 1 at 3 PM to support Chuck!
Sample text (you will be able to edit it online):
To: Members of the Boston City Council
cc: President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Congressional Black Caucus, Congressional leaders, the Massachusetts congressional delegation, Gov. Deval Patrick, Mayor Thomas Menino, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the NAACP, the ACLU, the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, the New York Times, the Associated Press
I am writing to appeal to you to allow City Councilor Chuck Turner to complete the term to which the people of Roxbury and District 7 elected him to represent them. Since his election in 1999, Chuck Turner has gone beyond the call of duty in representing his constituents and serving their needs. He alone among Boston politicians has maintained a full-time office in Roxbury at his own expense to serve the residents of the community. He has devoted his life to community leadership and service. The Boston City Council should take no action to remove the chosen representative of the people of Roxbury and District 7.
Mr. Turner's prosecution must be seen as part of a national campaign to oust African-American elected officials by demonizing them and prosecuting them, whether in congressional hearings or in the courts. In reality, these officials are singled out for who they are, for the disenfranchisement of the communities they represent, and for their outspoken ideas and points of view. The Boston City Council need not and should not lend itself to being any part of this ugly conspiracy.
At a time of massive budget cutbacks and economic crisis, the people of Roxbury must not be deprived of their leader and their voice.
Do not remove Chuck Turner from the Boston City Council.
(your signature here)
Chuck Turner Judge Woodlock Petition
http://www.iacenter.org/chucktjudgepetition.htmlTell U.S. District Judge Douglas P. Woodlock that Chuck Turner does not belong in jail.
Please tell U.S. District Judge Douglas P. Woodlock, with copies to the Boston City Council, Mayor Menino, President Obama, Attorney General Holder, Congressional leaders, the Massachusetts Congressional Delegation, Governor Deval Patrick, the U.N. Secretary General Ban and the media that Chuck Turner does not belong in jail.
Sample Text (you will be able to edit it online):To: Hon. Douglas P. Woodlock, Judge, U.S. District Court, Boston
cc: Boston City Council, Mayor Thomas Menino, President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Congressional Black Caucus, Congressional leaders, the Massachusetts congressional delegation, Gov. Deval Patrick, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the NAACP, the ACLU, the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, the New York Times, the Associated Press
I am writing to appeal to you not to sentence Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner to jail time, but instead to allow him to continue to serve the community and complete the term to which the people of Roxbury and District 7 elected him to represent them. Since his election in 1999, Chuck Turner has gone beyond the call of duty in representing his constituents and serving their needs. He alone among Boston politicians has maintained a full-time office in Roxbury at his own expense to serve the residents of the community. He has devoted his life to community leadership and service. Councilor Turner does not belong in jail.
Mr. Turner's prosecution must be seen as part of a national campaign to oust African-American elected officials by demonizing them and prosecuting them, whether in congressional hearings or in the courts. In reality, these officials are singled out for who they are, for the disenfranchisement of the communities they represent, and for their outspoken ideas and points of view.
At a time of massive budget cutbacks and economic crisis, the people of Roxbury must not be deprived of their leader and their voice.
Do not send Chuck Turner to jail! Allow him to serve the people of Boston by completing his term on the Boston City Council.
(your signature here)
-- THE END --
( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )
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and businesses. While we share this information with you, it should not
be seen as an endorsement of their services.
Chuck Turner, District 7
City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510
Chuck.Turner@cityofboston.gov Angela.Yarde@cityofboston.gov Darrin.Howell@cityofboston.gov
Paulette.Tillery@cityofboston.gov Lorraine.Fowlkes@cityofboston.gov Edith.Monroe@cityofboston.gov
ROXBURY: WARD 8, Pcts 3-4, 7; WARD 9, Pcts 3-5; WARD 11, Pcts 1-3, 5; WARD 12, Pcts 1-9
SOUTH END: Ward 4, Pct 4; Ward 9, Pct 2
FENWAY: Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9