12. Explore The Power of Partnerships (9/28--8:30am-10am)
"White Racial Identity in the Supervisory Relationship"
The following information is provided by the organizations and individuals listed below:
-Grove Hall Peace Walk, Wed., Sept. 22, 2010
-Safety alert for parents and students who are waiting for school buses
-Meeting to discuss street lighting along Seaver Street, Sept. 28, 2010
-Prescription drug take back day, Sept. 25, 2010
-Save the date, PRI's meeting with the MBTA (Oct. 5, 2010) and PRI's annual meeting (Thursday, October, 28, 2010)
1) Do You want Peace In Our Community?
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
(Project R.I.G.H.T. Inc., 320A Blue Hill Ave.,
on the corner of Lawrence Ave. & Blue Hill Ave.)
Time: 6:00pm-8pm
Join us For A Community Walk To
For further Information please contact Block Captains & V.I.P Coordinator @ Project R.I.G.H.T., Inc.
(617) 514 5454 ext 105
Martin Booth & Mieauna Douglas- Block Captains
Nicole N. Flynt-Thomas- V.I.P Coordinator
Supporters-(List In formation)
- Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz
- Representative Gloria fox
- Representative Liz Malia
- Project RIGHT, Inc.
- Boston Public Health Commission
- Violence, Intervention and Prevention
2) Blue Hill Ave/Parent + Female Student Safety
Please alert your METCO, Boston and all school students and parents of the following public safety issue
Please immediately distribute this public safety alert to your METCO, Boston and all school parents and students so that they can be made aware and prepared in case they are approached.
I have been informed by the Boston Police Department, B-2 Community Service Office, that there have been some early morning incidents in which METCO female students, who are waiting for buses, have been approached by cars who have attempted to solicit them. My understanding is that these incidents have taken place at the stops along Blue Hill Avenue (perhaps, Brunswick, Lawrence, and Dove). Please inform all of your students to disregard any efforts by strangers to talk to them and to not get into any cars of these strangers. If your student tells the stranger to stop and they continue to persist, please encourage them to immediately call on their cell phone the Boston Police Department at 617.343.4911 (the 911
dispatch center directly) and to notify their parents/ guardians with as much detail as possible.
We have requested the police to conduct some stings to counter this soliciting. Any incidents that you may be aware of, please report to the Boston Police Department's B-2 Community Service Office (or the 617.343.4911 central BPD dispatch number). Thank you for your assistance in this matter. As soon as we get further details, we will pass that
information along.
Michael Kozu (617.541.5451.x102)
Project RIGHT, Inc. and Grove Hall Safe Neighborhood Initiative Community
Coordinator and for the METCO Parent Legislative Committee
3) Neighborhood Meeting re: Seaver St.
An initial neighborhood meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 28 at 6:30PM at the Berea Seventh Day Adventist Church located at 108 Seaver Street. (enter on Humboldt Ave.)
The City of Boston is currently evaluating a number of safety and design issues for Seaver Street, from Walnut Street to Blue Hill Avenue. The concerns include: street lighting, pedestrian safety, pedestrian and vehicle safety, and general sidewalk and roadway improvements. The Boston Public Works Department (PWD) will work in concert with the neighborhood, the Transportation Department (BTD), and other agencies to bring about both temporary and permanent improvements to this vital corridor.
The purpose of the meeting is to identify the current issues which exist on Seaver Street and begin to target temporary and permanent solutions. Representatives of City agencies will be in attendance to respond to questions and comments.
This meeting is co-sponsored by the Garrison-Trotter Neighborhood Association, the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services, City Councilor Chuck Turner and the City's Public Works Department.
All interested residents are encouraged to attend. For information, contact garrisontrotter@gmail.com.
4) Drug Take-Back
Dear Coalitions and Community Partners
The Drug Enforcement Agency will be hosting a prescription drug take back day this Saturday, September 25th, from 10 AM – 2 PM. There will be three locations in Boston accepting prescription drugs for incineration:
- East Boston
BPD, District A-7
69 Paris Street
East Boston, MA 02128
- West Roxbury
BPD, District E-5
1708 Centre Street
West Roxbury, MA 02131
- Jamaica Plain
Brookside Community Health Center
3297 Washington Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Please get this out to your coalitions, local businesses and community members so that we can have a successful prescription drop off day in Boston!
Devin Larkin
Program Manager, Prevention and Re-entry Services
Boston Public Health Commission
Bureau of Addiction Prevention, Treatment and Recovery
774 Albany Street, 2nd Floor
Boston, MA 02118
5) Save the Date for Future Events : MBTA 28 Bus Route + PRI Annual Meeting/Dinner
PRI's community meeting with the MBTA on how the Route 28's 60 foot buses are impacting the
Grove Hall neighborhood, Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 5:30 pm reception, 6 pm meeting, site to be announced
PRI's annual meeting and dinner, Thursday, October 28, 2010, 6 pm dinner/ reception, Franklin Park Golf Clubhouse
For more information, contact Project RIGHT, Inc. at 617.541.5454.x102
The above information is compiled by
Michael Kozu, PRI Community Coordinator, 617.541.5451.x102.
| Community Change Inc. and Press Pass TV A community conversation about immigration and the DREAM act. |
Please be our guest... Press Pass TV and Community Change Inc is sponsoring a community conversation about immigration and the Dream Act this thursday, 9/23/10 @ 12pm. Sincerely, Paul Marcus
African Centered Paradigms
Training Series
Registration: 8:30 AM
Workshops: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Dr. Nteri Nelson, PhD.E, LICSW,
Dr. Omar Reid, PsyD
Sekou Mims,
Dr. Barbara Pina Aqasikesat, ND, MH, Mir
$30 Members; $35 Non-members
$10 for 5 Social Workers CE Hours
- Greater
- Pyramid Builders Associates;
- Academy for Kemetic Education & Wellness; and
- The Ra Healing Center
This program has been approved for 5 Continuing Education Contact Hours for
re-licensure, in accordance with 258CMR. Greater
Social Workers Approval #: GBABSW09252010. Social Work CE Certificates
of Attendance will be awarded at the end of the program. Social Workers must
register for Continuing Education Credits and complete the full program and the
evaluation. Certificates of Attendance are available to other training participants.
For more Information / Special Accommodations / Cancellations contact the GBABSW Education Committee Contact: Yvonne @
From either direction on The Riverway turn onto
Take your next left onto
Dr. Nteri Nelson, PhD.E, LICSW,
*Co-founder, Academy of Kemetic Education & Wellness; Adjunct Professor, University of Massachusetts Afrikana Studies Department; Healer, Clinician, Teacher and Metaphysician; Massachusetts Regional Representative for Association for the Study of Classical Afrikan Civilization (ASCAC ), Reiki Master.
Dr. Omar Reid, PsyD, LMHC
*Co-founder and Co-director of Pyramid Builders Associates, Director of Clinical Services for Academic & Behavioral Clinic, a psychological testing and counseling firm. He specializes in providing psychological, neuropsychological and learning disability assessments for schools, children, adolescents and adults.
Sekou Mims
*Co-founder and Co-director of Pyramid Builders Associates. He specializes in providing social assessments, stabilization programs and individual or group therapy to trauma victims.
Dr. Barbara Pina Aqasikesat, ND, MH, Mir (aka BaBaRa Pina)
*Founder of the Ra Natural Health & Education Center; a Natural Physician from the
Participants will learn:
The principles of African Centered treatment.
The processes of reclaiming our history as healers and teachers.
To apply KaAbBa: an African-centered model for psychological assessment,
treatment and holistic healing.
How to deal with trauma today for Black and Nubian people.
Use holistic food plans in treatment.
Social workers and human service professional working with African, African American and
-Historical Perspective
-Applying the Code of Ethics
-Reclaiming Ourselves as Healers & Teachers
-Holistic 2Health Options for Treatment
spiritual and human development.
The Greater
GBABSW serves as a structured forum though which Black Social Workers and other human service workers can exchange ideas, offer services and develop programs in the interest of the Black community and the larger
African Centered Paradigms –Part 1
Registration Form
Name___________________________________ Phone _______________
Address _____________________________________________________
City ___________________________________ State____ Zip__________
Agency ______________________ Address ___________________________
Email __________________________________ License # _____________
Registration Fee: ___ Member $30 ___ Non-Member $35 ___
Social Work Continuing Education Hours: $10Total Paid: _________
Return to:
GBABSW Attn: Yvonne Desmond –
The Greater
Docket #10-0761
Please attend in order to become better informed of the decisions that are being made about the economy of our neighborhood.
Monday, September 27, 2010
For more information please call:
Boston City Councillor Chuck Turner's Office
(617) 635 – 3510
12. Explore The Power of Partnerships (9/28--8:30am-10am)
15. Communiry Change, Inc.'s Brown Bag Featuring Christian Cho (9/29--12-1:30pm/REGISTER by 9/24)
"White Racial Identity in the Supervisory Relationship"
Franklin Park Fall Forest Festival – Saturday, October 2, 2010 from 10:00am – 4:00pm. FREE outdoor activities for all ages. You can climb a tree, do landscape watercolor painting, participate in family nature hikes, and forage for edible plants. For a full schedule and directions go to: www.franklinparkcoalition.org or call 617-442-4141. Festival registration and all activities start at Valley Gates Parking Lot midway along the main park road – look for signs directing you. Organized by the Franklin Park Coalition in partnership with the Boston Nature Center, ParkARTS, Boston Area Recreational Climbers, REI Wilderness Outdoor Store, and local naturalists.
Christine Poff, Director
ABCD's LearningWorks Early Childhood Education "Careers in Childcare" program is recruiting for its Fall 2010 cycle. Classes begin November 1st, and are held Monday thru Friday, 9:00a – 3:30p. Please see the attached flyer for further information.
If you have any questions, please contact Mary Mello, Program Coordinator, ABCD LearningWorks at 617-357-6000 ext. 7541 or mello@bostonabcd.org.
~ Feel free to share the attached flyer ~
Black members of Congress vs. the Internet?
Dear All,
From jobs to civil rights, when the interests of Black Americans are threatened, we've counted on the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to step up and advocate for what's right. Now we need them again — this time in the fight to save the Internet from telephone and cable companies that want to control what you can see and do online.
It's a critical battle — no new technology has ever had as much potential as the Internet for lifting up Black communities politically, economically, educationally, and culturally.
Sadly, many in the CBC have taken positions that would snuff out that potential. Most on the wrong side have simply been taken in by the lies of telecommunications industry lobbyists. But others have taken large financial contributions from telecoms and appear to be willingly carrying water for their biggest donors.1
It's unacceptable, whatever the reason. The CBC needs to understand that Internet freedom is in the vital interest of Black communities. Please join us in calling on the Congressional Black Caucus to support a free and open Internet, and then ask your friends and family to do the same. It takes just a second:
The threat to the Internet
The Federal Communications Commission is trying to protect Internet freedom by ensuring that data you put online can travel across the Internet just as quickly as anyone else's.2 This simple principle is the reason the Internet is so diverse, and so powerful. Anyone's website or blog can compete on equal footing with the biggest corporations.
That has allowed countless Black entertainers, writers, politicians and entrepreneurs to thrive online. For the first time in history, everyday Black Americans can communicate with a global audience without prohibitive costs or permission from government or industry.
But big broadband providers want to create a new system where they can charge large fees to speed up some data while leaving those who can't afford to pay behind — and irrelevant.3 Such a system would give wealthier voices the power to drown out or even silence poorer voices, stunting the Internet's amazing equalizing potential.
CBC complicity?
Some Black members of Congress — most recently Representatives Barbara Lee, Maxine Waters, John Conyers, Donna Edwards, Keith Ellison, and Donald Payne — have stepped up to champion an Internet free of corporate control. Their efforts should be applauded.4
But many others have remained silent, or worse — they've signed on to industry-backed letters designed to weaken support for Internet freedom. And two CBC members have taken especially notable roles in attacking Internet freedom:
Rep. Greg Meeks (D-NY) - For years, AT&T and Verizon have been among Meeks' biggest donors.5 In October 2009, he collected 70 signatures from his colleagues on an industry-backed letter — written after consulting AT&T6 — designed to weaken support for Internet freedom.
Meeks may claim that his major motivation is protecting jobs. But there's no credible evidence that protecting Internet freedom will lead to job losses or decreased investment — in fact, evidence suggests the contrary.7 But in the face of massive support from telecoms, it appears that Meeks has only truly considered one side of the argument.
Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) – AT&T has long been one of Rush's largest donors.8 Then, from 2001 – 2004, they donated $1 million to a community center Rush founded in Chicago.9 Since then, Rush has been a leader in the effort to eliminate Internet freedom. In 2006, Rush helped convince many members of the CBC to kill a measure that would have enshrined Internet freedom into law.10 And since that time, he has supported other efforts to weaken Internet freedom protections.11
Some cynical voices may say that this appearance of quid pro quo is unremarkable because it's just the way Washington works. But we must demand more of our elected representatives, especially those who claim to represent the interests of Black communities as the legacy of the civil rights movement and the "conscience of the Congress."
It starts here. By calling on the Congressional Black Caucus to support Internet freedom, you're not just helping to preserve the promise of the Internet for Black folks and all America. You're also sending a strong message to Black members of Congress that you're paying attention, and won't let them get away with advocating against the interests of the communities they serve.
Please add you voice to our petition, and please ask your friends and family to do the same.
Thanks and Peace,
-- James, Gabriel, William, Dani, Milton and the rest of the ColorOfChange.org team
September 16th, 2010
Help support our work. ColorOfChange.org is powered by YOU -- your energy and dollars. We take no money from lobbyists or large corporations that don't share our values, and our tiny staff ensures your contributions go a long way. You can contribute here:
1. "Members of ColorOfChange.org Call on Congressional Black Caucus to Support Broadband Reclassification," ColorOfChange.org press release, 5-28-2010
2. "Frequently Asked Questions," Save the Internet
3. "Threats to an Open Internet," Save the Internet
4. "32 House Democrats stand up to Comcast and AT&T, protect the Internet," FireDogLake, 6-17-2010
5. "Top Contributors, Greg Meeks," OpenSecrets.org
6. "In Black Caucus, a Fund-Raising Powerhouse," New York Times, 2-14-2010
7. "Why Consumers Demand Internet Freedom," Free Press, 5-2006
8. "Top Contributors, Bobby Rush," OpenSecrets.org
9."Rep. Bobby Rush, AT&T's Million Dollar Man," Black Commentator, 4-27-2006
10. Ibid.
11. See link 1
-- THE END --
( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )
Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations
and businesses. While we share this information with you, it should not
be seen as an endorsement of their services.
Chuck Turner, District 7
City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510 / District Office--(617) 427-8100
Chuck.Turner@cityofboston.gov Angela.Yarde@cityofboston.gov Phillip.Reason@cityofboston.gov
Paulette.Tillery@cityofboston.gov Lorraine.Fowlkes@cityofboston.gov Edith.Monroe@cityofboston.gov
ROXBURY: WARD 8, Pcts 3-4, 7; WARD 9, Pcts 3-5; WARD 11, Pcts 1-3, 5; WARD 12, Pcts 1-9
SOUTH END: Ward 4, Pct 4; Ward 9, Pct 2
FENWAY: Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9