School | Meeting | Date | Time | Location | |
Clap | Staff | Thur 10/14 | 3:45pm | Auditorium | |
Family | Thur 10/14 | 6pm | Auditorium | ||
East Zone ELC | Staff | Wed 10/13 | 5:30pm | Caf/Open area | |
Family | Wed 10/13 | 6:30pm | Caf/Open area | ||
Emerson | Staff | Wed 10/13 | 8:00am | Classroom TBD | |
Family | Wed 10/13 | 6:30pm | St. Patrick's Church, 400 Dudley St | ||
Gavin | Staff | Wed 10/13 | 1:45pm | Auditorium | |
Family | Thur 10/14 | 7pm | Auditorium | ||
Lee Academy | Staff | Thur 10/14 | 5pm | Auditorium | |
Family | Thur 10/14 | 6pm | Auditorium | ||
Hyde Park EC | Staff | Wed 10/13 | 2:15pm | Auditorium | |
Family | Tue 10/12 | 6:30pm | Auditorium | ||
Lee School | |||||
East Boston ELC | |||||
King K-8 | |||||
Umana |
[ ] Back/Front Cover $ 400.00
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[ ] ¼ Page $ 100.00
[ ] Business Card Size $ 50.00
[ ] Well Wisher's Line $ 25.00
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Please return this form, check and logo to the addresses listed below on or before October 15th
Please make all checks Payable to PROJECT RIGHT, INC.
Please email with the subject line "annual meeting" to: nnflynt@gmail.com
Project RIGHT, Inc.
**Advertisers: Please be advised that your advertisement should be in output ready files, PDF or TIFF format.
Camera- ready art not accepted.**
October, 2010
Dear Potential Advertiser:
Project R.I.G.H.T., Inc.'s 16th Annual Community Dinner theme is:
Speak Out ,Turn Out Grove Hall will not be ignored
We at Project R.I.G.H.T. Inc., (Rebuild and Improve Grove Hall Together) are proud to have been a part of all the accomplishments that are occurring within our community. This year we have the opportunity to look back, smile, and look toward many more opportunities to Rebuild & Improve Grove Hall Together. Since 1991, Project R.I.G.H.T., Inc. has been an agent for change in Grove Hall and on
There are many ways your organization, community business, and agency/office can contribute. We believe that the simplest way is to place an advertisement in our 2010 Annual Report. Your Ad will help promote your organization, business, agency, or office while at the same time, help support the work of Project R.I.G.H.T. Inc.
I have enclosed an Ad rate sheet/Ad contract form for your review. Please do not hesitate to contact Nicole N. Flynt at
Project R.I.G.H.T. Inc.
Grove Hall, Ma 02121
Thank you in advance for your support.
Jorge Martinez
Executive Director
Here are links to the Boston Book Festival, Saturday,
The link to the site is: http://www.bostonbookfest.org/
The link to their Kids page is: http://www.bostonbookfest.org/kids/
Full calendar of events is at: http://www.bostonbookfest.org/attend/
To learn more about the Boston Public Library, visit http://www.bpl.org
Download ebooks and audiobooks at http://overdrive.bpl.org
The American Banking Association convention is coming to Boston
Oct. 17-20!
Yes. The same people responsible for the housing bubble, the economic crisis, a still rising tide of foreclosures, and, most recently, apparent fraud in the foreclosure process.
Help us "welcome" them, by demanding"
Freeze foreclosures!
in owner occupied buildings.
Stop no-fault evictions in foreclosed buildings!
Sell back to occupants or non-profit at current value!
GATHER at Copley Sq. at 4 pm on Sunday, Oct. 17.
MARCH to Hynes Convention Center at 4:30.
PROTEST in front of Hynes from 5-7 pm.
Robo-signing and the ongoing crisis
Wall St. banks accuse us of reading all the documents before we signed a loan. Yet they are signing affidavits of foreclosure without reading anything!
Wall St. banks ask forgiveness because there are so many foreclosures. They say they are doing their best. But this wave of foreclosures is their fault!
Wall St. banks protest that it's difficult to keep track of the chain of title. But that difficulty was deliberately created by them!
We are glad there is a temporary moratorium on foreclosures of owner occupied properties.
We are demanding that all the banks do the same. But we know the banks want to simply use that time to get their paperwork in order and then continue as before. We want a permanent solution.
v Stop all no-fault post-foreclosure evictions permanently.
v Do loan modifications with principal reduction.
v Sell foreclosed property to occupants or non-profits at real value.
Protest in Randolph to defend the Barzola family Oct. 17, 6-7 pm
We will have an hour-long candlelight vigil at 7 Canessa St. in Randolph. We are demanding that Fannie Mae accept rent from the Barzola family rather than pursue an eviction.
Dumerant Family vs. GMAC
GMAC, the same company first accused in the current robo-signing crisis. GMAC, who announced that they would suspend foreclosures in 23 states with judicial review of foreclosure (not Mass.).
Although the Dumerants were working toward an offer that matched what GMAC wanted, GMAC broke of negotiations and sold to a third party, apparently an investor. Therefore, the GMAV eviction is terminated. The investor has started their own eviction. We will also fight that eviction with both the sword and the shield (public protest and legal defense).
But why go through many months of trying to evict the Dumerants? We're asking the investor to sell it back to them for what they paid for it.

The Family of Dr. Joseph Warren President Joseph E. Aoun
On Sunday, October 24th at 4:00 pm, we will host a memorial service to celebrate and honor the
Dr. Warren was a gifted scholar and leader who dedicated his life to enhancing the lives of others at
This is a good opportunity for community folk to ask questions of those knowledgeable on health reform and also those who have some control over shaping at least the state version of it.
What does health reform mean for Massachusetts and its low-income residents? Our own home-grown health reform has served as the model for the federal Accountable Care Act. Are we a good model? Will we have to change and is that a good thing? Join New England's Health and Human Services' director, Christie Hager, and others on Tuesday afternoon, October 26th, as Securing the Safety Net explores "Feel Better Yet? The Impact of Federal and State Health Reform on Massachusetts' Low-Income Residents" at ABCD in downtown Boston. Details are attached and below.
Take part in this stimulating dialogue and information -- on a subject that is only going to grow bigger in our lives as federal health reform requirements kick into gear -- with fellow health and human service providers, advocates and community members, elected and governmental officials and business folk.
To get more information or RSVP, please contact me by Thursday, October 21 and, of course, feel free to send this announcment on to others!
Roxanne Reddington-Wilde
Action for Boston Community Development, Inc.
617-348-6214 (phone) / 617-695-2381 (fax)
Action for Boston Community Development, Inc. presents
A Seminar Series on Re-Inventing Core Services for Vulnerable Families & Individuals
Feel Better Yet?
The Impact of Federal and State Health Reform on
(light refreshments served at
Melnea Cass Room, Third Floor
ABCD Central
Christie Hager
Regional Director,
Andrew Cohen
Center for Health Law and Economics,
Alice Coombs, MD
Brian Rosman
Research Director, Health Care for All
And others
Join us for a discussion of issues:
· Will the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act change health reform
as we know it in
· How has
Does that mean their health has improved too?
· What remains to be done? Can we reform Health Reform if we need to?
For more information or to RSVP, please contact
Roxanne Reddington-Wilde redwilde@bostonabcd.org or call
-- THE END --
( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )
Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations
and businesses. While we share this information with you, it should not
be seen as an endorsement of their services.
Chuck Turner, District 7
City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510 / District Office--(617) 427-8100
Chuck.Turner@cityofboston.gov Angela.Yarde@cityofboston.gov Phillip.Reason@cityofboston.gov
Paulette.Tillery@cityofboston.gov Lorraine.Fowlkes@cityofboston.gov Edith.Monroe@cityofboston.gov
ROXBURY: WARD 8, Pcts 3-4, 7; WARD 9, Pcts 3-5; WARD 11, Pcts 1-3, 5; WARD 12, Pcts 1-9
SOUTH END: Ward 4, Pct 4; Ward 9, Pct 2
FENWAY: Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9