Monday, October 25, 2010

CTDN: JOB FAIR TOMORROW MORNING 10am-4pm + much much more just 4 u.

Welcome to the Chuck Turner Daylight Network: The Antidote for the Apathetic

1.   TOMORROW'S Workplace Diversity Job Fair (10/26--10am-4pm)


2.   !SPEAK UP at Oct 26 School Committee meeting ! (10/26--6pm)
3.   Celebration of the only Black Labor Union  (10/28--7:00pm)

4.   Egleston YMCA Masquerade Formal Dinner   (10/29--4pm Registration + 4:30-6:00 Dinner)


5.   Visiting Mexican Artists Program @ Dudley Library  (11/1--6:30-7:30pm)

6.   Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) Upcoming Training Opportunities (11/3, 1/25)

7  UMN Events: Black People for Better Public Schools + Wash Heights Tenants Assoc. (11/8--6-8:30pm)

8.   Makanda Jazz Project Concert At the Dudley Library Auditorium, 65 Warren St, Roxbury (11/13--7-10PM)
9.   Complete Neighborhoods, Complete Commonwealth  REGISTER TODAY   (11/16)
10. Conference on Immigrant Entrepreneurship  (11/17--8:30am-5:00pm)
11. Attend The Community Change Leadership Awards: Challenging Structural Racism (11/30--7:00pm)

12. ONE Mass: People Doing Real Work on No, No, No! (November Election Day Ballot Questions)



1.   TOMORROW'S Workplace Diversity Job Fair (10/26--10am-4pm)



 Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Radisson Hotel Boston
200 Stuart Street
10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

On Tuesday, October 26, the Boston Herald is sponsoring the Workplace Diversity Job Fair to promote career opportunities for professionals in the areas of business, sales, medical, retail, high-tech, and more.

Click here for a map

Meet with representatives from these companies:

Acushnet Company
American Student Assistance
Arbour Hospital
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Boston Architectural College
Boston Medical Center HealthNet Plan
Cambridge Health Alliance
Career Directors International
Caritas Christi Health Care
CB Richard Ellis - New England
Citizens Bank
City of Boston, Department of IT

Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Eliot Community Human Services
Liberty Mutual
Marriott International & Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company
Massachusetts Air National Guard
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Massachusetts Port Authority
Merrill Lynch
Muzi Motors
National Fire Protection Association
Oakleaf Waste Management
Rockland Trust
South Bay Mental Health
Sovereign Bank
State Street Corporation
Trilogy Financial Services
Tufts Health Plan
Vertex Pharmaceuticals



2.  !SPEAK UP at Oct 26 School Committee meeting ! (10/26--6pm)

School Committee, Oct 26, 6:00 pm 

The English High School, with extended public comment to follow


Please join us to speak up for off-track students on Oct 26.  The public comment will take place after the school committee meeting, so I'm guessing it will start more like 7:30 or 8:00, for those of you who just want to come for the commentary.  A number of YT partners came out on the 19th and spoke up in a focus group format.  Thank you to all who came out, especially the young people!  Special props to Diamond Educators, East Boston's Youth Task Force and Sociedad Latina for speaking.  I think we did a good job keeping our issue on the screen.  We now need people to speak up in the session for the full school committee next Tuesday.  This is a chance for folks who couldn't make last Tuesday to join in....though certainly, we would love to have people who were there come back.  It is especially important for us to show support for off-track students' need for seats as this week's publicity is focused on the underestimate of empty seats, creating a pressure to decrease schools and programs. 

Please click here to let me know if you plan to attend. 
Once I see who is coming, I'll be in touch to coordinate talking points.

We ask that you turn out and bring youth to speak up for off-track students and returning dropouts.  There is a lot of heartfelt emotion about the proposal to close schools, but we still think that we need community voices speaking about the larger issue:  that the high school programs are not aligned to the population's needs.  4,500 students are two or more years off-track and there are only 1,400 alternative options seats.  This year, the programs are fuller than ever.  Students need more alternative educational options. 

It is heartening that Superintendent Johnson's proposal includes expanding partnerships with alternative education providers, though it was not mentioned in the presentation at the last School Committee meeting. 

Learn more about the Redesign and Reinvest process and proposal here.  Superintendent Johnson has a proposal to close some schools and expand some programming.  She is vetting it with the community and at School Committee before the final vote on November 3.  If we want that plan to include any educational options for off-track youth, now is the time to say it.

At a state forum on new school development mechanisms last week, we learned that Innovations Schools, Horace Mann charters, Race to the Top funds and other mechanisms can be used to serve this population.  Other communities are very interested in this, so let's help Boston to move in that direction!

Race to the Top News:  On August 24, Massachusetts was named a winner--and the top scorer--in the second round of the Race to the Top application process.   This brings $250 million to the state to improve struggling schools, the teaching corps, data systems and core standars.  Massachusetts has its own goal of increasing college and career readines.  That goal, the turnaround provisions, $ support for new Innovations Schools and the $125 million that will go to local districts creates opportunity for dropout prevention and recovery.  Read the press release here.  
Data systems grant.  The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) recently won a grant that will enable it to improve and expand its Early Warning Indicator system.  Here is information on this longitudinal data systems grant .   The ESE hopes to win another grant that will allow it to provide more support for local districts to better use the data for dropout prevention and recovery efforts.
Lower dropout rates in Boston and Massachusetts.  The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (ESE) and the Boston Public Schools (BPS) released the 08-09 dropout rates.  The state rate (2.9%) is the lowest rate in a decade and the BPS rate (7.3% by the ESE caclucuation and 6.4% by the BPS method--this Globe article summarizes the BPS rate improvement nicely) is the lowest in 2 decades, according to the BPS. 
Numbers tell an even better story.  In our work, we have always tried to look at the numbers, not just the rates.  According to the ESE data, since 2006, when the state SIMS data system facilitated more accurate reporting, the BPS number has fallen steadily from its highest point 1,872 to 1,308--564 fewer students left school last year than in the 2005-2006 school year.  The state number fell by 1,374 (from 9,959 to 8,585) in the most recent year alone--and by 2,851 since 2007, the highest point since the SIMS conversion.  Read the BPS press release and the ESE press release for more.  Include articles on topics of interest to your readers, relevant news and events. If you find an interesting article on the Web, you can easily ask the author's permission to summarize the article and link to it from your newsletter. Drive traffic to your website by entering teaser text for the article with a link to your website for readers to view the full text.
YTTF meetings

Nov 5, 8:30 - 10:30

Dec 17, 8:30 - 10:30

the PIC Office
555 Amory Street
Jamaica Plain

Join Our Mailing List
3.  Celebration of the only Black Labor Union  (10/28--7:00pm)



A Very Special Event

To Celebrate the 85th Anniversary of the

Founding of the Nation's only Black labor Union,

the  Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and its founder, A Philip Randolph

DATE: October 28th [Thursday]

TIME: 7:00 PM


The Historic Charles Street

African American Episcopal Church

555 Warren Street

Dorchester, MA 02121

"Black People and the Labor Movement in Massachusetts
Do we have a common future together?"

Join us as we:

Celebrate the 85th Anniversary of the Founding of the Nation's only Black labor Union, the  Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters and its founder, A Philip Randolph

Celebrate and honor VERONICA TURNER as the new President of 1199/SEIU, the first Black Woman President of a major union in Massachusetts

Call for a joint community dialogue regarding community demands for full inclusion in the labor movement in Massachusetts

Call for the creation of public Works Jobs, and

Demand Justice and Jobs from Walmart upon their future arrival to Boston

Gerry Hudson, International Executive Vice President , SEIU
Honorable Michael Ross
, President Boston City Council
Rev. Dr. Gregory Groover
, Pastor, Charles St. AME Church and
                                                    President of the Black Ministers Alliance

Sponsored by

The Union of Minority Neighborhoods, Massachusetts Jobs With Justice,

Black People for Better Public Schools, Boston Black Men's Leadership Group, Boston All-Stars, UMASS Boston - Breaking the Cycle of Violence Initiative [BCVI], Center for Race and Diversity at MIT, Professor James Jennings, and

the Boston Workers Alliance,

Community Change, Project Hip-Hop, and the Labor Department at UMASS-Boston 
For more information contact:
Union of Minority Neighborhoods
891 Centre Street
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130
617-522-3349 *

4.   Egleston YMCA Masquerade Formal Dinner   (10/29--4pm Registration + 4:30-6:00 Dinner)



the Egleston YMCA masquerade formal dinner



OCTOBER 29, 2010

REGISTRATION 4:00pm   +  DINNER 4:30 TO 6:00pm









5.    Visiting Mexican Artists Program @ Dudley Library  (11/1--6:30-7:30pm)


The Dancing Chickens

of Ventura Fabian


The Visiting Mexican Artists Program:

Supported by the Fellowes Fund of the Boston Public Library


 Monday, Nov. 1


 6:30 - 7:30pm

 Dudley Branch Library Auditorium

 65 Warren St., Roxbury




Come join master woodcarver Ventura Fabian and his son from Oaxaca, Mexico as they demonstrate their traditional craft.


Don't miss this unique opportunity to:

• visit with these Mexican folk artists

• view a short film about their life

• see their authentic Oaxacan woodcarvings


Questions? 617-522-4008  /


6.   Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) Upcoming Training Opportunities (11/3, 1/25)

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) formerly known as the Affirmative Market Program (AMP) would like to make you aware of the following upcoming events for Minority and Women Owned Businesses (M/WBEs).

First, offered only twice a year, the next SDP Intermediate Vendor Training is taking place on Wednesday, November 3rd from 8:45 am. to 2:00 p.m. at the Masshousing Conference Room, 1 Beacon Street, 29th Floor, Boston.  Five contracting areas will be covered: Commodities, Services, Construction, Design, and Health & Human Services.  The training will be conducted by procurement officials from several state agencies.  Space is limited, and there is a $25.00 offset fee to attend.  All participants must pre-register.

Finally, the most comprehensive training offered by the SDP, the SDP Advanced Vendor Training is taking place on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 from 9:30 to 1:00 at the Masshousing Conference Room, 1 Beacon Street, 29th Floor, Boston. 
If you are a SDO Certified Business who is ready to respond to an RFR but needs help with the technicalities this workshop is for you.  Conducted by members of SDP Business Advisory Board, SDO certified businesses who have statewide contracts and provide a business perspective of the State procurement process, the session is only offered once a year.  There is a $25.00 offset fee to attend, and all attendees must pre-register.  Space is limited, so register early.

Questions about any of the SDP Upcoming events may be directed to the SDP Help Desk at  All SDP trainings and events can be viewed from the Program and Services page of our website. 

7 . UMN Events: Black People for Better Public Schools + Wash Heights Tenants Assoc. (11/8--6-8:30pm)

Union of Minority Neighborhoods
Black People for Better Public Schools and
Washington Heights Tenants Association

Meet and Greet:

Reverend Gregory G. Groover Sr.

 Chairman of the Boston Public School Committee:

Come in and share your stories, thoughts, feelings and opinions about Boston Public Schools and what you hope to see change.

Learn more about:

·      School Closings

·      Charter and Pilot Schools

·      Race to the Top Funds for Education



TIME: 6:00pm-8:30pm

DATE: Monday, November 8th 2010

LOCATION:  Washington Heights

69 Ruthven Street, Dorchester

*Spanish/English translations will be provided*

**For more information call Guerdine @ BP4BPS (617)-830-5084 or call Ms. Jessie @ Washington Heights 617-445-8731**

Light Refreshments will be served!

Union of Minority Neighborhoods
891 Centre Street
Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts 02130
8.   Makanda Jazz Project Concert At the Dudley Library Auditorium, 65 Warren St, Roxbury (11/13--7-10PM)
Makanda Jazz Project Concert At the Dudley Library Auditorium, 65 Warren St, Roxbury (11/13--7-10PM)

The next Makanda Project concert will be Saturday, November 13, 7:00 to 10:00 pm, at the Dudley Library auditorium, 65 Warren Street, Roxbury.
Our special guest will be tenor saxophonist ODEAN POPE (  Mr. Pope is known in the jazz world for having been a member of the Max Roach Quartet for over 22 years, and for leading the remarkable Odean Pope Saxophone Choir.  His sound and his mastery of various saxophonic techniques and harmonic concepts make him truly one of the outstanding tenor players in jazz today.



9.    Complete Neighborhoods, Complete Commonwealth  REGISTER TODAY   (11/16)
Join us for the Massachusetts Public Health Association's
2010 Annual Meeting and Conference

Complete Neighborhoods, Complete Commonwealth:
Joining Forces for FRESH Action

Tuesday, November 16, 2010
8:00 am- 3:30 pm

Register today!

Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel
181 Boston Post Road West,  Marlborough, MA

View the meeting agenda.

Keynote speaker Geoff Anderson, President and CEO of Smart Growth America, will address the important connections between health and planning cities and towns.

The meeting will also feature:

  • Exhibitors representing grassroots organizations and local businesses 
  • A celebration of our recent legislative victories 
  • An Act FRESH announcement and call to action 
  • A discussion of Massachusetts' Healthy Transportation Compact 
  • Breakout sessions to help you build your policy advocacy skills, learn how to work with regional planning councils and more
  • Networking opportunities   
  • And we are pleased to announce MPHA's 2010 Annual Awards to... 
    •  Representative Stephen Kulik- Legislative Leadership Award
    • Concetta DeBenedetto- Front Line Award
      Outreach Coordinator, Reading Coalition Against Substance Abuse
    • Massachusetts Farm-to-School Project- Community Leadership Award

Thank You to Our Annual Meeting Sponsors

Baystate Health Logo
Celticare Logo
Children's Hospital Boston
G & L Labs
Network Health
MPH Program in Urban Health,
Northeastern University

Exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities are still available!

Exhibitor Information (pdf)
Information (pdf)
Volunteer Opportunity
We are looking for a certified trainer or yoga instructor to lead a 10 minute stretch break during the annual meeting.  Please contact Kara (see below for contact information) if you or someone you know is interested.

Contact Kara Keenan:, (617) 524-6696, x113, or
Michele McQuillen at,
(617) 524-6696, x104.
Massachusetts Public Health Association | 434 Jamaicaway | Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 | United States
10.   Conference on Immigrant Entrepreneurship  (11/17--8:30am-5:00pm)
ILC Header_small_Babson
Statewide Conference on Immigrant Entrepreneurship 
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
8:30 AM to 5 PM 
at Babson College, Wellesley, Massachusetts
Executive Conference Center
A Collaboration of The Immigrant Learning Center, Inc.
and Babson College
Agenda & Speakers
Register Now!  
Babson Executive Conference Center
One Woodland Hill Rd.
Wellesley, MA 02482

Driving Directions  
Marcia Drew Hohn
Entrepreneurs = Wealth and Job Creation
Immigrants = Jet Fuel for Entrepreneurship in Massachusetts

Massachusetts immigrants are a proven driving force for entrepreneurship from neighborhood revitalization to increasing numbers of transnational businesses to innovation in science and engineering.  Come learn from and network with immigrant entrepreneurs, researchers and experts from the field.  They will present data, experiences, ideas and recommendations to accelerate immigrant entrepreneurship for economic and job growth in the Commonwealth.
Sessions include: 
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Neighborhood Revitalization
  • Beyond the Bodega: Immigrant Entrepreneurs grow from Local to Global
  • Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Science, Engineering and Technology
  • Welcoming and Supporting Immigrant Entrepreneurs
   Featured speakers: 
  • Jill Cheng
    Cheng & Tsui Publishers
  • Alvaro Lima
    Boston Redevelopment Authority
  • Vinit Nijhawan
    Serial Entrepreneur, Board Member, Global TiE
  • Anne O'Callaghan
    Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians
  • Special Lunch Speaker - Dr. Jan Vilcek,
    New York University School of Medicine,
    co-developer of a breakthrough drug to treat chronic inflammatory diseases, President of the Vilcek Foundation.
Policy and action recommendations will be generated throughout the day to be compiled for post-symposium dissemination with a summary of symposium proceedings.
Get more information
Register Now!
11 .   Attend The Community Change Leadership Awards: Challenging Structural Racism (11/30--7:00pm)

drylongso awardhorace seldon awardlifetime achievement award

Please join Community Change

for the presentation of the 2010 Community Change Leadership Awards


Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 6:00 PM - 8:30PM

hosted by Simmons College Institute for Leadership and Change

in the Linda K. Paresky Conference Center - 300 The Fenway, Boston, Ma


Jean Hardisty, Researcher

Theresa Perry, Professor of Africana Studies and Education, Simmons College

Sarah-Ann Shaw, Retired Journalist & Community Activist



Alexia Loman Arroyo, Lead Organizer, Reflect and Strengthen

Voices of Liberation



Berta Rose Berriz, Ed.D, Co-Lead Teacher/Lower School, Boston Teachers Union School

Laurie Holmes, Organizer for Economic and Social Justice and

Community Solutions to End Violence Against Women

Maya Honda, Associate Professor of Human Development, Wheelock College

Lynette Jones-Carradine, Educator

Ron Marlow, Assistant Secretary of Access and Opportunity, Commonwealth of MA


Cash bar and dinner buffet


Community Change, Inc. works tirelessly to challenge structural racism.  The Community Change Leadership Awards provide a unique opportunity for our community to come together to celebrate the work we all do. This year's Leadership Awards are dedicated to the life and work of our dear friend Howard Zinn.

The Drylongso Awards, begun in 1987, honor ordinary people doing extraordinary work. The Horace Seldon Emerging Leader Awards recognize the work of young activists who are living the commitment and demonstrating the energy and passion of CCI founder Horace Seldon. The CCI Lifetime Achievement Awards celebrate those who have been and continue to be at the forefront of this work and whose efforts have made significant impact on issues surrounding structural racism.

Register Now!

If you are not attending, but would like to subsidize a ticket or donate to Community Change, please click on the paypal button below.

Buy Now


Margaret A. Burnham; Peggy McIntosh; Charles J. Ogletree, Jr.


Mary Antes; Loretta Dixon; Trudy Glidden; Antonieta Gimeno; Mark Gray; Audley Green; Diane Hammer; Pearl Hines;

Tom Louie; Paul Marcus; Bunny Meyer; Myrna Morales; Alexi Paraschos


Directions and Parking Information:
For driving directions see or telephone 617-521-2000
- MBTA use Green Line E Train to MFA Stop
- Parking is available in metered street spaces or gar ages at MFA and Landmark Center.

12.  ONE Mass: People Doing Real Work on No, No, No! (November Election Day Ballot Questions)
ONE Massachusetts
Real Work Paying Off
for No, No, No!

Thursday, October 8th, 2010
Also In This Issue:
Free Trainings!
Quick Links
Dear Lorraine,

Like a lot of people across the world, I spent this week obsessively checking up on the efforts to rescue the thirty-three Chilean miners trapped a half mile beneath the surface of the San José Mine. I can't begin to imagine the emotions that each person there was feeling if I was getting choked up thousands of miles away.

Chilean Rescue WorkersBut as I sat, focused on the tiny rescue capsule and its trip up and down that narrow tunnel, I also thought about the much wider efforts going on behind the scenes, keeping the miners (and their waiting families) healthy and safe, keeping the wider community aware of rescue efforts as they developed, reviewing how safety guidelines have been implemented and how they should be adjusted moving forward. It's a clear example of what we (and our government) can accomplish if we all work together.

It reminds me of statewide efforts leading up to November 2nd.

As I said in our last newsletter, it can be easy to be distracted by the headlines of election season. Sometimes we aren't even aware of how hard people in our own neighborhoods are working to make sure all of our communities get the support they need.

The good news is that a long and growing list of community and nonprofit organizations have already agreed that all three
2010 Ballot Questions would have dangerous repercussions within our communities, and their members statewide are fighting to make sure we all show up to the polls to defeat all three ballot questions!

Even better news? That hard work is working - even before advertisements hit the airwaves! According to a Suffolk University/7News poll, "support for the sales tax rollback [Question 3] dropped significantly in the last month - down seven points from 51 percent." [Full Article: Boston Herald]

Just a few examples of the real work being done in our state to defeat the  ballot questions on November 2nd include:

In the first week of October, PHENOM members walked from Berkshire Community College to the State House to demonstrate their support for our education system and the economy!

Leading up to November 2nd, members and staff of organizations, including both NEU4J and MAHA will be knocking on doors in their communities, urging folks to get out and vote and to defeat all three ballot questions!

Each week leading up to the election, ¿Oìste? will be hosting phone banks on No, No, No!  at 59 Temple Place #337. The days and hours the calls will be made are:
Tuesdays-10:00am-1:00pm, and

On October 20th, Community activists from across Boston will be attending the City Council meeting urging council members to endorse No, No, No!

On October 30th and 31st, staff and members of MIRA will be phone banking - making calls to new Americans who have recently registered to vote, urging them to act on their right to vote no! [Get Involved]

Need some inspiration to get more involved? Our own Judy Meredith was moved last week at one of her trainings by a group of Iranian women who likely risked their own safety to learn more about how local governments work in the United States.

Contact us today if you are interested in hosting a free on-site training for your organization or neighborhood - or call
one of the local or statewide organizations working in your region on the "No, No No!" campaign for more information on how you can get involved!


Harmony Blakeway
Director of Operations, ONE Massachusetts  |  617-999-846
Free Training to Organizations Statewide
Public Structures Tree The staff and Leadership Team at ONE Massachusetts would love to come out to your community or organization for a free on-site training.

We can focus more closely on the three upcoming ballot questions, or you can request a more broad introduction to how our state ended up in this fiscal situation, how and why we make certain budget and revenue decisions, and how we can talk to our friends and neighbors (and public officials!) about these issues.

Contact us today for more information!

ONE Massachusetts Square LogoWant more information on ONE Massachusetts and how you can get involved? Check out our:



--  THE END --


( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )  


Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations

and businesses.  While we share this information with you, it should not

be seen as an endorsement of their services.


Chuck Turner, District 7 Boston City Councillor

City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510  /  District Office--(617) 427-8100           

ROXBURY:                   WARD 8, Pcts 3-4, 7;           WARD 9, Pcts 3-5;          WARD 11, Pcts 1-3, 5;     WARD  12, Pcts 1-9

DORCHESTER:            Ward 7, Pct 10;                    Ward 8, Pcts 5-6;             Ward 13, Pcts 1-2, 4-5

SOUTH END:                Ward 4, Pct 4;                      Ward 9, Pct 2

FENWAY:                     Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9 

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