Friday, June 25, 2010

Summer Youth Prog, TONIGHT ALL-DANCE JAM/Hyde Jackson Main Strs, Call MBTA re: 28 Bus (they're at it again...)

Welcome To The Chuck Turner Daylight Network:
The Antidote For The Apathetic


1. (ALL DANCING/NO SPEECHES) JP Dance: Hyde Jackson Main Streets Fundraiser (6/25--7pm-1am/TONIGHT)
2. Grove Hall Update: ATTN: ALL GROVE HALL RESIDENTS...CALL THE MBTA !!! + Upcoming Events
( mbta, peacewalk, greenspaces, recognition of leadership )
3. Dedication Ceremony to BOSTON'S FIRST BLACK POLICE OFFICER,Horatio J. Homer (6/26--10:00am)

4. The Tough Questions: Panel Discussion on Expanding the Boston Convention + Exhibition Ctr (6/28--8am-10am)

5. COMMUNITY ALERT....RALLY @ Scott Brown's Office (Monday 6/28)

6. JALSA: Important Action Items + Upcoming Events including Env Justice/Licensing Solar Jobs (7/1 )

7. (ZBA) City of Boston Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing: What's in your neighborhood? (6/29--9:30)

8. Union of Minority Neighborhoods: B-B-Q (6/30--5pm)

9. UniverSoul Circus Healthcare Employee Night--6/30 (6/29 - 7/5)
10. The Gene Pool (7/1-7/31) Reception (7/11--2-8pm)
11. June Issue: Ethnic Online 2010
13. Bobby Vines Memorial Sickle Cell Walk-A-Thon Around the Boston Commons (7/24--9am-1pm)
Details Below...
1. (ALL DANCING/NO SPEECHES) JP Dance: Hyde Jackson Main Streets Fundraiser (6/25--7pm-1am/TONIGHT)
Hello everyone,

Hyde Jackson Main Streets is holding a fundraiser on June 25th from 7pm - 1am at the Back Bay Hilton. We are calling it JP Dance and it is ALL dancing- no shows, no speeches, just great fun. Appetizers will be served and there will be a cash bar. Tickets are $40 each and are available through me or our website:

Main Street's mission is to create a safe, visually vibrant, economically sound business district in Hyde/Jackson Square; a district knows as the "Boston's Latin Quarter" and that reflects the full diversity of Jamaica Plain.

In the past year, Hyde Jackson Main Streets (HJMS) has guided merchants through the process of improving their storefronts with the ReStore Boston Program . Businesses that have benefited from this include Sonia's Bridal, Revolution Bicycles, the Home Basix, Centre Liquors, Beauty Master and others. There are many other businesses in the district that are in the works for storefront improvement! We not only work on the visual appearance of Hyde/Jackson Squares but are also very concerned with the economic development. HJMS is sponsoring an inventory of all the businesses in the district to gain a better understanding of what is offered here and what businesses to attract.

With the development of Jackson Square, it is important to support the Main Streets program so we can provide assistance to create a vibrant business district. Let me know if you are interested in attending!

Thank you for your support,
Jen Spencer
Round Hill Street, JP
Jackson CAC member
HJMS Board Member

2. Grove Hall Update: ATTN: ALL GROVE HALL RESIDENTS...CALL THE MBTA !!! + Upcoming Events
( mbta, peacewalk, greenspaces, recognition of leadership )=================================================================================
The following information is provided by the organizations and individuals listed below:

- MBTA 60 foot double buses proposed to start Saturday thru Grove Hall (CALL NOW)

- Demand Peace, June 30, in Grove Hall;

- Community Charrette on Green Spaces, 6.29.10;

- Grove Hall's recognition of leadership of Deb Socia and Marie St. Fleur, 7.6.10;

1) We need your immediate action!

At last night's MTBA community meeting at the Mattapan Library, the MBTA is proposing to start running the 60 foot buses (double sized) on this Saturday, June 26 on the 28 route from Mattapan T Station to Ruggles T station through Grove Hall (Blue Hill Avenue and Warren St. intersection).

There has been no community meeting in Grove Hall to address this proposal. Grove Hall will be the most impacted neighborhood by this proposal and will be facing potential gridlock once the school buses start running again in September during the morning and afternoon rush hours. Already, the regular sized MBTA buses run through red traffic lights at the intersection of Blue Hill Avenue and Washington Street (and in front of the Mall) and MBTA buses have also made left turns onto Warren Street from the middle lane that is supposed to continue straight onto Blue Hill Avenue.

The MBTA is ignoring the numerous community concerns raised at the 28x Community meetings.

We need you to immediately call, email, write + fax to:

MBTA General Manager, Richard Davey ( and Melissa Dullea,

MBTA Director of Planning and Schedules (,

(617.222.1625 – tel. and 617.222.3776 – fax).

45 High St. Boston, MA 02110

Tell them to delay the running of the 60 foot double buses on Saturday. Tell them to hold a Grove Hall community meeting to address this issue before they start the running of these buses through Grove Hall.

Michael Kozu, Project RIGHT, Inc. Community Coordinator (617.541.5451.x102)

MBTA to squeeze parking
New Route 28 buses will eliminate spots

By Richard Weir | Tuesday, June 22, 2010 | | Local Coverage

A boom for riders could be a bust for some business owners as the MBTA prepares to eliminate as any as 90 parking spaces along the Route 28 corridor to accommodate a fleet of new supersized hybrid buses.
"Most of my customers come by car and park right there," Sal Blemur, owner of Family Discount Laundromat on Blue Hill Avenue in Mattapan, said of the three parking spaces in front of his laundry business that he was told may be removed to make larger stops for the bigger buses. "It will hurt business."

MBTA chief Richard Davey said he is sensitive to such concerns, and that is why his agency is holding a public hearing on the new buses at 6 p.m. tomorrow at the Mattapan Public Library.

But he said a survey of 500 Route 28 bus passengers found that 91 percent approved of it rolling out the state-of-the-art 60-foot articulated buses, even if it means losing between 60 to 92 parking spaces along its five-mile route from Mattapan Square to Ruggles Station.

"Overall, I think that this is very good news for Route 28, but we are going to talk to the community," Davey said.
The MBTA used federal stimulus money to purchase 25 of the new buses, which cost $900,000. Davey said the modern buses, rigged with 10 security cameras, have many benefits over the shorter, 16-year-old high-floor diesel rigs they will replace:

They will reduce overcrowding, fitting 100 people sitting and standing, vs. about 65 in the 40-foot bus.
The hybrids are 20 percent more fuel efficient and produce 61 percent fewer emissions.
They "kneel" at the curb, helping disabled riders get on and off easier.

Davey said the total number of lost parking spaces, including 33 to 40 in business districts, could only be temporary because the T is conducting a review of the entire route that could eventually eliminate many clustered stops.

2) Demand for Peace in the Grove Hall Community!!!

Do you want peace in your neighborhood? Demand Peace!!!

Come walk with your friends, family, neighbors and Project RIGHT Inc on Wednesday, June 30, 2010 at 6:00pm-8:00pm on the corner of Lawrence Ave and Blue Hill Ave at Project RIGHT offices

Community Cookout and Walk demanding PEACE!!

We hope everyone who attends is able to join us in our efforts to engage the community as we walk to demand Peace!

Supporters (list in formation) – Join us as a supporter!

Grove Hall Peace Council, Project RIGHT, Inc., Boston Public Health Commission VIP initiative, Quincy Geneva Housing Corporation, Greater Grove Hall Main Streets, Rep. Liz Malia

For further information, please contact: 617.541.5454.x105

Martin Booth, Block Captain

Jessica Gilmore, Block Captain

Nicole Flynt-Thomas, PRI VIP Community Coordinator (

3) You are cordially invited to a Community Charrette (meeting)

To Review a presentation of ideas to utilize green spaces in our neighborhood

on Columbia Road along the Fairmont-Indigo Commuter rail line.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Roxbury Multi Services Center

317 Blue Hill Avenue

Sponsored by Project RIGHT, Inc. and Quincy Geneva Housing Corporation

For more information, contact Robert Thompson (QGHC) at 617.442.5711 or Jorge Martinez (PRI) at 617.541.5454.x100


Full Membership Meeting

Tuesday, July 7, 2010

5:30 p.m. Reception

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Celebration

Lilla Frederick Pilot Middle School

270 Columbia Road


Call to Order/Roll Call

Introductions/ welcome

Come and celebrate the successes of the Lilla Frederick Pilot Middle School and the leadership provided by Deb Socia (outgoing LGFPMS principal) and Marie St. Fleur (former State Representative and now Mayor Thomas Menino's Chief of Advocacy in Strategic Investments) for Grove Hall


(Project RIGHT, Inc. receives support from the Grove Hall Safe Neighborhood Initiative/ Boston Weed and Seed Site, Boston Public Health Commission, Boston Centers for Youth & Families, Mayor Thomas Menino/ City's Parks & Recreation Department, Suffolk County District Attorney Conley's Office, Executive Office of Public Safety, Boston Police Department, Dept. of Public Health and the Hayden, Hyams, Boston, Yawkey, Common Stream, New World, Citizens Bank and anonymous Fnds., Tufts Medical Center, MA Census Equity Fund, Secretary of State Gavlin's Office, Roxbury Trust Fund & Institute for Health & Recovery)

Project R.I.G.H.T., Inc, 320 A Blue Hill Avenue, Dorchester MA 02121-4367

Phone (617) 541-5454, x100 Fax (617) 427-7160

e-mail address:

For further information on the celebration, contact Michael Kozu, PRI Community Coordinator (617.541.5451.x102) or

The above information was compiled by Michael Kozu, PRI Community Coordinator (617.541.5451.x102). To unsubscribe, reply back with message to unsubscribe.


3. Dedication Ceremony to BOSTON'S FIRST BLACK POLICE OFFICER,Horatio J. Homer (6/26--10:00am)


Mayor Thomas M. Menino, Police commissioner Edward E. Davis

and the Boston Police Dept request the honor of your presence at the dedication of a graveston recognizing the service of Sergeant Horatio J. Homer, the first African American Boston Police Officer.

The dedication will take place on

Sat. June 26, 2010

10:00 am

@ the Evergreen Cemetery

2060 Commonwealth Avenue

Brighton, MA

Horatio J. Homer was appointed December 24, 1878, promoted to Sergeant in 1895, and retired January 29, 1919 after more than 40 years of service.

Participating in the dedication will be descendants of Horatio and Lydia Homer and members of the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment, Company A.

Please RSVP to P.O. Robert Anthony at 617 343 5388.


4. The Tough Questions: Panel Discussion on Expanding the Boston Convention + Exhibition Ctr (6/28--8am-10am)


Dear Colleagues and Friends.

You may be interested in the following event

The Tough Questions:
A Panel Discussion on Expanding the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center


Charles Chieppo, Senior Fellow, Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research
Dan O'Connell, President, Massachusetts Competitive Partnership
Lisa Petraglia, Director of Economic Research, Economic Development Research Group
Sam Tyler, President, Boston Municipal Research Bureau

Moderated by David Luberoff, Executive Director, Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston

Monday, June 28
8 am to 10 am

Ballroom Lobby, Boston Convention and Exhibition Center
415 Summer Street, Boston

RSVP to Jeanne Sullivan at or 617-954-2469.

Sponsored by the Massachusetts Convention Center Authority and the Convention Partnership

To unsubscribe from this list, send an email with "Unsubscribe" in the subject line to


5. COMMUNITY ALERT....RALLY @ Scott Brown's Office--Monday 6/28


Hi Everyone,

I am writing to urge you to call Senator Brown's office (202-224-4543) today and to encourage everyone you know to call him about his destructive vote against the Extender bill that would have funded youth summer jobs, essential state services, and extended unemployment benefits for hundreds of thousands of people throughout Massachusetts and the country. Because of his vote, people in Boston and many other urban and poor neighborhoods will lose their homes and children will go hungry. In addition, the loss of this funding will force the state to cut an additional $600 million from an already bare bones budget. This will mean more local aid cuts, further cuts in state funded youth jobs, cuts in state funded health care benefits, reductions and outright elimination of other essential violence prevention and gang prevention services to youth and the loss of many other essential services.

His explanation that he voted no on this critically important bill because it adds to the deficit is both hard hearted and disingenuous. Voting for deficit spending is just fine when it pays for tax cuts for the wealthy. But when it comes to unemployed people who can't pay their mortgage, or youth who desperately need a job, or keeping local police, fire, and teachers employed, then all of sudden he is concerned about the deficit.

Please take a few minutes to express your feelings about his vote today and implore him to move to have this bill reconsidered. Tell him he must change his vote and urge other members of his party vote in the interest of poor and working and middle class families. Then call him again next week and encourage everyone you know to do the same.

You can also fax him a letter expressing your concern at (202) 228-2646.

Thanks for your help.


6. JALSA: Important Action Items + Upcoming Events including Env Justice/Licensing Solar Jobs--July 1


June 25, 2010 Tammuz 13, 5770

white logo

In Memory


Our condolences to the family and friends of Sonia Weitz
Holocaust survivor with whom JALSA has worked
to provide education to current generations of children
so that they would know of this history.

Join Our Mailing List

Significant civil rights issue in Senate Ways and Means
Please call members of
Senate Ways and Means and leadership

In recent years, we've seen new efforts to eliminate various workplace protections. One of these techniques is to require employees to sign waivers, before they get a job, promising to put all workplace disagreements to arbitration panels of the employer's discretion. Many workers would not assume that such waivers could mean giving up their basic job rights, such as the right to make a discrimination claim before the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination. Several court cases have continued to consider these waivers and what protections employees can or cannot be forced to give up. Court decisions have varied on this issue and legislation is needed to make sure that people do not unwittingly waive these rights.

A bill to prevent such prospective waivers from being enforced in relation to claims of discrimination, retaliation, harassment, or violations of public policy, is now pending and is in the Senate Committee on Ways and Means. Members are asked to contact Senate leadership and members of the Committee from their districts and ask their own Senators to speak to members of the Committee, indicating the importance of this legislation.

The bill is particularly timely because the US Supreme Court considered this in a case just this past Monday. In that case,
the Court did not disallow the waiver because the plaintiff had not raised the issue of the constitutionality of such waivers early enough in the process of the lawsuit.

Members are urged to call members of Senate Ways and Means (See left column).

Immediate Action Needed

Racial Profiling - Call today
The media has focused on the bill which deals with texting while driving and what kinds of oversight elderly drivers should have.

A separate bill is likely to be considered when the Senate returns to complete its action on the safe driving bill. Senator Chang-Diaz is strongly encourage debate on the racial profiling bill - now Senate Bill 2309. Members are urged to contact their senators ASAP and urge them to vote YES on SB2309.

JALSA has supported efforts to deal with racial profiling in traffic stops for many years. We urge you call your state senators this morning.

Paid Sick Leave
Bill remains in
Senate Ways and Means. Calls to House and Senate leadership and members of Senate Ways and Means
urging debate on this bill this term.

Rally - Monday June 28 at JFK Federal Building

The Senate has been unable to pass an extension of unemployment benefits or reform of Medicare Funding.

A temporary 6 month reprieve has been passed for Medicare payments, but the extension of unemployment benefits was thwarted.

Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown was one of the votes against passage. The final vote was three votes short of what was needed.
GBIO (Greater Boston Interfaith Organization) has asked us to take part in a rally to urge Senator Brown to change his vote as these issues continue to be considered.

$685 million for the Commonwealth was at issue in this legislation (Federal Medical Assistance Program) as well as
· Tax credits for small businesses
· An extension of unemployment benefits
· Better funding for our public schools and universities

JFK Federal Building, Room 2400 (( Scott Brown's office )).

GBIO has asked that JALSA members who have blue GBIO t-shirts wear them. (They will have some extras available.). Other groups participating in this rally include unions, Health Care For All, Mass Homecare, Mass Senior Action Council, National Association of Social Workers, Massachusetts Teachers Association, Boston Council for Independent Living, Stavros, Public Higher Education of Massachusetts, Ethos, the Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers and Scientists, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness.

JALSA Task Force on Environmental Justice:
Licensing Solar Jobs

solar panels

July 1, 12:30 p.m.
JALSA Conference Room
18 Tremont Street, Boston

A January, 2009 ruling by the Board of State Examiners of Electricians, Division of Professional Licensure, has been protested by solar organizations as overly restrictive.

What licenses are and should be required of those who do solar installations? The answer will affect their quality, reliability, the safety of the operation, its cost, and the speed with which the Commonwealth can meet its ambitious solar agenda. On July 1 at
12:30, JALSA will host a discussion of this important issue and ways to resolve the important issues involved. We will hear from:

Chris Kilfoyle of the North East Solar Energy Association;

Steven Weisman of Solar Energy Business Alliance of New England;

Greg Watson, Senior Advisor for Clean Energy Technology, Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and

Travis Watson, whose work with the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative is to bring local residents and trade unions together to work out ways that the goals of unions and local residents seeking jobs can mesh.

This is not a green project per se, but the work involves a process to deal with labor issues.

You are invited to suggest, or bring, parties who are interested in a constructive discussion. Please RSVP as soon as you know your plans, as JALSA has a small meeting room but can arrange for a larger one if we have sufficient notice. Please do not hesitate to call to discuss this matter if you have any questions.

RSVP on-line to the JALSA Office

7. (ZBA) City of Boston Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing: What's in your neighborhood? (6/29--9:30)


ROOM 801


JUNE 29, 2010


BZC-30301 630 East Second Street, Ward 6 Michael Indresano

BZC-30363 630 East Second Street, Ward 6 Michael Indresano


BZC-28020 30 Jefffries Street, Ward 1 Ray Bassiouni

BZC-27260 41 Norwood Street, Ward 16 Dorchester Great Space, LLC

BZC-28479 121-125 Brookline Avenue, Ward 21 121 Brookline Avenue, LLC

BZC-28670 121-125 Brookline Avenue, Ward 21 121 Brookline Avenue, LLC

BZC-30137 51 Burton Street, Ward 22 John Qualter


BZC-30505 44 Brooks Street, Ward 1 Nicolas Portillo

BZC-30512 227-235 Washington Street, Ward 3 Washington St. Ptrs (by A&T Food Ser. d/b/a Archies Pl)

BZC-30511 6 Milford Street, Ward 3 Robert Bonds

BZC-30510 209 West Springfield Street, Ward 4 Robert Alessandro

BZC-30525 41 Rutland Square, Ward 4 Jeff Conklin

BZC-30537 775 East Fourth Street, Ward 6 Michael Dirrane (by Steven Deering)

BZC-30520 525 East Broadway, Ward 6 St. George Church

BZC-30517 202 West First Street, Ward 6 Julian Gordon

BZC-30572 47 Kemble Street, Ward 8 Green Operations Boston (by Paul Caggiano)

BZC-30513 2 French Terrace, Ward 10 Jeff Matthew

BZC-30516 2-6 Hyde Park Avenue, Ward 11 Two-16 Hyde Park Avenue LPS

BZC-30507 25 Wyoming Street, Ward 12 NRC Housing Limited Ptrs.(by Clear Wireless)

BZC-30522 157 Humboldt Avenue, Ward 12 Pleasant Hill Baptist Church

BZC-30523 176 Humboldt Avenue, Ward 12 VBCDC

BZC-30545 202 Savin Hill Avenue, Ward 13 Church in Boston (by Franklin Bruce Light)

BZC-30524 12 Corwin Street, Ward 15 Doan Hien

BZC-30514 24 Arcadia Street, Ward 15 Hiep Van Tran


BZC-30503 163-171 Neponset Avenue, Ward 16 151 Neponset Realty Trust (by John Kelley, Tr.)

BZC-30515 71 Kittredge Street, Ward 18 Edward Munoz

BZC-30521 77 Cummins Highway, Ward 19 Nevio Dinanno & Maria Dinan (by Chang Sun)

BZC-30534 38 Knoll Street, Ward 20 Brian Engler

BZC-30518 38 Spring Street, Ward 20 Ernest Nasif

BZC-30458 9 Sterns Road, Ward 20 Russell Forsberg

BZC-30504 36 cotton Street, Ward 20 Vicki Grodsky & Dan Styklunas

BZC-30529 61 Grayfield Avenue, Ward 20 Michael Barone

BZC-30506 1505 Commonwealth Ave., Ward 21 Comex LLC (by Clear Wireless)

BZC-30508 31 Matchett Street, Ward 22 Larry Scripp & Beatrice Affron

RE-DISCUSSIONS: 11:30 a.m.

BZC-30356 120 Buttonwood Street, Ward 7 Donika Pulake

BZC-30383 425 East Sixth Street, Ward 7 Amanda Steinberg

BZC-30253 43 Fulda Street, Ward 11 Winston Bowen

BZC-30410 15 Bearse Avenue, Ward 17 Jason Sobel

BZC-30371 20 Pierce Avenue, Ward 18 Raymond Jean Michel

BZC-30395 32-46 Brooks Street, Ward 22 Mohammad Adam

BZC-30427 165 Chestnut Hill Avenue, Ward 22 Leonid Shapiro









8. Union of Minority Neighborhoods: B-B-Q (6/30--5pm)

Union of Minority Neighborhoods

Join Our Mailing List
Hot Dogs, Burgers, Drinks, & GOOD COMPANY









WHEN: Wednesday June 30th 5pm-8:30pm


891 Centre Street


Plenty of parking and the 38 bus stops at our front door!







Union of Minority Neighborhoods
(617) 522.3349
fax: (617) 522.3351

9. UniverSoul Circus Healthcare Employee Night--6/30 (6/29 - 7/5)

Questions? Send e-mail to

10. The Gene Pool (7/1-7/31) Reception (7/11--2-8pm)

Color Circle Art Newsletter

The GENE POOL July 1-31, 2010

Artists' Reception July 11, 2-8pm

Group Exhibition Featuring

Destiny Palmer, Sean Flood,

Paul Goodnight and Percy Fortini-Wright

Dear Joyce,

"When the artist can make art the medium for a greater love, only triumph is possible." Barry Edmund Gaither, Director, The National Center for African-American Artists and American Art Scholar

Gene Pool Invite

GI Logo

The Goodnight Initiative

The GOODNIGHT INITIATIVE is a proud and supportive collaborator of THE GENE POOL Group Exhibition.

The Goodnight Initiative is an ambitious project dedicated to promoting mentorship and educational leadership in the arts. Our mission is to provide artists with the necessary tools to manage their own businesses, while also enhancing the effort to create programs for the youth in underserved communities around the nation and eventually the world.

Read more . . .

We look forward to your presence at the Artists Opening Reception on July 11th and during the entire month.

All events are free and open to the public. Please share this email with your friends and family as we strive to make this a successful venue for these extremely gifted artists.

Aziza Robinson-Goodnight, Founder

The Goodnight Initiative

Goodnight Photo by Weiss

Join Paul Goodnight on FaceBook!

Mitch Weiss Photo

Color Circle Art Publishing, Inc.
Since 1991

11. June Issue: Ethnic Online 2010

problems viewing click here:

RSVPImage Map
Did you know there is a
Stock Market For Black Owned Companies?
Check out Ethnic Onlines Home Page:
Be sure to visit our new "Career Center" and let us know what you think.
To advertise with us email to:
For more information on Ethnic Online
Leonard Webb
Publisher & Founder
phone: 781-652-0777

This email was sent by Leonard Webb, The Professionals Connection
Ethnic Online , PO Box 171071 Boston, MA 02116


$$ New Authorship Award $$

Current Eligibility: Seriously Inspired young brothers ages 14-29 who are from the Greater Dudley Area, (Grove Hall to Egleston, to Washington Park, to Dudley Square to Uphams Corner, Ruggles, Jackson Square and Roxbury Crossing).

Award: fifty (50) dollars with free scholarship to the Writerwayssm Insitute.

Number of Awards: four.

Extended Deadline: August 10, 2010.

Entry fee: none.

Read More Below

Award Description

The Writerways Writing, Publishing and Entrepreneurial Workshop Series awards a fifty (50) dollar cash award with free book publication, (of the collective work of winning authors), and at least 20 complimentary copies of the book go to each contributing author.

The full award includes 50 dollars per author with free 12-week enrollment in the fall 2010 Writerways Institute Writing, Publishing and Entrepreneurial Workshop Series at Roxbury Crossing in Boston Massachusetts.

The cash award is tied to terms of the full award.

Four (4) different authors are honored by the award, for written work relating well with the Institute's interest and goals and showing exceptional merit dealing with any approach on this topic:

~What Ptah Hotep, Akhenantan and Enoch have in common ~.

Sponsored by

The Writerways Institute New Authorship Award for 2010.

Current Eligibility
Seriously Inspired boys and young men ages 14-29 who reside and/or were born in the Greater Dudley Area. Up to 3 simultaneous submissions are allowed, but previously published work is ineligible. Entries will be judged by the ad hoc awards committee of the Writerways Institute. Pardon the inconvenience, but proof of eligibility via birth certificate and/or other documentation is required to receive award.

Entry Deadline (Extended)
All articles must be received by August 10, 2010

Entry Guidelines
Each author may enter up to three pieces of original, unpublished writing. Entries may be in any literary mode, variety of literary modes and/or blend of literary modes---such as lyric, poem, narrative, essay, letter, script….

Unconventional grammatical usage and unique page designs are acceptable.

Each article should be inspired, meaningful, written in basic American English and may be as short as can be, (such as three or four lines), and should be no more than six pages in length.

Award consideration will go to such articles that relate well with the Institute's interest and goals and show exceptional merit in treatment of this topic:

~ what Ptah Hotep, Akhenantan and Enoch have in common ~.

Articles should be submitted by self-entry along with a cover statement telling entrant's name, full eligibility and all contact information.

Entries must be submitted by post mail to:

WRITERWAYS, C/O PO BOX 1242, BOSTON MA 02446-0010.

(If you face serious hardship sending mail, contact the Institute, by email---or call

collect from a Verizon pay phone < 1-781-757-0002> ---and detail contact information with your request for no cost delivery consideration.)

For more information about

The Writerways Insitute's Writing Publishing

and Entrepreneurial Workshop Series

---no phone calls please---

just email:


The Writerways Writing, Publishing and

Entrepreneurial Workshop Series

Fall 2010


Membership / 12-week enrollment, training & facilitation, refreshments, reserve models and references, tours, dictionaries, production fees, MBTA travel, copyright registration, bulk copies of anthology book for each author of it, plus more. Option to add web and CD versions after your print book production.


Seriously inspired men, ages 14-29, from Greater Dudley (includes Dudley Sq to Uphams Crnr., Grove Hall, Washngton Pk., Egleston Sq., to Roxbury Xing.

No portfolios nor diplomas required.

No computer skills needed to enroll.

Application Deadline: August 30, 2010


Just send your simple letter explaining interest and

eligibility; postmail or email with your full

contact info and request for interview, to:


C/O BOX 1242

BOSTON MA 02446-0010


Ask for details to also enter the

writing contest for a
$50.00 cash prize tied to the scholarship.

~ no phone calls thank you ~

~ limited enrollment ~


The Writerways Institutesm is another award-winning positive focus within a larger community development initiative by the facilitator who has, over many years, had the pleasure and honor to serve thousands of Boston youth and adults in the combined areas of public health, mass media and communication arts & science. Community service positions and internships offered.

13. Bobby Vines Memorial Sickle Cell Walk-A-Thon Around the Boston Commons (7/24--9am-1pm)
Attached is the pledge and registration forms for the Bobby Vines Memorial Sickle Cell Walk scheduled for
July 24th on the Boston Common.

1542 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02120

Tel: 617-427-4100





Ø GET SUMMER gives high school students memberships for FREE from June 1st to September 5th. Teens must present a report card or school ID to receive this membership; parent/ guardian signature is required on the membership application for students under 18 years of age.

GET SUMMER Hours are Sundays 8am to 7pm, Mondays through Fridays 2-9pm (the YDC is only open 2-6pm) and Saturdays 7-9pm

Please note for a teen to access the Fitness Room s/he must sign-up & attend a Fitness Etiquette Orientation; these are held Wednesdays 3-4pm with Rick or Fridays 10-11am with Becky

Ø 2010 Summer Intramural Basketball League (for teens ages 15+) will run on Sundays throughout the summer and end with our 2nd Annual Championship Cookout on September 5th. Each team is allowed 7 players and must have a coach (coaches must be over the age of 22 and be always be present for a team to play)

Deadline to register is July 2nd

Contact Joanne for more information at 617.436.7750 ext. 217 OR via email at

Ø Munchies, Movies & More: participants will prepare something to eat, watch a movie & hangout

Mondays 3-6pm (meets in the YDC building)

$5 per week

Ø Real Talk: teens meet every Wednesday (4-6pm) to discuss issues of everyday relevance (i.e. sex, drugs, education, violence, etc) in a safe, diverse and supportive environment

Free to participate (meets in the YDC building)

Ø Thursday Night FULL COURT Basketball: every Thursday from 6-9pm the Dorchester YMCA GYM is only available for full-court pick-up games!

Free to participate; non-members must pay a guest fee to access the facility

Ø YGems: this program promotes positive behavior and healthy life-style choices in adolescent girls in our community. YGEMS meet weekly for workshops, discussions and off-site activities. This program will offer and promote opportunities for its participants to develop skills in leadership & community awareness, communication, responsibility, discipline and self-confidence.

Summer Session begins Friday, July 9th

Free to participate

Ø Teen Nights: local youth are invited to hangout at the Dorchester YMCA for a variety of activities every Saturday evening; the entire building including the fitness equipment & the pool is available for use. One Saturday per month there will be a poetry and/or dance slam competition.

$5 for Members and Non-members

Ø Teen Parties will be held once a month; please note Boston Police and Street Workers are always present for parties

Ø Swim & Sport Sundays: children ages 6-10 and 11-14 will engage in water activities, learn to play & participate in various sports and enjoy fun-learning activities!

Sundays 10-1:30pm

$60 for Members $75 for Program Members $100 for Non-members

$20 per week for drop-in participants

**$15 per each additional child in a family; does not apply to drop-in rates**

Ø Football Clinic: this program is for children ages 9-15 year olds; children will run drills and practice the fundamentals of football; no prior knowledge or equipment is required!!

Fridays 6-7:30pm

$15 per child per session

Ø Jr. Celtics Basketball League: For more info contact Joanne at 617.436.7750 or via email @

Summer Session begins July 10th

$30 for Members $45 for Program Members $60 for Non-members

Ø Tween Track: children between the ages of 11 and 14 will address self-image, fitness and fun through conditioning and healthy competition

$30 for Members $45 for Program Members $60 for Non-members

Ø Leaders in Service: Are you looking for something to do over the summer or just need to complete community service hours? Experience in office administration, event planning & promoting and sports leadership are available

Free to participate


-- THE END --


( Stay tuned, as the struggle continues. )


Occasionally we receive information from people regarding organizations

and businesses. While we share this information with you, it should not

be seen as an endorsement of their services.


Chuck Turner, District 7 Boston City Councillor

City Hall Office--(617) 635-3510 / District Office--(617) 427-8100

ROXBURY: WARD 8, Pcts 3-4, 7; WARD 9, Pcts 3-5; WARD 11, Pcts 1-3, 5; WARD 12, Pcts 1-9

DORCHESTER: Ward 7, Pct 10; Ward 8, Pcts 5-6; Ward 13, Pcts 1-2, 4-5

SOUTH END: Ward 4, Pct 4; Ward 9, Pct 2

FENWAY : Ward 4, Pcts 5, 8-9

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