Wednesday, July 28, 2010

CTDN ALERT: Join us @ TODAY's (7/28/10) State House Vigil re: Home Foreclosures Bill 4595 almost there

Welcome To The Chuck Turner Daylight Network:
The Antidote For The Apathetic

Jewish Alliance for Law & Social Action
Foreclosure Bill

Vigil Wednesday Today 12:00
State House 

Need to urge Senate concurrence with House bill 4595

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Dear Lorraine,

Foreclosure Bill brought to a Vote.
By 153 to 0, the bill passed the House

Now, we must get the Senate to concur with the House since there were some differences in the two bills.

Please let your State Senator know of your interest and ask they call the Senate President urging concurrence.
Paid Sick Days - H 1815/S 688
Efforts on this final week of the session to keep Paid Sick Days in front of the legislators.
Wednesday, July 28 -2:00 p.m.State House - Coalition members will meet at the 4th floor cafeteria and will deliver VOTER BALLOTS to reflect voters' positive attitudes toward paid sick days policy according to a recent study by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago.  The NORCstudy shows that 75% of the public supports guaranteeing workers a minimum number of paid sick days.  The study also shows that over 3 times as many voters are likely to support a candidate who is in favor of paid sick days legislation than not.

Thursday, July 29 - 11:00 a.m.State House - Coalition members lead by moms and kids from MomsRising will meet at the Grand Staircase to deliver stories from moms across the Commonwealth who desperately need paid sick days before the school year begins.

Action Required:  Please join us at any of these days for these actions.  Please also continue telephone calls to Speaker DeLeo, House Ways and Means Chairman Murphy, and Senate President, Terry Murray.


--  THE END --


( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )  


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Chuck Turner, District 7 Boston City Councillor

City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510  /  District Office--(617) 427-8100           

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DORCHESTER:            Ward 7, Pct 10;                    Ward 8, Pcts 5-6;             Ward 13, Pcts 1-2, 4-5

SOUTH END:                Ward 4, Pct 4;                      Ward 9, Pct 2

FENWAY :                     Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9 

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